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Questions tagged [stsadm]

STSADM is a command-line utility for configuring SharePoint

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Get-spproduct -local stuck

I launched a get-spproduct -local command through PowerShell with the farm account, however, it ran now for almost one hour. Got the same behaviour with stsadm -o localupgradestatus. It just runs and ...
Jan's user avatar
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Unable to set sharepoint workflow job property

I'm trying to to run the below command but error which I have never seen before. I have ran this many times never got this error. stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname "job-worfklow" -propertyvalue "...
user17274's user avatar
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Getting document from a library based on GUID in SharePoint 2007

I have a GUID which belongs to an item (probably document or some folder, not confirmed that's why I am looking for this solution) inside a particular library. Is it possible to get document name etc. ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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stsadm command script for SharePoint 2007 run via Task scheduler job

I want to write one script in STSADM which checks SharePoint 2007 site collection lock status and if any site status is locked/Read-Only/Adding Content Prevented/No Access then the script will Unlock ...
Prakash's user avatar
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Want to delete SharePoint 2003 Site Collections and sites based on Input File

Can you one please provide a sample to script to delete Sitecollection and subsites based on Input file in SharePoint 2003. Thanks in Advance, Phani
phani's user avatar
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Foundation Web stuck on stopping

I am trying to stop the Foundation Web Application service on one server, which is stuck on stopping. If I run the following stsadm on the server, will it only stop the service on the current server? ...
steveareeno's user avatar
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Perpetual "Upgrade Available" for the Servers on Farm

[This issue has been raised here several times - I've tried all suggested solutions and none have resolved issue (list of resources at bottom under ULS log) - maybe someone has some new insight...] ...
SP Combatant's user avatar
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Add items to list in MOSS 2007 using powershell /STSADM

I need to add items to list in MOSS 2007 and item details are present in the CSV file. Can I use PowerShell/STSADM to add items to the list?
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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Remove orphan jobs - Event ID 8031 - SP2013

I deleted two times the search service application and recreated it a third time. Now every 15 minutes I see an error with event ID 8031 in my eventvwr, I can get the ID of the objet associated with ...
Shark's user avatar
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Servers in Farm: Upgrade Required

I am trying to clean up issues on SharePoint 2013. My Farm is an in place 2010 to 2013 upgrade. In Central Admin under "Servers in Farm" (/_admin/FarmServers.aspx) my Server is reporting that I have ...
amsackett's user avatar
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Looking for a script to show where a solution is active in SharePoint 2010

I'm able to see that the solution is globally deployed (in CA) and I am also able to get the SolutionID with no problems. I'm looking for a way to show everywhere the solution is actually active and ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Move-spuser doesn't replace user

In sharepoint 2013 i need to replace a user by an other. For this i use: Move-SPUser -Identity "DOMAIN\JaneDoe" -NewAlias "Domain\JaneSmith" -IgnoreSID I give permission on a site to JaneDoe puting ...
user1898765's user avatar
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SP2007 - List all checked out / unversioned files

I am in the process of migrating our SP2007 farm to SP2013 using a migration tool. Where it is currently having issues, is where it skips documents that have "no checked in version". I can see these ...
Rob Sked's user avatar
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Stsadm command in Sharepoint

When i run stsadm command in my sharepoint server. This is the command i use stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases 0 When I do that and click enter, I have a list of user profile service application. Out ...
Mohammed Eliyas Ahmed's user avatar
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SPAdminv4 Must be stopped to Run Various tasks

This is a very bizarre issue. Let me tell you our environment. SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, three server farm. Database, App, and WFE. A migration from 2010 happened about 6 months ago. In order to ...
christopher clark's user avatar
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Export files from Sharepoint 2007. Without stsadm(?)

