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Questions tagged [user-accounts]

a user account is identified by a username (also user name) and is the users way to identify herself in SharePoint

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Is there any way where I can automate the process of getting the associated active sites of users in a SharePoint Tenant?

I have a SharePoint tenant with 10,000+++ active sites. I have a list of specific users that I need to pull out all the active sites associated to their account. We can use the Active Directory UPN of ...
maeganda's user avatar
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Restore deleted user

I am working on SharePoint Server 2019, the IT guys messed up a user, deleted it, created a new one and after days deleted the new and restored the old one. Now in SharePoint I have all the records ...
Emaborsa's user avatar
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Getting all SharePoint groups that user is member of with HTTP request

I have succeeded with an HTTP request to retrieve the group a person is a member of (see image). But if the person is a member of several groups in the same site collection, the Parse in the flow does ...
Dowi's user avatar
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Is there a good alternative to SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal for claims?

Is there a good alternative to SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal for claims? I have a situation where I have users' email addresses, and I need to get their login names so I can call SPWeb.EnsureUser. Since ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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Find out all places where a user ID (from the user info list) is used on a site?

Given that user fields are lookups to the user information list in a particular site, is there an easy way to find all user fields in the site that are populated with a particular user ID? We recently ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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Move-SPUser to convert users only in 1 webapplication

In on-premise farm, I understand that using Move-SPUser will update the user identity in all the web applications in the farm. Is there a recommend approach wherein I can use Move-SPUser to update ...
George's user avatar
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SharePoint Online and Flows - how to remove quitted employee correctly?

I created flow that uses "Grant permissions" action, and it uses SharePoint Group with users. One of employees has left the company, and (as I understand) IT Team deleted this account. But ...
Gennady G's user avatar
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Unexpected Behaviour After Change Account Name in AD

We have an issue with SharePoint 2016 on 2 accounts created in AD. We have 2 users, i.e. user1 and user2 which have been created in AD and sync to the SharePoint. After a while, the 2 account name ...
Peter's user avatar
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Prevent some internal users from accessing sharepoint sites even if they are inside the "Everyone except external users"

We usually grant "Everyone except external user" read access to almost all SharePoint sites/.. and today we got a request from our customer that certain users which are defined inside the &...
John John's user avatar
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There is a user appearing twice when a document is shared in SharePoint 2016

I was not able to replicate this problem but this is what two users are reporting. When they go to [Share] a document/file uploaded in SharePoint 2016 Document Library, within the Share section they ...
Bucki's user avatar
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With Sharepoint hosted Excel file I'm getting the error message "trouble signing in" when trying "Open in Desktop App"

I'm unable to Open any Excel files on my Desktop Excel App from Sharepoint "Open in App" or Excel online "Open in Desktop App". I'm able to log into my company's Sharepoint, and ...
Frank's user avatar
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How do you filter a SharePoint list based on a current user's email. (Guest users)

I have a modern SharePoint Online Team Site where users that are external to the organization have been granted guest access. There is a list that has a column containing various email addresses ...
Michael Morin's user avatar
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Remove a user account from user info list without being a site collection admin

I am trying to remove a cached user account added in more than 18000 sites. for that I have been trying below PNP script: $displayName = "DisplayNameOfAccountThatNeedTobeRemoved" Get-...
Narinder Chauhan's user avatar
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Azure AD and Cloud Identity replication - SharePoint [closed]

I have a quick question to understand how the whole AD on premises sync works with Azure AD. While troubleshooting an issue for a user we found that the user was added with useraccount@tenant....
Rafay Ali's user avatar
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How to allow access to external users with same email

I have a company SharePoint site (SharePoint online) with my employee users having their emails as [email protected]. I would like to have external users from another company automatically have access to ...
GK89's user avatar
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How can I get the orphaned (deleted) info from User Information List using web api?

