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Questions tagged [api]

Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service. When used as a question tag, please be sure to describe in your question which APIs are being used.

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Odata feed from sharepoint server to get MS Project data

I am trying to fetch MsProject Server data from sharepoint 2019 into PowerBI Desktop via following API /_api/ProjectData/ Its showing the data in preview but not loading into Power BI. Any suggestion ...
cjs's user avatar
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SharePoint Admin Center API Access request not showing up after adding solution to App Catalog

Based on a discussion with a colleague who reported an unexpected behavior (very similar to Missing Approved requests - Broken API Access), I tried to deploy a test package in our SPO with the ...
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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Can I get all items from multiple SharePoint lists using none-premium connector

I have a site content type named "Asset", and we are adding custom lists and add this content type to them. now using Power Automate I want to get all items from all the underlying custom ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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I'm having reliability issues with using C# REST Sharepoint API for bulk updates on a list

My calls to the Sharepoint REST API with my C# application are working. Some of the time. Other times I will call ExecuteQuery and they throw exceptions with unhelpful messages like "Could not ...
Inglonias's user avatar
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Getting "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold" despite amount of filtered data is less then 5000

I am using a following API link to get a list of old files from SharePoint site:'Documents')/items?$filter=Modified le '2017-12-...
user3154163's user avatar
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Error using MSGraph python API for SharePoint when trying to move files

I am trying to utilize the MSGraph API in Python in order to move SharePoint files around based on some input. I currently have the download part of the API settled, but moving the file does not work ...
soulsbornefan's user avatar
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Rest API to list contents of a directory

There are a series of documents that get uploaded to a SharePoint instance. These documents need to be uploaded elsewhere and quite a few places. Currently this is a manual action that is error prone ...
Bryan Abrams's user avatar
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graph shares root api can not return more than 200 items

I try to fetch all items in a shared SharePoint folder. Currently I am using: "!{folder}=/root?expand=children" Response: "children": [] //...
Daniel Ehrhardt's user avatar
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How to call an external Api for prayer timings from SharePoint OnPremise(2019)

I want PrayerTimings API to be called on Page load. I am using SharePoint 2019. When I use the API inside the server is not getting called. I am injecting the 'Prayertime.js' file using my SPFx ...
Aparna Sunil's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'post') Posting to Azure web API from SPFX

I hope someone can help me with this. I’m getting error message TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'post'). The Azure function is working fine and is used in other projects.
Kristinn Lindal's user avatar
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ClientContext API will not return items in Teams SharePoint site, works fine in SharePoint Online

Would there be a difference in using the 'older' SharePoint ClientContext/CSOM based API against a site in SharePoint Online versus one that is a part of a Team? I have a bit of code that works just ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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Sharepoint API Fetching 3 times? Instead of 1

I have been facing this issue whereby my sharepoint api is fetching more than once. The function is only being called once BUT it fetches more than once..? Which causes some issue for the displays. ...
Jedi's user avatar
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Azure ACS retirement in Microsoft 365 - legacy SharePoint REST API impacted?

According to Azure ACS will stop working for new tenants as of November 1st, 2024 and it will stop ...
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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API does not return updated date for calendar event

Situation A user creates calendar events in SPO. We use PowerAutomate to send an email once a week with a listing of the events that will take place in the next two weeks. Problem Sometimes, the date ...
jasotastic's user avatar
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Calling HTTP endpoints via On-premises data gateway

I have a requirement to get information from an old legacy system thats on premise. If they have an API that is exposed can I use data gateway and a custom connector? I need to use Power Automate to ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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2 answers

Get a list of files in a sub folder in the Documents Library of Sharepoint site

I am trying to find the best way to get files inside a specific sub folder in the sharepoint website, but the only links I find relate to the root folders. I have a Sharepoint site which is really ...
JMZ's user avatar
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Update SharePoint List item using Rest API in C#

I am writing an API in Web API 2.0 on C# to perform various Actions with SharePoint List items. I have tried the following code to update the Status Column of a List item: HttpWebRequest ...
Alina Anjum's user avatar
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CRUD actions in a SharePoint MsLists

We are trying to automate some actions, which are now handled manually. The thing we try to achieve is to insert automatically data from a webform into a new MsLists line. For this we need to connect ...
Duikboot's user avatar
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Get Items from SharePoint is raising this error :- "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold."

I have this Get All Items where i define the threshold to be 100,00 as follow:- now on runtime >> i will get this error , any advice how to fix this error? The attempted operation is prohibited ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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SharePoint API - ItemCount shows something but empty list of files and folders

I'm accessing a SharePoint folder that contains two files and a subfolder. I'm getting back a correct ItemCount but no list of items. Using a made-up path of /sites/sitename/folder1/folder1, and ...
Terminologist's user avatar
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Accessing the marketplace API in SPFX

There is sufficient documentation on how the Marketplace API can resolve, activate, list,etc subscriptions (here for instance). However, now that I'm forming an understanding of how that works, I ...
JJD's user avatar
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Read large lists with Office365-REST-Python-Client

I am currently trying to read only the last week's entries of a few lists, and I accomplish this by using filter("Modified gt datetime{date_in_isoformat}') or order_by("Modified desc")....
TwoPointNo's user avatar
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How to mark a page as a language copy?

