I have a problem implementing my share-point SPfx app to the share-point site of my organisation.
I followed the instructions provided by microsoft at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/web-parts/get-started/hosting-webpart-from-office-365-cdn yet when I add my App to the sharepoint I get an implementation error.
This is the message I get: Headers translated from dutch to english from left to right:
Enabled, Valid app-package, Implemented, Error message with App-package
Any Idea what could be going wrong?
The step I used to create my .sppkg file were:
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
- Then I uploaded the .sppkg to the App Catalog and I get the error
The other thing I noticed is when I run a development build by neglecting --ship
from the build
and package-solution
I get no error. So I think there might be something wrongly configured in the SharePoint site or I am configuring my application the wrong way.
If anymore information is need please let me know how to resolve this error "3cd06c9e-6015-6000-b78b-ead6a160cb77"
config > package-solution.json
file and then increase the version number to1.0.0.1
and upload the app again and check ?1) gulp clean 2) gulp build 3) gulp bundle --ship 4) gulp package-solution --ship