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SharePoint API - ItemCount shows something but empty list of files and folders

I'm accessing a SharePoint folder that contains two files and a subfolder. I'm getting back a correct ItemCount but no list of items. Using a made-up path of /sites/sitename/folder1/folder1, and ...
Terminologist's user avatar
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Access files via autogenerated ID through REST API

what I'm currently doing is accessing the files in my Document Library through the REST API like this: [baseURL]/_api/Web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('[relativeURL]'). To collect these relativeURLs, I ...
nanoxid's user avatar
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Full Text Search Across Document Library

I am attempting to build a powerapp on top of a sharepoint list that can do both full text searching of documents and filter by metadata in the document library. I am currently stuck on being able to ...
MindingData's user avatar
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2 answers

Retrieve SharePoint file with API using document ID from any document library

In site collection features there is an option to enable Document ID Service. After doing this, whenever a document is uploaded to a document library, a unique document id that is a link to the doc is ...
Kyle Trent's user avatar
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How can i retrieve the datas in one column from a list?

I have a big document library. And i am using C sharp. When the user selects one document from the frontend website(like click method), I want to be able to get the value in Column A of the selected ...
f_gulay's user avatar
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Error updating document metadata with REST Flow

So I am beating my head against the wall and have done more searching on SE than I ever cared to. I am trying to update the Modified By field for a document in a Document Library on a Sharepoint team ...
TheSophist87's user avatar
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SP Online REST API Durable Document Link

My google searches have all led to dead ends. Is there a way to retrieve the durable link code for a document using the REST API? When you copy a link in the GUI, it takes the form of:- https://...
user77766's user avatar
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From all Documents in a folder in SharePoint,get only documents related to particular user

From All Documents in a Folder in SharePoint,get only documents related to particular user using API. I have a generic account which has access to all the documents in the folder and by using API call ...
Tod Dominic's user avatar
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SharePoint REST API Document Library - filter by folder name

I'm running a JavaScript script that updates permissions on folders in lists and document libraries. To do this I need to get the ID of the item I want to update. The folders all have unique names ...
Luke D's user avatar
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Document library api data for a concrete view

Can I get the data (folders and files) from a Concrete View? For example: /sites/testSite/test/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('Document%20Library')/items
kolek's user avatar
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How to merge and bind the results of two different "listdata.svc" calls to a jquery Datatable (datatable.js)

I have to query two different document libraries with some metadata columns and show the results in single grid. Both the document libraries have identical columns. I am using Datatable.js for ...
Amit Tyagi's user avatar
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Share multiple files of Document Library programatically

I want to share multiple files from Document Library programatically or any other way using Client Object model or REST API. Thanks.
DRS's user avatar
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Update person or group field using REST API in Document Library

I want to update the Person or Group field in Document Library using REST API. How can I achieve this. Thanks.
DRS's user avatar
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How to automatically update documents generated by another system as new versions?

We want to share documents in a SharePoint Document Library (SP 2013) which are automatically generated each week by another software system. These documents are in PDF and RTF format (maybe also ...
mBBe's user avatar
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