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Questions tagged [404]

"404 - Not Found" results when users attempt to follow a broken or dead hyperlink.

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_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Good day everyone, I have an issue when i try to use _api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail at SP2019 and shows this message: {"readyState":4,"responseText":"","status&...
AMSH's user avatar
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Http 404 while adding MS teams app in channel

I am trying to learn MS Teams app development. I am following this link for the same. But when I run the app with local debug in teams toolkit, I am getting 404 error when it is trying to create new ...
love thakker's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 TaxonomyInternalService.json 404

I have enabled Enterprise Keywords on a document library in my site collection. When trying to apply keywords to the properties of an item, I get an alert stating "The server method 'GetMatches' ...
Chris's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 not able to open gmail link from a hyperlink column(404 error)

I am able to open organization's internal links provided inside a hyperlink column in SharePoint 2013. But while providing a gmail link inside the same hyperlink column throws an error in a popup: &...
Aparna Sunil's user avatar
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spfx pnp 404 when getting myProperties

I try to fetch my properties using the sp.profiles.myProperties.get() from @pnp/sp. It works on a hosted workbench but when I deployed the package and run it on Sharepoint site page I'm getting Error ...
Szybki's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 - Personal Site Documents "HTTP 404 Not Found"

Having an issue today with a user that is not able to access their documents in their mySite area and receive a HTTP 404 Not Found error. Confirmed the site collection still exists, is active but only ...
jortiz's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Changed subsite name now receiving 404 on all pages/parts within

I recently edited a subsite homepage within SharePoint and I am now unable to edit it back to it's original state. Every time I click on the subsite or anything within that subsite it timesout and ...
Michael Scott's user avatar
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I can't access my team site,i'm just a beginner here on SharePoint online 2013

Any idea as to how i get back to my site is greatly appreciated.When I try to navigate on the link to my site, I'm getting '404 not found' response.
Esubalew Dessalegn's user avatar
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Getting "404 NOT FOUND" when clicking on lookup link

In the past, when clicking on a lookup item on a list, it would show a popup with the data of that lookup item, but now I get a "404 NOT FOUND". I tried creating a new list and adding a lookup from ...
Humble Val's user avatar
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404, 401, 301, blank pages, People Picker errors on sites created on brand new installation

I just set up a brand new single-server 2016 environment but have run into a puzzling issue with it. Any site collection and sub-site I create have blank home pages with only the SP icon, top nav, and ...
thanby's user avatar
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404 in SharePoint online

Is there a way to create a generic 404 page for an entire tenant ? Such that when a user hits anything that doesn't exist under it will throw this error page. On-prem you ...
Michael Colbs's user avatar
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Global 404 Page

In SharePoint Online, is there a way to create a Tenant wide 404 page? I know you can do it in individual site collections on publishing libraries but I would like the same 404 page for all site ...
Michael Colbs's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 Error 404 SOS

Using SharePoint 2016, after install update KB3203432 and reboot server. SharePoint site shows error 404. When I try access to site collection/sites, I get 404 error When i try access to site ...
mak_27's user avatar
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Sharepoint document library raising exception on files that don't exist

I've been monitoring exceptions which are raised from my site and noticed that a few errors of late - in particular an exception with a message stating that the the file {file name here} does not ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Page cannot be found when access rest api throught broweser

Hi everyone have an issue when attempt to access restful api through browser with basic request as picture below instead of xml result: it also occurs on CSOM the error returns : The remote server ...
Lê Trọng Nghĩa's user avatar
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strange random sub directory in the url

Some users reported that they have an issue when visiting our website. There are some strange subdirectories that these users are being redirected to. I have googled a lot but never found an ...
user2424964's user avatar
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Web application showing 404 after migrating content database

I have been working on a Sharepoint migration over the last couple of weeks. Sites have been brought over to our new server (new AD). I got permissions all sorted and we proved that we could do the ...
John's user avatar
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Can you create a custom 404 page in SharePoint Online without using a publishing site?

I have seen how this is possible by modifying files on the server or by using a publishing site, but I need to do this for team sites within SharePoint Online.
Kirk Liemohn's user avatar
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AppDomain 404 Error SharePoint 2016 on-premise

I have 2 different domains setup. One for sharepoint and another for apps. The appdomain was setup using the below guide. I am ...
King of Microsoft's user avatar
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Office 365 public website looks different than preview

I have a problem where the *.themedcss-file of a website is missing (404). In the preview, everything looks fine. So I tried to re-publish the website multiple times but nothing changed. I also ...
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Webpage cannot be found HTTP 404 error for existing site collection

SharePoint was working for an existing site collection when accessed using the base URL e.g. https://oursites.internal.local/Communities/SP and was loading pages correctly. Something was broken ...
Underverse's user avatar
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Custom 404 page won't allow additional edits

I was able to follow these directions to implement a custom 404 page in SharePoint 2010. I wanted to make additional formatting changes to the custom page after implementation. including fixing a ...
carston1998's user avatar
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404 FILE NOT FOUND: After Restoring Content DB

I have taken backup of content DB of one web application from production database server and restored to my development database server. content DB restored successfully. Content DBs have exactly same ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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Fonts not found issue

I am adding my custom fonts to my SharePoint site. I have put my fonts in hive folder. This way I am able to load fonts much faster than any other way. Everything works fine except '.woff2' fonts file....
love thakker's user avatar
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Site collection 404 error after a while of doing nothing

I have a newly created SP 2013 Foundation install. It has three site collections, (//copv-shrpt-02 , //copv-shrpt-02/sites/ar , //copv-shrpt-02/sites/ap (http: omitted)) in three separate databases. ...
pinne65's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 app 404 error

