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Sharepoint Datatable with export option in excel pdf and csv

I have created a list in sharepoint and trying to load in datatable using rest api with search and export option to tranfer in excel file for download. kindly help.
Ohana's user avatar
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SPO: Show loading gif on Page until Datatable has loaded completely and is clickable

I have a Datatable on a Page that takes around 7-10 seconds to load. I have a loader script that initiates a loader gif when the page is first visited, but the loader gif fades out well before all of ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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How to order by modified (desc) and remove duplicate results in SPO List Datatable

Below is a working datatable for my SPO list called Companies. There are some duplicates in this list, but I want all of the duplicates removed. I have attempted the solutions on the DT site, but ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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I want to do full CURD operation in JQuery Datatable for SharePoint List item

I want to have Add, Edit, Delete options of Jquery datatable for my SharePoint list item. Have anyone implemented this. I know how to show data in datatable using SharePoint REST, But facing ...
SP User2017's user avatar
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REST API append data to datatables

I have 2 lists, first list has the following columns: StaffName UnitName The second list has the following columns: UnitName Department Essentially, i want to pull all names from the first list ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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REST - filter dates in between

If the current request is for 04/02/2018 - 04/06/2018, I need to display in a datatable any other requests that include 04/02 - 04/06. For example, the datatable should display the following requests ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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2 answers

Datatables plugin, print multiple tables on one page

I distributed the data across multiple tables (code posted here) using data table plugin, which works wonderfully. Now, I would like to print the data on one page. Is there a way to print or export ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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2 answers

Datatables - equally split data between multiple datatables

Edit: final code: var requestIOBInfo1 = siteUrl + "/_api/web/Lists/getByTitle('IOBoard')/Items?$\ filter=((Division eq '" + iDivision + "') and (AccountStatus eq 'Active'))&$\ select=Id, Title, ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Datatables calling another

I'm trying to launch or populate another datatable based on values from another table. For example, I'm using below code to get all "pending" items for the current user: $(document).ready(function()...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Overriding text in datatable with icons

In reference to this page, I'm trying to replace the text with icons but not getting the desired results. function mySuccessHandler(data) { try { var dataTableExample = $('#table_id').DataTable();...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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1 answer

Create DataTable from 2 SharePoint Online lists

Can I join two SharePoint Lists and display in one DataTable? I created my first dataTable but now trying to get data from another list. For example: I want the dataTable to display similar to a ...
Tamras Merin's user avatar
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Performance issues when using Jquery Datatable in Sharepoint

I am currently using Jquery Datatable in Sharepoint, where I am not using ajax in datatable as I am fetching data from multiple tables and after doing than I am joining the list and converting it to ...
user68141's user avatar