I want to export all documents from a sharepoint 2007 without have to import them to a new site. I've used the STSADM command and obviously got stuck with 50k .dat files. What i've understood i cant ...
Max's user avatar
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stsadm migrateuser error "Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit"

In SharePoint 2007 when I run the following command: stsadm -o migrateuser -oldlogin "OLDDOMAIN\username" -newlogin"NEWDOMAIN\username" -ignoresidhistory I get the following error: Your changes ...
motionpotion's user avatar
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How to remove an orphan site collection in the SharePoint (2010) config DB?

An error occurred when trying to create a site collection with my PowerShell script and now I'm unable to delete this site collection in order to try again. It appears that I've got an orphaned site ...
Wyrt's user avatar
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Get Average Document Size Using stsadm

We don't have Powershell installed in a SharePoint 2007 environment. How can I output document volumes and average sizes using stsadm (no powershell)?
motionpotion's user avatar
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Make sharepoint doesn't show people from specific domain

I am very new to SP server and I really don't understand the documentation that much. So, I am managing the SP server and there are 2 domains("DIR" and ""). GDNEUROPE must be removed ...
Dmitrijs Mihailovs's user avatar
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Find Which Sites Where Solutions Are In-Use

In SharePoint 2007, 2010, & 2013 how can I find out which sites the Features/Solutions that are installed in the Farm are actually in-use?
motionpotion's user avatar
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STSADM command setting owneralias failed

I ran to an uncommon situation a few days back. All my intranet SharePoint site users are their permissions set to "Read" More critically worrisome, all my site collection administrators accounts are ...
Asan Soileti's user avatar
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How to Deploy PermissionsReporting WSP to wss2.0 - SPA Toolkit

I'm trying to do a permissions report for my WSS2.0 environment and found the SharePoint Administration Toolkit 4.0. I understand that the target environments are MOSS2007 and WSS3.0 but the framework ...
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Taking Incremental Back up for SharePoint 2013 Site

We created a task scheduler to run a bat file which has this code to take the incremental back up of the site. "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\BIN\stsadm"...
mak's user avatar
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The timer job for this operation has been created, but it will fail

When I try to run the upgrade solution command on my server I get following error: The timer job for this operation has been created, but it will fail because the administrative service for ...
Sivakumar Piratheeban's user avatar
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stsadm addsolution causes processor to hang

Running the stsadm –o addsolution –filename tec.solzip.wsp causes the processor to hang, running on SP2010. would anybody know any reason why this could be happening?
jamesd's user avatar
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STSADM.EXE -o restore options

I'm moving some moss databases from one database server to a new one. I've been following the steps outlined in this technet On step 13. Restore an SSP to the new location. I'm coming across some ...
spex5's user avatar
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Powershell PS1 clone SP permissions Exception

I have found this nice PS1 that clone permissions from a SPUser To Other. When give inputs Many things goes wrong but I have non idea what. Has Anybody any idea about this issue? PS C:\Users\...
hello B's user avatar
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Import Term Set with Nav URL & Custom Properties

How can I import a term set that is used for navigation into another site collection on a different sharepoint server? Originally we tried moving it with the who site collection using stsadm -o ...
Jason's user avatar
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how to deploy .wsp to all servers in the Sharepoint 2007 Farm

What is the stsadm -o command for deploying .wsp solution file into all servers in the SharePoint 2007 Farm? My second question is: How i can check with already deployed .wsp solution if it is ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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What is the scope of command stsadm -o migrateuser

I have multiple web applications on SP 2007 Farm. Many user accounts are common on both web applications user info list. When i run stsadm -o command to migrate user from one AD domain to another AD ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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Simple Question about stsadm -o migrateuser cmdlet

Just for my clarification i want to ask a simple question: I per my understanding, stsadm -o migrateuser command will only migrate the userAccounts if the userAccounts exists on both Active ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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stsadm -migrateuser -oldlogin ABC\52339 -newlogin DEF\52339 ... Access Denied

in SharePoint 2007 command prompt at this location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\ I type this command to migrate user from one domain to another like: ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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Export site using stsadm

