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How can I access/set stsadm properties from code?

I'm trying to set the ChangeLogRetentionPeriod stsadm property from code, which is normally set from the SP powershell. What is the best way to go about setting this property from code? Background: ...
Ray's user avatar
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Why we need to do IIS Reset after adding a template

I added a template using, STSADM -o addtemplate -filename "C:\Stalker\BaleeeBaleee.stp" -title "YouBreakLive" I can see it in Central Administration in "Custom" site templates when I try to create a ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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STSADM or C# script to delete all custom site templates

I want to delete Custom site templates off my farm and wondering if someone know any script I can use. Not a big fan of Powershell at the moment as I am using SharePoint 2007.
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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How to Integrate STSADM command within Windows Form App

I am developing a Windows Form Application which will have one option as "Export a Site" and another to "Import a Site" I want it to be done using following STSADM commands but not sure what I need to ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
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importing a site to a new site collection error

I tried using STSADM to export / import a site definition, it exported properly, but when i tried to import it, it gave me fatal error that couldn't find a webtemplate #id**** with LCID 1033, both ...
Muhammad Raja's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

call stsadm.exe programmatically (using System.Diagnostics.Process) doesn't seems to work

The title pretty much says it. My target is to deploy a custom alerttemplates.xml to my SharePoint 2010 solution programmatically. Which would decrease the steps for an installation of the solution, ...
Markus Schwalbe's user avatar