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2 answers

If i have an Event Receiver inside my SharePoint 2013 ,, is it suppose to work in sharepoint 2016 as-is

I am created many Event Receivers inside SharePoint server on-premise 2013. using the following technologies: visual studio 2012. the event receivers mainly got executed when list items are updated, ...
John John's user avatar
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how i can break permission inheritance + remove some user groups from a newly created sub-site inside my event receiver

I am working on building a new event receiver which get fired when item is updated, inside my sharepoint enterprise server 2013. now inside the event receiver i am doing the following main steps:- ...
John John's user avatar
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1 answer

Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': The list "Lists/Issue Manage" doesn't exist. Please fix the ListUrl attribute

I am working on sharepoint server 2013. and i have developed an event receiver which fires when lists items are updated. now i define the following setting inside the elements.xml for my solution:- &...
John John's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best approach to re-use an Event receiver among multiple subsites and multiple lists

I am working on SharePoint 2013 team site collection, and I have the following architecture - A team site collection which contain 15 sub sites. Each subsite represents one of our customers. On each ...
John John's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Add-SPSolution Error An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "SPSolutionLanguagePack Name=0

When I tried to add my wsp solution I am getting the error, An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "SPSolutionLanguagePack Name=0 Parent=SPSolution Name=myeventreceiver.wsp", ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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GacDeployment does not show any results

following scenario. I have a structure that looks as follows: WebApplication (App) --> SiteCollection (SiteCol) --> Site (Site) --> WebSite (Web) --> List I developed an eventreceiver which should ...
チーズパン's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot add or use assembly in GAC?

I cannot add an Additional Assembly (DLL) via my Event Receiver Package settings. When I attempt to deploy, I get the following error: 3> Deploying solution 'EventReceiver.wsp'... 3>Error ...
PeterX's user avatar
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"Thread abort exception" in event receiver after adding a solution?

I am developing an event receiver for the web provisioned event. It does quite a few things, culminating to add and deploying a solution and activating a feature from it. When I do the following: ...
Vroomfundel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Updating an uncustomized master page deployed as a wsp solution

I deployed an uncustomized master page as a SP 2010 Server farm solution using these instructions Now I need to update the master page. I edited it ...
Josh's user avatar
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