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Questions tagged [sharepoint-hosted-app]

A SharePoint-hosted app may provision basic resources into its app web such as HTML/CSS/JS files, site column/content type/list definitions, etc. Under no circumstances can server-side code run within a SharePoint-hosted app.

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SharePoint App communcation

Currently in the development of a SharePoint farm solution for my company. I am questioning the decision of a farm solution and I would like some input. A summary of the custom application: Custom ...
Ryan McGuirk's user avatar
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What means OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes in SharePoint:ScriptLink tag?

I'm developing simple sharepoint hosted app. on app's default.aspx i see the below scriptlink tag. but i do not understand the need of OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes. <SharePoint:...
Curious's user avatar
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My first simple sharepoint hosted app not displaying correctly

I have configured app environment successfully as described in this article I have created simple sharepoint hosted app in visual studio and deployed successfully on my sharepoint server 2013. But ...
Curious's user avatar
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Sharepoint hosted client app part custom properties validation

I am trying to validation custom properties of client web part in Sharepoint hosted app. Not finding anything to do so. I have custom properties which are required ,url validation , character limit in ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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sharepoint hosted app shows blank page

I am quite new to Sharepoint Apps. Following the below steps, have created a SharePoint hosted App in SP 2016 on premise farm; Configuring an “on-premise” development environment for Apps for ...
shoab's user avatar
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Planning for a BATCH Delete operation in SharePoint Hosted APP

I'm planning to use SOAP Services to do a batch DELETE operation in SharePoint Hosted APP. I'm searching for "How to pass Site Url to SOAP services" since the normal way won't work. I found no post ...
Shandeep AM's user avatar
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Create Managed Metadata Column in SharePoint Hosted Add in

I am creating a SharePoint Hosed Add-In and my requirement is, add a managed metadata list column through list schema.xml. Anyone has any idea?
gachCoder's user avatar
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Error in SharePoint Hosted App

I am creating a SharePoint hosted app in which i am fetching a SharePoint list data and showing it on html page . Whenever i am making the rest API call , i am getting " Access denied. You do not have ...
Rohit Kharade's user avatar
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How to upgrade SharePoint-hosted app without losing data

I create a SharePoint-hosted app but when this app is redeploy then Data should be Lost.
Sarika Koli's user avatar
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How do I add Apps from MS Store?

I want to get the CAD viewer app which is free and it supports on prem . But I see following from my sharepoint sites. Sorry,...
Jessica Tyler's user avatar
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SharePoint Online add-in publishing lists but all columns are missing

Not sure where to go on this one and can't find anything online. I'm publishing my SharePoint 2013 Online add-in and the lists are appearing in the add-in. However every single list only has the Title ...
OllieSP's user avatar
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SharePoint on-premise app catalog configuration

I have been tasked with recreating our existing SharePoint on-premise instance. Everything has gone well apart from a confusion I have with how the app catalog has been setup on our existing instance ...
Umair's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted App >> Unable to create termset

I am creating termset in SharePoint Hosted App with below code. but it is giving error Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource. Whereas logged in user ...
gachCoder's user avatar
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How to insert data to app web list from host web

I have ABC SharePoint hosted app and I have a ABClist inside ABC app, there is XYZ custom page available in host web. Now I want to save query string URL to ABClist app list from host web's XYZ ...
Jinesh Kaneriya's user avatar
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How to develop a Usage Utilization application for Office 365

We have a knowledge based site where data is stored in a SharePoint list. We want to keep track of each logged in user and the resource they access while navigating Knowledge based site. I know ...
allegro octopus's user avatar
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SharePoint Add-in - Modify App Domain Name

I have come across situation where I need to change App domain name which we set in early steps of configuring environment for SharePoint add-in while creating isolated app domain. I read somewhere (...
Ashish's user avatar
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Problem loading images in IE when using SharePoint hosted Add-ins with JSOM cross domain library

I have a problem in displaying images in IE, I am developing a SharePoint hosted Add-in, the Lists which contains all the data and the images are hosted in the root site collection and the Add-in is ...
mohamed hamed's user avatar
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How do SharePoint-Hosted Apps authentication and authorization work?