I have a list called "Employees" where I store an employee's name in the Resource field using the people picker. The people picker allow single values only (no groups). I have other fields ...
Jose R's user avatar
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SharePoint local users moved to another server

We are moving a SharePoint Server to another server, is there a simple way to handle local users? We need them to have the same login, but if you migrate the databases the userinfo remains from the ...
Marek Kyzivát's user avatar
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Portal is down when a user tries to login

We had a user with login "DOMAIN\user" he left the organization long back. We have a new user with same name, infra team created the same login name for this second user "DOMAIN\user". Now whenever ...
SharepointHasbeen's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2016 - periodically copy users to another user group

can you please advise me, how can I periodically copy users to another user group in different site collection? permission level site-admin SharePoint server version 2016
user85458's user avatar
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User Changes in AD stuck in people picker

My organization recently changed the user naming policy, removing spaces from user names replacing them with dots. For the most part everything works fine with this change, however, the old user name ...
Snowburnt's user avatar
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Create a new farm user

I have a onpremises sharepoint server 2016 and I want to create a new farm user. If I create a new with the sames permissions that the old farm user have is enough to work? Or I have to set up ...
Pedro Henrique Silva's user avatar
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How to change SharePoint users domain

I migrated my SharePoint 2016 from one domain to other ABC to XYZ. But the user which are showing in SharePoint site is still the older one, is their any way that I can change my users domain to new ...
anil jaiswal's user avatar
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SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser returns incorrect/random value

On button click I am saving few values and the user who performed the action by using SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser in the list But SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser is not returning the correct ...
Rishi Jagati's user avatar
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Creative User Names for Test/Dev Accounts

I need creative help thinking of clever and creative User names to make up for Test accounts....aaaannd go!
Carl's user avatar
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How do I realize a Database based on user form input?

Hello everyone I am new to sharepoint. Since I dont know much about it yet, I would be thankful if you can drop some hints and key words for my problem since i dont know where to start on this. ...
wenzel267's user avatar
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EnsureUser - The specified user could not be found

One of my customers has a second Sharepoint farm installed in the extranet network with a dedicated domain. To allow internal users to login in the extranet Sharepoint, there is a one-way trust ...
fbool's user avatar
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ADFS 2016 and SharePoint 2016, 2 differant accounts in SP permission group?

We are using SharePoint 2016 and ADFS 2016. I have a situation that userX requested permissions to siteA. We are using the OOTB request access approval functionality. The approver received an email ...
Ola's user avatar
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Deactivation of SharePoint Online account

I have a SharePoint Online account that has been as site collection admin to all of the site collections in tenant. Now that employee is leaving the organization. So we have to deactivate that account....
Gopal Zadafiya's user avatar
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Remove former employee User Profiles from SharePoint online Site collections

i have one query. If User leaves organization means if we delete the user from Office 365 then ideally User profiles should be automatically get deleted from all the SharePoint online Site collections....
Kunal Rane's user avatar
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SP/O365 Library: document version history shows wrong username

Has anyone else experienced this? We are O365/hosted SharePoint. I honestly didn't believe it when it was reported to me by other users, but now I've seen it for myself. The version history (showing ...
hudsonsedge's user avatar
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Username's skype status is showing "Presence unknown" on a site collection, while it is working well on the other site collections

I have the following problem, inside our sharepoint on-premises 2013, which we did NOT configure any user profile managed service for it. on our root site collection, i have noted that certain user ...
John John's user avatar
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"Profiles Missing from Import" not appearing in "-GetNonImportedObjects" Results

I have a number of user profiles that appear in my "Profiles Missing From Import" screens in CA (for operational reasons, we have disabled the Profile cleanup service, and are now investigating our ...
user42178's user avatar
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Access for external employees suddenly no longer possible

external is added to list and does not appear in this list. the external had already accessed and was able to edit the documents, etc., this access was suddenly no longer possible for no apparent ...
BlaBla's user avatar
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SharePoint Online, get 'clean user-email' in SharePOint Designer workflow

Trying to get user's e-mail in SPD, but 'E-mail Address' returns string with 'garbage': i:0#.f|membership|[email protected] but I need only [email protected] As I've ...
Gennady G's user avatar
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How does Content Search WebPart do the User.Name comparison? based on Account, Name or GUID?

