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Questions tagged [datatable]

Represents one table of in-memory data. This class stores rows and columns of data.

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How to combine two SharePoint columns into one datatable column?

I have a datatable that I want to show the information from my SharePoint List. The table has three headers: Name, Department and Address. The Address column should combine two SharePoint columns(...
soh's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013, DataTables return [object Object] from LookUp Column

I'm trying to return value from a LookUp value to my dataTables. The only thing that returns is [object Object]. Here is an image of my List and result: I searched that I should add $expand in my ...
adams-j's user avatar
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anchor tag href redirects to another without clicking the icon

I have made 2 tabs , in the second tab I have a datatable in which one column holds the anchor element... In the anchor element I have "href" attribute in which I have called another ...
Nidhi Maheshwari's user avatar
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Sharepoint Datatable with export option in excel pdf and csv

I have created a list in sharepoint and trying to load in datatable using rest api with search and export option to tranfer in excel file for download. kindly help.
Ohana's user avatar
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Filter Data Table in Power Apps

I'm new to Power Apps and trying to work out something which feels like it should be simple. I have a screen with a text box (txtSearch) and a data table (tblCatalog). The data source for the data ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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SPO: Show loading gif on Page until Datatable has loaded completely and is clickable

I have a Datatable on a Page that takes around 7-10 seconds to load. I have a loader script that initiates a loader gif when the page is first visited, but the loader gif fades out well before all of ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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How to select multiple values in dropdowns in datatable for Sharepoint 13 list?

I have a list in SharePoint 13. The list is customized using Data table.Currently I have three filters with dropdown option. I want to select multiple option in the dropdown and show the result in the ...
Naidi's user avatar
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Call a list value into a table on a SharePoint page

I am trying to call a value from a List into a cell in a table on a different SharePoint page. The table is composed using html, and I think that is where I'm having trouble trying to connect the dots....
mehumphry's user avatar
2 votes
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How to order by modified (desc) and remove duplicate results in SPO List Datatable

Below is a working datatable for my SPO list called Companies. There are some duplicates in this list, but I want all of the duplicates removed. I have attempted the solutions on the DT site, but ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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I want to do full CURD operation in JQuery Datatable for SharePoint List item

I want to have Add, Edit, Delete options of Jquery datatable for my SharePoint list item. Have anyone implemented this. I know how to show data in datatable using SharePoint REST, But facing ...
SP User2017's user avatar
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Can jQuery Datatables in a search results web part return more than 50 documents?

I've hit a wall on figuring out how to remedy this issue. Im currently developing a search center page with jQuery datatables and control and item display templates. The search results webpart is ...
Ndeezy178's user avatar
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Jqeury datatable to retrieve SharePoint list items

I am trying to build Jquery datatable to retrieve the list items depending on two filer dropdown boxes and a button. I have a custom list with Title, District, Organization, Number of Tasks as columns....
SPLearner's user avatar
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REST API append data to datatables

I have 2 lists, first list has the following columns: StaffName UnitName The second list has the following columns: UnitName Department Essentially, i want to pull all names from the first list ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Sharepoint HTML table with colors [closed]

I'm sure this is super simple, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the logic of it. I have a SharePoint list of ~100 items, each item has an identifier A-C for example. I'd like to ...
Chuck.M's user avatar
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Is there a way you can fetch SharePoint's more than 5000 items using datatable?

Is there a way you can fetch SharePoint's more than 5000 items using datatable Jquery recursively in REST API? I also wanted to show the next set of data (next 1000 items) after clicking a button.
James's user avatar
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Open Item in Modal/Dialog with Datatables

I am using a jQuery data table to display a Sharepoint list. I have the title column hyperlinked to each item's display form. But I would like for this to open in the modal. Below is my code for ...
Brandon's user avatar
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2 answers

Datatables Rest filter count on Sharepoint

I've got a SharePoint site that I'm running some Rest API queries on and filtering results. I was just wondering if anyone had a quick tip on if its possible to pull a count from the following code ...
Chuck.M's user avatar
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Change image and send filter to datatable on click, via SharePoint jslink

I am using the DataTables jQuery plug-in to drive custom formatting, filtering, and searching on a SharePoint list. The list is an agenda for a conference, with dates, topics, rooms, session types, ...
Laura Calaway's user avatar
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Datatable row color based on Rest API results

I have a Rest API call to pull data to create a Datatable. What I'm trying to figure out is how to dynamically color the rows based on information in one of the columns (example here is if the ...
Chuck.M's user avatar
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REST - filter dates in between

If the current request is for 04/02/2018 - 04/06/2018, I need to display in a datatable any other requests that include 04/02 - 04/06. For example, the datatable should display the following requests ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Custom Webpart to set the filters and display SharePoint list items?

I have a requirement where list items are stored in multiple folders. Now users should be able to apply the filters as they would do if they do not have folders. It looks like I have a build a custom ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Datatables plugin, print multiple tables on one page

I distributed the data across multiple tables (code posted here) using data table plugin, which works wonderfully. Now, I would like to print the data on one page. Is there a way to print or export ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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2 answers

Datatables - equally split data between multiple datatables

Edit: final code: var requestIOBInfo1 = siteUrl + "/_api/web/Lists/getByTitle('IOBoard')/Items?$\ filter=((Division eq '" + iDivision + "') and (AccountStatus eq 'Active'))&$\ select=Id, Title, ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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2 answers

Work with SQL table in SharePoint environment

I have to create a simple custom list with half a dozen of columns, but due to number of items it will create (there will be more then 5000), OOTB SP custom list will bread after 5000 items threshold ...
Danilo's user avatar
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Datatables calling another

