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Questions tagged [solution-package]

SharePoint solution is deployed to a SharePoint server by using a solution package (.wsp) file. You can use Visual Studio to organize your SharePoint Project Items into Features and to create a package to deploy your SharePoint Features.

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Can anyone provide automate script to add/deploy/update solution in SharePoint 2016

Can anyone provide automate script to add/deploy/update solution in SharePoint 2016. So that developers can run this batch file without help from SharePoint Administrators. And please suggest me best ...
Srinu Dasari's user avatar
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Make wsp compatible for sp2019

I will do a migration from SP2016 to SP2019. My question is for WSP , what I need to change exactly to be compatible with SP19, and how to do it? Using visual studio is there a config file to change.
Imen Turki's user avatar
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Custom list definition solution migrated and not rendering the Sharepoint:Formfield controls

I have a NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx from a custom list defined by a WSP where the SharePoint:FormField controls stop to render after the page is loaded for the first time after deployed (not ...
Luiz's user avatar
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Webpart: Modifying Content and Compiling WSP

So I flew the task of changing the web part. A task. Fix a few lines so that the web part works as we need. What do we have. The web part that is installed on Sharepoint 2016. Web part installer in ....
AlexGR's user avatar
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SPFx Loading Multiple Extensions in One Package

I have been unable to build a SPFx package with multiple application customizer extensions to load. No matter what I do, I can only get the first extension I created to load from the app catalog. I ...
Arknev's user avatar
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WSP package deployed through Powershell commands not reflecting the changes

There are few custom items like lists,content Types and pages which gets deployed through couple of features. When I directly deploy from visual studio, the custom items are deleted and recreated ...
user38433's user avatar
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How apply activated custom workflow to list

I have a global workflow I've successfully deployed as a .wsp, but I can't apply it to my list. It appears in Site Features in the top level site, and in the Site Features in the site containing the ...
Stu's user avatar
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Create subsite with custom template timeout error on /_layouts/15/newsbweb.aspx

We are using SP2016 on-premise and have a custom site template. The template is a wsp file upload via Site Settings -> Solution. The same template is working a year before. Also it is working in our ...
Mark L's user avatar
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Update wsp on a specific web application(with multiples)

I have a SharePoint farm with multiple(let us say I have 5 web applications). Every solution has currently the wsp solution installed(we can call it solution1.wsp) The thing I want to do is I want ...
BlommaN's user avatar
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Adding excluded files to publish

I am working on a SharePoint project using VS2019. When I publish the project, I need to add additional some files to the wsp file. These files are excluded from the project. I have been looking at ...
banksdev's user avatar
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Deploying to 80 site collections

I am on a project that has 80 site collections. I successfully implemented a few solutions with Vue.js on 1 of the site collections and now I need to implement on the other 79 site collections. How ...
OLA's user avatar
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Can we deploy wsp in SharePoint online

I wish to deploy a WSP in sharepoint online site collection. Unfortunately, when I upload the WSP, I am getting below error: Activation of solutions with sandboxed code has been disabled in this site ...
Niranjan Kulkarni's user avatar
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Using unmanaged dlls in sharepoint farm solution

I have a SharePoint 2016 project with several application pages (farm solution). In my code, I use un-managed dlls with DllImport attribute. To use them, I copy these dlls to System32 folder. Is ...
vombat jack's user avatar
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Update page(s) to farm without touching codes that were previously deployed via wsp

I'm facing a situation where I only wish to update one page of the farm solution and do not wish to touch the existing codes that were previously deployed onto the farm. Why do I wish to do so is ...
Marcus's user avatar
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How to execute powershell script from server1 for deploying wsp in server2

I am trying to run a powershell script in server1 to deploy WSP file present in server2. Here is my code: $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object System....
Purushottam.Prasad's user avatar
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WebParts Removed From Web.config After WSP Deployment

I have a SharePoint 2013 web site with custom web parts. Lately, I've been running into an issue in which all the safecontrol elements that correspond to my custom webparts disappear from SharePoint'...
Craig Moran's user avatar
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How making changes to a third-party solution file.wsp

I have a third-party solution "file.wsp" that I don’t have the source code for it, I want to make a change to it, how can I tell it to tell me articles and examples? Thanks to all.
Mikhail Zhuikov's user avatar
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How can I have 2 versions of the same .wsp activated on SharePoint 2016

Scenario: SharePoint 2016 MinRole Farm with 1 FE with Distributed Cache and 1 App with Search. Dev and Prod farms with the same specs. Steps in Test Farm: Create a site using activated custom ...
MLC's user avatar
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Can I add more than one SPFX extension - Application Customizer in one solution?