I have a SharePoint Online site, where I need to translate some pages into different target languages. My site's default language is English, thus the source language of a page is always English. The ...
privm's user avatar
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Azure function inside Sharepoint site redirects to login window

I put on a Sharepoint site an ajax request to my azure function. This azure function requires authentication because its logic depends on which user is using my sharepoint site. All users who test my ...
Mike79's user avatar
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Sharepoint Microsoft Graph API limit

I am trying to make a an application that will use the Microsoft graph API to connect to Sharepoint to do various tasks. Recently I have found that there is a throttling/blocking limit for the API, ...
yousif fayed's user avatar
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CSOM vs PnP Core SDK vs Graph API, which approach is more future proof

We want to start a new project which include creating an azure function (using .net 6.0) that runs on timely basis to create folder structure as follow:- we have a SharePoint custom list which allows ...
John John's user avatar
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use rest api to search a specific folder inside of shared documents

I have added to the HelloWorld web part starting example to include a search, and I have successfully limited it to my site instead of the entire tenant. const here = this.context.pageContext.web....
Mark's user avatar
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how fix CORS policy when I call an API?

How can I fix this error? I can't call my API from the backend
SiCaMa's user avatar
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403 Forbidden when uploading file to sharepoint using REST API. Permission issue or missing header?

I am new to Sharepoint and REST APIs and am currently having an issue uploading a file using REST API. I am getting error System.UnauthorizedAccessException","message":{"lang":...
ecc07's user avatar
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SharePoint REST API _api/web/currentuser Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation

I'm doing Office365 account-based login functionality through SharePoint on PHP. After doing that I was able to login and get the SPAppToken and SPSiteUrl I use them to get the refreshToken, then I ...
tranthaihoang's user avatar
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How to create a specific language copy of a page with REST API?

I came across this article, which states that a language copy can be created with an API call like this: POST<Source page ID>)/...
privm's user avatar
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Can someone please guide me how to download the release of phpSPO?

I want to retrieve data from sharepoint via API but I can't install phpSPO. Composer method is relatively easy but is very complex for me. So, please share the link so I can download the release and ...
Amir Mureed's user avatar
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get sharepoint public image using graph api

I want to get a public URL to get the images of a list column using the graph API When using the sharepoint REST API I could do it this way:
shadowsa7x07's user avatar
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How do I set a person or group field via the API V1 using Rails with Faraday?

I've seen several similar questions and the crux of the answer seems to be that I should add "Id" to the field name and pass the user's id. Here for instance: How to update "Person or ...
Matt Jordan's user avatar
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SharePoint Online Managed Path

Does anyone know how to get this information through rest API or PowerShell? I wanted to know if the tenant I am working with is using "/teams/" or "/sites/". I am creating an ...
Billy P's user avatar
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SharePoint 2019 Production farm started having struggle load Font File/Random PNG File/Random API call

We have a SharePoint Farm (7 WFEs and 1 DB), last code deployment was weeks ago. Since Friday, when we load the web portal that is hosted on the farm via browser and via any location (worldwide), ...
Tasos's user avatar
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Get thumbnailRenderer on all rest api responses?

I have a list with a column of images, I always want to get the thumbnailRenderer parameter in the sharepoint rest api response sometimes i get. my query is:
shadowsa7x07's user avatar
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Is there a way to export a list as a csv file with the Rest API?

Via the user interface in Sharepoint there is the possibility to export a list as .csv. Unfortunately, you can only load the items from the list via the Rest API, but not download the entire list as a ...
Vincent Jobs 's user avatar
2 votes
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Ajax call to SharePoint API returns '403 - Forbidden'

I need to access data on a SharePoint Online site from a php application. I'm using SharePoint API with JavaScript trying to achieve this. I already succeeded in accessing the SharePoint site with ...
Emmanuel Ingelaere's user avatar
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Listing all sub-sites that you have access to in a site collection

In my situation, I have a site collection `/sites/mysitecol` - site collection - `/sites/mysitecol/test1` - sub-site - my user has access to this site. - `/sites/mysitecol/test2` - sub-site - my ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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Incorrect API Endpoint URL

I'm very VERY new to SharePoint and am currently working on a project with needs a react SPFx Web Part to be developed which can be put on any site/page to read data from Document Libraries. However, ...
Bentura's user avatar
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Which columns are being returned from an AJAX call?

I know the names of some columns - FirstName, LastName, JobTitle, SAMAccountName, Department that an API serves out but I would like to know all the columns that are returned. How do I find out the ...
Pete Whelan's user avatar
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Access files via autogenerated ID through REST API

what I'm currently doing is accessing the files in my Document Library through the REST API like this: [baseURL]/_api/Web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('[relativeURL]'). To collect these relativeURLs, I ...
nanoxid's user avatar
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Grant permission to a sharpoint-online subsite

I'd like to grant permission to a subsite of sharepoint-online using the Sharepoint API. The subsite is created using the following parameters (I was using Power Automate - but in the end it is a API ...
Christoph's user avatar
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How to get the page count of a PDF document stored in sharepoint through REST API?

From a salesforce site, we want to retrieve the page count of pdf documents stored in a SharePoint site, How to get this through REST or some alternative way?
Akshay Poddar's user avatar
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List all the members of SharePoint groups with Graph API

Is there any endpoint in the Microsoft Graph API fore SharePoint Online to list all the groups and members of SharePoint groups? It must also be possible to manage the users from those groups. As ...
H. Pauwelyn's user avatar
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Help with post request from SPFx secured by AD < I have a few GET requests working in my SPFx app, but the guide here doesen't show you how to do a POST ...
BennKingy's user avatar
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REST API: upload a file to a Docset

Similar to this (Upload multiple files using rest api) I want to upload files to an existing Docset. I am using the pure REST API as I am on Java. I asked myself, how to control where the uploaded ...
Oliver Busse's user avatar
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Using Send an HTTP request to SharePoint to send requests to Non-SharePoint sits

I was really surprised that the Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action in Power Automate can be used to send requests to I was really intregued to try it ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
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How do I create a page in SharePoint and manage its content?

I would like to set up a system for deploying content into a SharePoint (O365) site using C# code. I would be reading text files in Markdown format and either converting them into HTML for publishing, ...
Mark's user avatar
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