I have the following issue inside my SharePoint 2013 farm, regarding usernames' properties. I have test farm + live farm. both farms are integrated with the same Active directory. For some users i ...
John John's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a way to create a new list item with other user using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace

We have a SharePoint list in which each user has permission to view only records created by him. I have a task to write a service that generates list items, list item must be created by another user ...
Jonathan Applebaum's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 - How do you bulk add users to a new user group without AD or PowerShell that are already has users in SharePoint?

We have SharePoint Enterprise 2016 at my work. All users from all departments and units are already in the Global AD which is connected to SharePoint. I want to create a user group in bulk from a ...
rockower's user avatar
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SP 2013 How do I return all fields from a list AND get the User/Title property in the same call?

I am wanting to return all the column AND User/Title instead of User/ there a way to accomplish this without making 2 ajax calls?
MattE's user avatar
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Delete Mutiple Users from a Sharepoint Group

Does anyone have insight as to how to delete multiple users from a SharePoint group? Currently, I can only delete one user at a time via REST POST: /users/removebyid()
JackSki's user avatar
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SharePoint User profiles loading from multiple domain

We have recently migrated a SharePoint a Farm from one domain to other domain. All the users are successfully migrated but in SharePoint applications, a single user is being resolved from two domains. ...
Achiever SP's user avatar
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SharePoint not finding users in trusted domain

We are using SharePoint Online with Office 365. We recently acquired another company who had their own domain....we'll call us "domainus" and them "domainthem". We now have a 2-way trust between ...
Andy's user avatar
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what happens to the records created by someone if their office 365 account is deleted?

So if I delete someone's O365 account, what will happen to all the records that were created by them?
Vignesh Subramanian's user avatar
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How to update user field, multi user field, taxonomy field & multi taxonomy fields using GRAPH

I am using MS documentation mentioned at "". All other types of fields are getting updated but user and taxonomy ...
Himanshu Pandey's user avatar
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A user seemingly modified a document after their account was deactivated

Our company uses Office 365. A user left and our IT team confirms that her account was disabled in June. There's a document in SharePoint showing that she created it in April (ok) and edited it in ...
Eliezer's user avatar
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SPFx how to set a people field in a list, e.g. “convert” AccountName to Lookup ID?

I am trying to build an SPFx WebPart with React Office UI Fabric. I have a SharePoint list with a People field called AssignedTo. The lookup ID values are like 12, 20, and so on. When I select a ...
Dennis Kuhn's user avatar
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Filter Service Accounts / Non-User accounts from Search Results in SharePoint ONLINE

I am developing SharePoint ONLINE "Employee Directory" where I am able to get all the users information along with Service Accounts. The requirement is not the display the service accounts or non-user ...
Sai Krishna Vellanki's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 : Nintex Workflow does not refresh UserInfo from WSS_Content [closed]

I have an intranet SharePoint 2010 application. The user info is gathered from Active Directory. One of our new employee's account was created with a wrong surname by our technicians. Then, he ...
Zafer Sernikli's user avatar
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How to give External Users Access to Certain SubSites?

I am looking to invite a few accounts from outside my org. But I have 12 SubSites and I want to give them access to only 4 of them. How do I do this? Regards, Simon
Pittsee's user avatar
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Can't login to VM SharePoint 2016 from the network

I set up a virtual demo environment for a single SharePoint 2016 farm. I followed the steps on this open guide: What it's achieved ...
gbdavid's user avatar
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Unable to fetch user from sharepoint site using powershell

$user = Get-SPuser -Web $web -Identity $UserID Get-SPUser : You must specify a valid user object or user identity. At line:11 char:31 + $user = get-SPuser <<<< -Web $web -...
raju's user avatar
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