I'm trying to launch or populate another datatable based on values from another table. For example, I'm using below code to get all "pending" items for the current user: $(document).ready(function()...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Overriding text in datatable with icons

In reference to this page, I'm trying to replace the text with icons but not getting the desired results. function mySuccessHandler(data) { try { var dataTableExample = $('#table_id').DataTable();...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Create DataTable from 2 SharePoint Online lists

Can I join two SharePoint Lists and display in one DataTable? I created my first dataTable but now trying to get data from another list. For example: I want the dataTable to display similar to a ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Update SP list with data from external DB

The requirements include quick edit, so BCS and OOTB external list are not an option here. The solution I'm looking for has to make these steps: foreach record in a datatable: if the record exists ...
Natan Kara's user avatar
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InsertCell not working in Sharepoint

var table = document.getElementById("WrksheetTable"); for(i=0;i<arrworksheets.length;i++){ var tr = document.createElement("tr"); = "tr" + i; var td = document.createElement("td");...
rahul delisti's user avatar
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How to show link columns with datatables?

Is there a way to display link columns in a database table. I was following this but turns out link fields aren't display with a link. Instead the entire hyperlink is displayed which messes up the ...
Monica gorodetsky's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating a search box for a list (BasicTable View) - Only search that partilcar list

How do you create a search box for a list in Basic Table view style? Preferably using the content editor web part or script editor.
vier111's user avatar
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Performance issues when using Jquery Datatable in Sharepoint

I am currently using Jquery Datatable in Sharepoint, where I am not using ajax in datatable as I am fetching data from multiple tables and after doing than I am joining the list and converting it to ...
user68141's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reduce width of data table columns

I have a sharepoint 2013 list. Using data tables am retrieving the list data into a data table. How to reduce the width of particular columns in data table? Thanks in advance.
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Add HyperLink Column to Datatable

I am trying to add a hyperlink to the Fac_x0020_ID column in the datatable below. How is this done with datatables? call.done(function (data,textStatus, jqXHR){ $('#FacilitiesTable').dataTable({ "...
JimShelley's user avatar
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How to merge and bind the results of two different "listdata.svc" calls to a jquery Datatable (datatable.js)

I have to query two different document libraries with some metadata columns and show the results in single grid. Both the document libraries have identical columns. I am using Datatable.js for ...
Amit Tyagi's user avatar
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How to disable the table header sorting for a data table [closed]

I am using the following code to generate a datatable... var dataTable = $('#projectDashboard').DataTable( { dom: 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "bDestroy" : true, ...
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Unable to set property '_DT_CellIndex' of undefined or null reference

I am working on datatables, I am getting the following error: Unable to set property '_DT_CellIndex' of undefined or null reference Does anybody encountered the same erro? Thanks
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Add colored border to some elements of table

I would like to know if it is possible to add a border of a specific color in a table. The preset styles do not work as I keep some of the table boxes clear, and some colored and only want the border ...
Nichole Michl's user avatar
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Cascading dropdown with repeating table for SharePoint lists

I want Cascading dropdown with repeating table for SharePoint lists only by using SharePoint 2013 not with InfoPath. I have attached image what I require with only SharePoint 2013 not with InfoPath.
Chirag Solanki's user avatar
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How to Compare Datatable values with SharePoint List Items?

I have one SharePoint List. From Excel I will store the values in Data-table and fetch the values to List.If new values are adding to list is no problem. If item is already there i want to update the ...
elina's user avatar
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Datatable doesn't bring all columns from SharePoint list

I programmatically created a library "DropDownLibrary" with some field "ReviewType"(text), "SubmittedDate"(datetime), "Created"(the sharepoint field)... and it works in the browser, I can insert new ...
BKChedlia's user avatar
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jQuery CAML results into jQuery DATATABLES plugin

Using the following code to extract items for a SharePoint list and display in HTML. Works great thank to all you folks here. Now I want to inject the output into the jQuery DataTables plugin but not ...
PianoMan's user avatar
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Merging the results of 2 REST calls in a dataTable

I am trying to add results from two REST calls, into one Data Tables view. I am getting just one of the Rest calls results shown. //'use strict'; var appweburl; var hostweburl; var results; var ...
S.M.B.D's user avatar
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using Jquery in a Async functions

Hi I want to update/create a datatable from results of a function. I have the following code and I now need to output the results into a datatable. At the top of the page I have : <script type="...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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SPListItemCollection.GetDataTable() , For choice fields its adding extra string ";#" in the datatable

SPListItemCollection collListItems = list.GetItems(query); dataTable = collListItems.GetDataTable(); I am using above for getting listitemcollection into datatable. In the list I have choice column ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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Run CAML Query on DataTable SharePoint

I have a DataTable having Some rows. Is there any way to execute CAML Query on it. Or Alternatively, How can I convert this DataTable into a SPList so tha CAML can be executed on SPList. private ...
ankit's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add link in jquery DataTables column? [closed]

I have succeeded adding the link in the column but I can't seem to add the url/path in the href attribute. How can I add the path/url and the title in the function below so that the link will be ...
Imir Hoxha's user avatar
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How to create editable table in Sharepoint

I want to use Sharepoint to host a table that multiple people can edit (like an online spreadsheet, for example). I have tried various things which have not worked: I tried downloading a plugin for ...
zeeple's user avatar
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Creating table on ascx file with <% %> in foreach loop

I am trying to print out the elements from an arraylist in a table. But they don't show up in tags. But they appear right up on the webpart title with a single line text. <table class="table ...
teteckr's user avatar
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How to use jQuery and OData to expand multi user field in SharePoint 2013?

I am using jQuery to query a Sharepoint 2013 list and expanding the AssignedTo field (which is a Person or Group field type) in order to get the user id. I was able to get the code working when the ...
Matt's user avatar
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