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Get-spproduct -local stuck

I launched a get-spproduct -local command through PowerShell with the farm account, however, it ran now for almost one hour. Got the same behaviour with stsadm -o localupgradestatus. It just runs and ...
Jan's user avatar
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SPAdminv4 Must be stopped to Run Various tasks

This is a very bizarre issue. Let me tell you our environment. SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, three server farm. Database, App, and WFE. A migration from 2010 happened about 6 months ago. In order to ...
christopher clark's user avatar
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Workflow Migration from a SharePoint 2007 web-application

We have a custom workflow in a SharePoint 2007 web-application and would like to use the same workflow in another web-application (SharePoint 2007). How can we achieve this? do we have any migration ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Windows Powershell stsadm

I am quite new to windows powershell. I have tried to run the following command "stsadm -o setadminport. I get the error that the Term stsadm is not a recognized cmdlet, function etc. My reading ...
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Site collection Disaster Recovery?

One of the Site collection Administrators has deleted the Site Collection mistakenly, so we want to restore it back. What would the best approach ? Some of the SQL stuff: SQL Full backup -> Every ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Administering SharePoint with PowerShell

I have a limited knowledge on Powershell, but from what I've seen, it can be very useful in admin/dev tasks. What would I have to develop to get a nice toolset for WSS/Stsadm administration? Is ...
Nicolas De Irisarri's user avatar
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stsadm migrateuser: The user does not exist or is not unique

I'm running: stsadm -o migrateuser -oldlogin "domain1\user" -newlogin "domain2\user" -ignoreidhistory and getting the error "The user does not exist or is not unique". The users exist in both ...
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