When I am exporting a SharePoint 2007 site using stsadm -o export -filename c:\sp2007importedbackups\ -url http://um-pc:6115 -includeusersecurity I am getting the following error: ...
RHM's user avatar
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How to get a list of alerts on MOSS 07

I need help getting a list of alerts on a MOSS 07 server. I'm trying to use STSADM. I saw the getproperty command for STSADM so I tried. STSADM -o getproperty -pv alerts-enabled -url http://...
zingwing's user avatar
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Powershell Script to approve all the pages,masterpages,layouts in a site collection

Need some automated way for publishing the content throughout the site within the one action using some commands, powershell or some custom code or any utility available for SharePoint 2013. Any ...
Hardik Kothari's user avatar
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Restored Sharepoint site is missing

A Sharepoint Site Collection was restored on a fresh installation of sharepoint foundation on a server. Upon restoring the 22GB back up file, I am not able to see the restored site collection sites/...
Nita's user avatar
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Missing operation name or the operation name is invalid

I run the following power shell command inside SharePoint 2013 power shell window:- PS C:\Windows\system32> stsadm -o gl-fixpublishingpagespagelayouturl -url "http://gvstg01/wikilibrary/52" -scope ...
John John's user avatar
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How to loop into all webapplications, sitecollections, sites and print all permission groups and users

I am using sharepoint 2007 and is installed on windows server 2003 R2. I would like to create some script to show a environment summary like: webapplications site collections websites ...
Ola's user avatar
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Multilingual user interface: Is it possible to Export Translations using PowerShell?

I have a SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise with several language packs installed. The Alternate Languages have been enabled in the Site Settings and several items have been translated. Is it possible ...
TempaC's user avatar
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STSADM Restore Command Error - 'Attempted to read past the end of the stream'

I have setup a new server on Windows Server 2012 (Domain Controller Included) and when i perform a STSADM restore command on the 80 site. I got the following message: Attempted to read past the end ...
Muhammedh's user avatar
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Error while restoring Site Collection to the same server

I am trying to restore a site (http://server:7457) to another site (http://server:80) on the same server. I had took the backup of the first site using SharePoint Administration Central. When I ...
Libin TK's user avatar
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stsadm migrateuser operation successful, but no change

We recently had an AD username change on our system. In SharePoint, the profile is updated except, as many people have experienced, some of the core fields like username are still stuck on the old ...
user11457's user avatar
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Trouble using stsadm -o MigrateUser

My organization is moving from one active diretory to another (new Domain). We are migrating the users first. As a test I am trying to run the MigrateUser command and getting a "cannot complete this ...
Bismarck's user avatar
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programmatically check if sharepoint installed

I'm developing an application which test if SharePoint is installed correctly, with stsadm and PowerShell access. I wonder if there is a specified stsadm or PowerShell command or a specified C# code ...
Imen Turki's user avatar
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get all database name with stsadm

I want to know to get all database name with an stsadm commend like Get-SPDatabase in power shell I found this cmd:stsadm -o databaserepair -url http://xyz/sites/sc -databasename DBname but it need ...
Imen Turki's user avatar
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Disable timer job

Please provide me stsadm command to disable timer job in sharepoint 2007 I want to disable not delete so that in future I can enable it again if required
Brishal's user avatar
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stsadm command to take backup of workspace

I want to take backup of sharepoint workspace. Please let me know the stsadm command for the same. Url is : abc/xyz where xyz is workspace created in site collection stsadm –o backup –url " " -...
Brishal's user avatar
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Need a script to list webparts on each .aspx page in wss3.0 (using stsadm command)

Need a script to list webparts used in a web application on each .aspx page for wss3.0 using stsadm command. The list should show webparts per page, their names and Id's. Thanks I used VB Script from ...
Amiy Amritansh's user avatar
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I cant delete or restore a site collection or repair database

When I try to do a restore of a site collection, restore-spsite -Identity https://xx/10014628/ -Path D:\SiteCollectionBackups\10014628.bak -Force -Confirm I get: restore-spsite : <nativehr>...
Luis Valencia's user avatar