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Access Denied: This application does not have the required permissions to access profile information. Pnp Framework

I'm using pnp framework with App registration client id & secret to authenticate to sharepoint site. I'm able to access list & user based on email. I need to find manager of the user from ...
prvn's user avatar
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How to overcome SharePoint list advanced settings read access

I have this settings on my SharePoint list: and I'm asking you guys if there is any possibility, to edit items (status field) from external service Navision (Microsoft Dynamics NAV) with this ...
Multihunter's user avatar
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How to show and hide button from page load by permission group How do it on Page Load by Code Behind [duplicate]

If a current logged user belongs to a given Sharepoint group, he or she should see button. If not belongs the button should hide. How could I do this from Page Load by code behind ? Please help me. ...
Grzegorz Z's user avatar
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Webparts Permission for SharePoint Online

I have created sites and subsite for a intranet using sharepoint online and would like some of the users to only update properties of the webpart or the content it holds and not delete or add. How can ...
Wajeeh Hasan's user avatar
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SharePoint Admin Center API Access request not showing up after adding solution to App Catalog

Based on a discussion with a colleague who reported an unexpected behavior (very similar to Missing Approved requests - Broken API Access), I tried to deploy a test package in our SPO with the ...
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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Error 'shared_logicflows' When Exporting Power App

When exporting a power app that we have at work I get this error: "The caller object id is 'GUID1'. Connection 'GUID2' to 'shared_logicflows' cannot be used to activate this flow, either because ...
Raphael Canciani's user avatar
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In SP Online, give contributor level user ability to edit page name (in addition to title)

I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I have a SharePoint Online site with authors (contributor permission level) who publish news articles via the news post feature. I am attempting to give ...
Hexblader's user avatar
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POSTing a file to sharepoint sub-site returns a 403, while it works on the root

My python script below to upload a file (without a specific user account) to a sharepoint is working, however only when I upload to the root. When I try to use the url of a sub-site I receive a 403 ...
djangonaut's user avatar
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Missing Approved requests - Broken API Access

I am a developer, and we are currently developing an application. Recently, we added new API permissions in SPFx. After accepting the permissions and refreshing the page, almost all permissions were ...
Sławomir Bąk's user avatar
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Flow run-only permissions

I want some users with edit permissions to a list to run a manually triggered flow, and others not to be able. It looks like you can share run-only access with an AD group, but not with a SharePoint ...
Stu's user avatar
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Script Editor text not showing on clients, and Icons not tranparent on clients or with background image for site

First question I have a Script Editor Web Part on the landing page of my SharePoint 2016 classic website, displaying text, Good morning (afternoon/evening), UserName,. On the WFE server it is ...
user269812's user avatar
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Users are getting Access Denied if they try to access th site without specifying the home page name

I have a communication online sharepoint site, and i defined some users to have access (Read-Only) to only the home page nothing else. now the users can access the home page using this full url (by ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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Secure the approval data inside sharepoint list [closed]

We have a SharePoint list named Contracts, with these main fields:- ID Title Number Approval Status now we granted our Operation employees + Operation managers Contribute permission on the list. ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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Break Permission at Folder Level of a Library with more than 100k items

I need to understand the limitation of unable to break permissions at folder, library and list with more than 100k items. Suppose I have library which has more than 100k items. So as per the ...
Joywin DSouza IN's user avatar
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I have created a SharePoint library but my colleague can not upload a file

I have created a SharePoint library but my colleague can not upload a file. Why is that? And how to solve it.
user1903995's user avatar
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How to give everyone acces accept external users to my sharepoint site

I have created a SharePoint Communication site where I want to give access to everybody. So I found the permission group: "Everyone accept External users". How can I make this work.
user1903995's user avatar
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Group being added to parent site automatically

This has been happening for a while on our SharePoint Online Site. These are the steps to recreate: I have a document library that is no longer inheriting permission from the parent site. I give ...
cflasrado's user avatar
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Power Automate - How to remove Microsoft 365 Group from Folder permissions in SharePoint

I have a requirement to remove all permissions from a new doc set each time one is created, then have my flow grant specific permissions from there. I have several Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint ...
Quilly's user avatar
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SharePoint Online Library - When a new Doc Set is created, only the creator should have permissions

I have a SharePoint Online Library which requires users to create a new doc set, which triggers flows for approvals, etc. I just modified the Library Permissions to Stop Inheriting Permissions, but ...
Quilly's user avatar
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Access Denied Error while setting up Site Properties using CSOM in SharePoint online

I have a CSOM web job in place that creates a new SharePoint site and then sets its's properties using a Property bag. Below is the code. The app which is being used for all the operations has Tenant ...
Dhruvil Prajapati's user avatar
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Sharepoint different permission between site and document library

have a sharepoint site let's say : this site has : a) home page b) document library c) subsite and the subsite has : d) home page ane document library e) ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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Need help with sharepoint project [I'm totally new with Sharepoint]

I'm currently doing an internship with a company (a 7-week internship) and the company has given me an internship project involving the use of Sharepoint. The problem is that out of these 7 weeks I ...
Nozzuo's user avatar
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Hide Site Content in Site Settings for Members or Contributors

Is it possible to Hide Site Content in Site Settings for Members or Contributors? The users need to have contributors access as they would be creating pages but don't want them to see the link. Is ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Default Library of SharePoint Online with Approval management - need explanation for permissions?

When using approval management for default library (Shared Documents) for SharePoint Online, it seems that documents are automatically visible to some people and to others not. E.g. I saw that my user ...
private7's user avatar
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What is the limited access permission?