I am trying to add more than one SPFX extension in my solution (Application customizer in this case - one for header another for footer) but after deployment I only see one extension in my site. Am I ...
DvG's user avatar
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Deploy a SharePoint solution (WSP) to a SharePoint 2016 MinRole Server with decicated "Search" role

Apparently it is not possible to deploy a "classic" SharePoint solution (WSP) to a SharePoint 2016 MinRole server which is running a dedicated search role. Most likely this is caused by the fact that ...
Dorrit Riemenschneider's user avatar
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Extract Wsp solutions

Our dev team has developed SharePoint solutions, suddenly the source control is damaged and we don't have back up from the source code - Only the deployed wsp solutions. Is it possible to reflect the ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Implement WSP of a Web Service but dont appear external content type

I'm trying to install a development I did. Works fine on development environment but on production environment not. I install the same package that works fine on development on production. Install ...
Paolo Frigenti's user avatar
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Session state in SP 2013 foundation

Scenario: We have 4 WFEs with SharePoint installed on them, behind a Load balancer. Goal: Deploy wsps without downtime. Question: Can enable SQL Session state in SharePoint foundation 2013 ? Is ...
Mathematics's user avatar
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Importing a Sharepoint website from a .wsp - List X does not exist

I'm a total noob in Sharepoint Development, but I'm quite skilled in .NET. I need to deploy a ready-to-go website from two .wsp files: App.wsp AppEmployeeService.wsp I suppose that Lists and other ...
Jacob's user avatar
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What's the best approach to analyse a SharePoint 2013 solution?

We have a SharePoint 2013 solution which we are going to merge with another common solution which is platform wide. The tasks are to identify the components which can be removed entirely, can be added ...
Chitvan Jain's user avatar
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Error implementing custom SPfx App

I have a problem implementing my share-point SPfx app to the share-point site of my organisation. I followed the instructions provided by microsoft at
Tim Smeets's user avatar
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How to find out if a solution is deployad with -FullTrustBinDeployment parameter

I am trying to find a piece of PowerShell script that gives me the list of solutions deployed with FullTrustBinDeployment parameter.
Aslan's user avatar
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I deployed a sp2010 wsp to sp2013, now SharePoint is looking in 15 hive for controltemplates

I have a SP2010 solution that I deployed to SP2013 (add-spsolution, install-spsolution). The controltemplates installed to the 14 hive, but when I load a page in my site, I get an error that my ...
WOPR's user avatar
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wsp deployment issue

We did wsp deployment in our farm (we have 5 WFE and 2 CA). The wsp was deployed successfully. But it is not effected. When we are looking in the system still it is showing previous deployment. that ...
Arul Bretto's user avatar
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Can i get my Event Receiver source code from a WSP file

I was working on a sharepoint 2013 farm solution to implement an event receiver inside visual studio 2012 professional. now when i try to build/run the project i got an error that there is not space ...
John John's user avatar
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UAT and Production environment can use the same server?

I have custom SharePoint solution. I want to create UAT and Production environment on the same server. Is it possible to deploy the solution on a single server? Scenario - I have one custom ...
Krunal Patel's user avatar
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How to make a sharepoint layout page(application page) into site page

i deployed a wsp into UAT , since a layout page cannot be home page/landing page i want to reference a layout application page in a sharepoint site Page(Home Page) Please Suggest!!!
jags mohanty's user avatar
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Create an owner group firstly include the site current user and assign permissions full control to it

i have used this code but when i deploy nothing changes : public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent ...
user3793377's user avatar
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Error: Feature not installed and blocking for application for using this site Template

I have site template created from old site which is WSP file, both server versions are same(SP2013 on premise) What is the reason behind this three feature is not installed is there any dependencies? ...
Amit Koyani's user avatar
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how to add date filter web part to web page using c# code(SSOM) in sharepoint 2010?