I'm trying to deploy an app I got from the Windows Store in a new Sharepoint 2013 server. I have a separate domain in DNS and can ping and resolve the app url. However when I try to start the app ...
Gregg Hughes's user avatar
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Themed CSS missing

I've been having several problems with Themes in 2013 with respect to missing images and resources between environments. They seem to use a theme GUID in paths which isn't the same across environments....
Michael Colbs's user avatar
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Cross Site Publishing - Error displaying item page

After configuring cross site publishing and connecting to my catalog I am presented with my catalog page with my items listed however whenever I select either the item in the catalog or the term in ...
jmill720's user avatar
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Restored Sharepoint site is missing

A Sharepoint Site Collection was restored on a fresh installation of sharepoint foundation on a server. Upon restoring the 22GB back up file, I am not able to see the restored site collection sites/...
Nita's user avatar
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error 404 but app is successfully deployed

I have deployed a solution containing a REST web service. When I recall the url I get error 404. What could be wrong? In the Central Admin I have the following properties Name: MySharePointSolution....
Gyonder's user avatar
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Restore content database 2013

I am trying to restore a SharePoint site with a backed up content database. I restored the backup of the content database to Sql server, then when i created the web application i entered the restored ...
Egor's user avatar
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All Pages in Site Have 404 Error

I recently added a custom webpart, and all pages started giving me a 404 error (even the root). I can get to central administration, but I don't see any errors either there, or in the event viewer. I'...
Trevor Newhook's user avatar
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Error 404 when Pairing Workflow Server with SharePoint 2013

when I try this in powershell: Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite "http://spserver2013" –WorkflowHostUri http://spserver2013:12291" –AllowOAuthHttp I get this error: Register-SPWorkflowService :...
user22005's user avatar
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404 for single webapplication after another webapplication was removed

I'm getting 404 for a specific webapplication which stopped working after removing another webapplication. The webapplication that got deleted had it's own IIS website and it's own application pool. ...
Christoffer's user avatar
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Configure SharePoint Apps on Production environment

We are in the process of installing APPS on our Production SharePoint environment. We have two w.f.e servers which are load balanced. We created two domains with two certificates. and ...
user25010's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 central administration and all other SP sites give HTML 404 error message

Today morning I was able to access the SP central administration site and all other SharePoint sites. Then, I created a new web application. Then, clicked on create new site collection. The 'create ...
variable's user avatar
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default.aspx renaming

I manage rip-off SharePoint team site. Some reason, I cannot rename default.aspx. If I rename default.aspx -> demo.aspx and I create new site collection, it gives me 404 error message. Also, if I ...
user21216's user avatar
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404 Error after site collection creation

I have create my own solution and I manage to deploy it in server. But when I create new site collection, I get 404 Error message. "The webpage cannot be found". I can create team site and I can ...
user21216's user avatar
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Custom site collection + 404

I used this guide build clean visual studio project: Everything ...
user20968's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 MySite 404 Error

I have configured SharePoint 2013 MySite following and then tried to troubleshoot my problem using other guides and questions but i still ...
Shwabster's user avatar
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SP looking for CSS files in the wrong place

Environment: SP2013 Enterprise, custom master page, Dreamweaver I've made a custom master page complete with its own CSS. My style sheets are linked near the bottom of the <head> like so: <...
thanby's user avatar
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“The resource cannot be found.” error 404 when there is a “dot” at the end of the url in sharepoint

I'm trying to handle “The resource cannot be found.” error 404 when there is a dot at the end of url in sharepoint 2010 site. I found this link
Mahmoud Farahat's user avatar
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Sharepoint 404 redirect at site collection level

I want to redirect to a custom error page whenever a user reaches not available page. I know about Custom error settings of WebConfig file but if i am not wrong that will redirect all the broken links ...
Mohit's user avatar
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Why is owssvr.dll causing a 404 error code?

In my SP 2010 webapp web.config file I have custom 404 error handling enabled via httpErrors: <httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Auto"> <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode=...
Midio's user avatar
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_catalogs/masterpage/ returns 404 NOT FOUND - MOSS 2007

I am new in Sharepoint, but I am with a project that is using MOSS 2007. When I try to access Gallery > Master Page it redirects to http://myservername/_catalogs/masterpage/. The problem is that ...
Tito's user avatar
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Custom 404 page unique to a site collection

Is it possible to create a custom 404 page which is unique to a site collection? Usually, the 404 page is common for all site collections in a web application. Is there any way around this? One a ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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SaveBinaryDirect throws an 404 error

SaveBinaryDirect works fine, unless I try to upload an exe file. Is there a limitation for some file types in SaveBinaryDirect or how can I solve this problem? Exe file upload is allowed for the ...
Thomas Bomann's user avatar
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404 for all the site collections

I am getting 404 error on site collections. I did a backup from one farm and restore it 2nd farm. On second farm I am getting 404 errors. Please suggest. 404 - File or directory not found. The ...
Mahsun Kırmızıgül's user avatar
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Strange error in sharepoint IHttpModule.(Custom 404 page)

I have custom IHttpModule to redirect users to my 404 aspx page. This example was found somewhere in the internet and this part looks like working well but today administrators reports next problem: ...
Ievgen's user avatar
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Why is my MySite looking at hive 60 for its files?

404: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Template\SiteTemplates\CUSTOMMYSITE\default.aspx" It was working perfectly fine until I got the above after one ...
Hugh Wood's user avatar
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