When I share a folder or file with an user then the user gets automatically also added at the site level with limited access permission. If I remove the access of this user, even then the user ...
variable's user avatar
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Does restoring file/folder post delete retain the permissions?

When a file/folder is deleted and then restored, then does it retain the permissions? Does the behaviour differ if the inheritence is broken or not?
variable's user avatar
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Does copying or moving folder/files retain the permissions?

What is the expected permissions behaviour when file/folder is copied or moved? Does permissions get transferred along with the file/folder? Does it matter if the folder has inheritence broken or not?
variable's user avatar
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SystemUpdate() causes "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."

I need to use ".SystemUpdate()" inside Azure Function. I'm getting the token using Resource Owner Password Credentials flow and: After performing SystemUpdate I got "Attempted to ...
Konrad's user avatar
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What is the minimum permission needed by user to be able to share files/folders/manage permissions?

What is the minimum permission that a user needs to: Share files/folders Share document library Share site Can user share only files/folders/doc library that was owned by them or can they share it ...
variable's user avatar
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How to give access to users to the home page?

I have a SharePoint site with multiple document libraries. Permission is broken at the document library level. Various windows groups have been assigned to various document libraries. User can access ...
variable's user avatar
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Which users have access to the additional items that come with the team site?

Along with a SharePoint team site I get a lot of things like O365 group, mailbox, planner, etc. But who exactly has access to this mailbox, planner, etc? Is it the SharePoint owner, member, visitor or ...
variable's user avatar
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What is the use case of subsites in SharePoint online?

Instead of subsites, Microsoft recommends having independent site collections and commencing them via hub site. One of core reasons for this seems to be the fact that a sub site by default inherits ...
variable's user avatar
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How to share sub folders across parent folders with users such that they can access and traverse to the subfolders?

I have a folder hierarchy as explained below: At the top level I have one folder for each client. Example: Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Suzuki, etc Each client folder has subfolder for the parts Dealer. ...
variable's user avatar
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Where is site collection administrator option in communication site?

Under the site permissions, for a team site I can see the site collection administration. I think this is the case because I'm the O355 group owner. But for communication site I don't get this option. ...
variable's user avatar
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How to allow Member to share files?

I have assign a test user with member permissions. In the settings, I have enabled the following: allow members to share the site and individual files and folders However, the user cannot share files ...
variable's user avatar
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Where is the member and owner group membership held in the O365 group that's created for SharePoint teams site?

I have created a SharePoint teams site: test123 As part of this I have got a group called test123 along with mailbox [email protected] In the SharePoint site, when I click on add members button ...
variable's user avatar
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How to check user permissions to SharePoint folders (with inheritence indicator)?

Via site usage I have run the report that shows me the folder permissions. The problem with this report is that it doesn't tell me if the folder permissions also applies to the sub folder or not. The ...
variable's user avatar
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Single users permissions on SharePoint

I need advice on how to manage specific folder permissions on a SharePoint site. Users who can edit all will be members of the site, users who can only read everything will be visitors and instead, ...
BussoSP's user avatar
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How to prevent downloading but allow editing files and folders in Microsoft Teams (SharePoint)

Microsoft Teams has automatically a Guests group to users outside of the organization. I'm looking for a solution where folder with Word and Excel files are for online editing but not right to ...
syreeni's user avatar
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Can't add user in SharePoint group

Currently I've been a group owner and have full control permission and I want to add a user to my group, but when I try to add it, I'm facing some issues that I don't have access and I cannot navigate ...
Yona's user avatar
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User getting error when opening SharePoint customized Power Apps form

I have an intake form in PowerApps (SharePoint list form) that is live, and has many users. There are some who are receiving this error when they open the form from SharePoint: I'm not sure why this ...
Quilly's user avatar
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What is the best option to list all sub-folders that a user has access to if the user does not have permission on the library or on the root folder

We have the following folder structure inside a SharePoint online site's document library to manage our customers:- Documents CustomerA Main General Specs CustomerB Main General Specs CustomerC ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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Power Automate HTTP request to get groups and permission levels associated with them

I am using the HTTP request in power automate below to get a list of permissions groups for my site. In addition I would like to get the groups permission level / role id by name. How could this be ...
Kirsten's user avatar
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Do teams connected SharePoint sites not support direct access/advanced permission management?

Do teams connected SharePoint sites not support direct access/advanced permissions management? Link: Overview of Teams and SharePoint integration. Above link has a table wherein for sharing it only ...
variable's user avatar
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What is the difference between the members on home page vs members in the site permissions?

On the SharePoint site home page, at the top right, just below the settings (gear) icon I can see the following text: 3 members. When I click on this I can see 3 users: myself with Owner permissions, ...
variable's user avatar
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Item level permission do not work

I have a list "Staff Contact Information" which is assigned to a user group. I want user to see or edit the item only they were created. So I setup the Item-level Permission to "Read ...
Asif Karim's user avatar
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List permissions in SharePoint Online

I have a list in SharePoint online. The users have a hierarchy that goes like this: Department Owner Group is the owner of this group. I have three other groups - Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3. Each of ...
Ravishankar Viswanatharao's user avatar
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Using Sites.Selected with library / list / folder / item scoped permissions

As per the title, is it possible to add let's say read permissions to an app on a site, but only on a specific scope? Also, is it possible to use custom permission levels for the same app, instead of ...
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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How to provide access to Distribution List in SharePoint modern site

There is a distribution list in an organization. In general this is used to send email to large group of staffs. Now I have requirement to provide access to this DL in SharePoint Modern site. I tried ...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Grant SP group manage permissions, but not be able to grant Full control

I'd like to have a specific SharePoint group with the ability to manage permissions on a site, but only be able to grant edit and read. Can this be done?
Jacob's user avatar
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