Please guide me on how to add date filter web part to web page using SSOM
satya's user avatar
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There is no solution under deployment or retraction but still showing the error "update-spsolution : A deployment or retraction is already under way."

I have deployed a wsp SPSolution.wsp on a web application. After a few days I needed to update this wsp, so I made changes in the solution and published the wsp. Now when I executed Update-SPSolution ...
Aks's user avatar
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The Client ID submitted in your add-in package does not match the Client ID submitted via the Seller Dashboard

I have registered my Provider Hosted Add-in to Microsoft Seller Dashboard. Microsoft has send back a report with this error: The Client ID submitted in your add-in package does not match the ...
Ronak Patel's user avatar
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Cascading Dropdown source file

I have a solution (wsp) called CascadingDropdown.wsp which is of SharePoint 2007, now I would like to use it for 2010 and modify it a little bit, my question is: where would I be able to find a source ...
Shkipper's user avatar
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Updating SharePoint artifacts declaratively

Content types cannot be updated declaratively. In other words, if a content type is a part of solution package, deploying new version of the content type will not make any changes to existing content ...
Slaven Semper's user avatar
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Where I can share/buy/sell SharePoint solutions [closed]

Is the some area/community/marketplace for SharePoint solutions where I can upload/download ready-made solutions?
Ivan Tikhonov's user avatar
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Site created using a site template will not preserve the values for the columns (hidden columns will be set as required)

I am facing this strange behaviour on my SharePoint Farm 2013 On-Premises. Below are the steps I followed: I create a new Site Content type which have the Issue content type as its the parent. Now ...
John John's user avatar
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Packaged/Shipped version adds : to data ?? Workbenches are fine

when I run my SPFx webpart solution in the local- or hosted- Workbench, everything seems OK. The data received from lists is displayed correctly, e.g. Freddy, Prayer request, Prayer for money, Food ...
Dennis Kuhn's user avatar
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Roll backup plan for WSP solution deployments

What should be the ideal roll back plan for WSP (Farm) Solutions deployments? What backups should be taken? Before taking the backups what are the prerequisites that should be performed like, ...
Achiever SP's user avatar
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Removed WSP's features still showing in site collection in SharePoint 2010

some WSP's were deployed in SharePoint 2010 Farm and those WSPs have been completely removed from the Farm and not showing in "Manage Farm solution" section but those features (belong to WSP's) are ...
Prakash's user avatar
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Content type changes not reflecting on WSP upgrade

I have upgraded a WSP in SharePoint Online. I have added a new column in my content type that I created using module in visual studio. The new column is not reflecting in my content type associated ...
MJaiswal's user avatar
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Error occured in deployment step 'Retract Solution'

I have an error I never saw. Error occurred in deployment step 'Retract Solution': C:\Windows\Temp\solution-3e36fbcd-ca01-4f9a-a3bb-31b0db0a0b74\foo.wsp could not be created because the ...
Ythio Csi's user avatar
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How to Repackage a SharePoint WSP

I have branding.wsp file. I have rename that wsp to cab and extract all the files. Then I have make some changes in that files. Now I'm trying to Repackage a SharePoint WSP I don't know how to do ...
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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If i have an Event Receiver inside my SharePoint 2013 ,, is it suppose to work in sharepoint 2016 as-is

I am created many Event Receivers inside SharePoint server on-premise 2013. using the following technologies: visual studio 2012. the event receivers mainly got executed when list items are updated, ...
John John's user avatar
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PowerShell command for Add and Install .wsp to Site Collection

need to add and install .wsp file to the Site Collection using PoweShell
Mohamed Arif's user avatar
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Deploy Solution from test environment to development environment

I've to deploy a .wsp package from test to development environment using power shell. The package resides in the folder: B:\Development..... Can someone help here. Please advise. Thank you,
user58872's user avatar

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