How SharePoint-Hosted Apps Authenticate and Authorization? Is it same as Provider-Hosted Apps or different? Provider-Hosted Apps use OAuth; what about SharePoint-Hosted Apps? For cross domain ...
Praveen Pudi's user avatar
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glyphicons-halflings-regular - 404 (NOT FOUND) in Sharepoint Hosted Add-in

I have developed one SharePoint hosted add-in where in I've used offline bootstrap CSS and glyphicons font. But when I try to load the page it is giving me an error in the browser as below: Failed ...
Ashish's user avatar
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How can I get count of similar items records from list in SharePoint hosted app?

I have created SharePoint Hosted app. I have list called Likes it contains item records. I have custom columns called Ids it hold the another list item id ID. Using JSOM in SharePoint Hosted ...
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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SharePoint Hybrid 2013 + SPO365 CSOM REST

once the environment is set up, is it possible to create a Cross-Domain JSOM or REST calls to get data from Site Collections from Both On-Prem and Online Sides using the SharePoint Hosted App Add-in ...
mike's user avatar
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Get Author email address in SharePoint Hosted App using JSOM

I have created the SharePoint hosted app. I'm using JSOM for App. I'm retrieving items from the list. I have default column in the list called Author (Created by). I want to retrieve email ...
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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Deployment Error in SharePoint APP

I get Error when Deploy that SharePoint App Error 1 Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint': The System Account cannot perform this action.
Sarika Koli's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement licensing in SharePoint hosted add-in

I am working in SharePoint Online, I have added multiple CEWPs with JSOM/ REST to get data from SharePoint lists. Now I want to create SharePoint Hosted App(using my JSOM/REST code) with License Model....
Pramod Gupta's user avatar
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How to deploy/insert the App in all the pages of SharePoint automatically?

I have installed an app on SharePoint sites with the help of this article Now I need to deploy/insert this app on the SharePoint page with the trust automatically.
RajeshSharepointGeek's user avatar
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SharePoint hosted app part cross domain error

I'm trying to build a SharePoint app part to include in a SharePoint online page allong with other web parts. I'm using SharePoint online developer to deploy the solution I'm developing in visual ...
nunonaos's user avatar
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App / Add-in questions

I am a new user of SharePoint, and I am currently learning the App development model. I have some questions for SharePoint Apps specialists. When a site owner download and install an app on his web ...
Pierre-Louis Ollivier's user avatar
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Access denied when making Search call through REST

I'm deploying a SharePoint Hosted Add in in O365. I'm doing a simple call like this in my App.js: var hostUrl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter('SPHostUrl')); function searchSites(webUrl,...
Batman's user avatar
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Get Subsite context from Root Site SharePoint Hosted App

I'm creating SharePoint Hosted App to create sub-sites for users. After creation I've to modify the user permissions on newly created Subsite. I'm trying following code. function createSite() { ...
Arun's user avatar
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External app access to SharePoint farm

I am a new user of SharePoint and I am currently developing a SharePoint app. This app is an externally hosted app, so it is not on the same domain than the farm. In this app, I use the REST API to ...
Pierre-Louis Ollivier's user avatar
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Can we check for prerequisites in SharePoint hosted app before installing, if yes then how?

I want to restrict SharePoint hosted app from install if it does not fulfill the prerequisites requires for the app. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sunil Sahu's user avatar
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OData $expand not working for User Field in SharePoint App

I am trying to use the OData $expand query option to fetch the Title of a SharePoint User Field. The field name is, Author (Created By). However, on using the $expand option, I am getting the ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Sharepoint Framework for Sharepoint 2013

I know the new SPFx will be released for Sharepoint 2016 sometime in the year 2017. But are there any plans to also bring this for Sharepoint 2013? Are there any possibilities/hacks to add a ...
Florian Leitgeb's user avatar
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JQuery & Custom JS on Sharepont Hosted App

I have a basic SharePoint hosted app that only contains a List with a custom new item form. I followed the directions in this tutorial to set my custom form up as the new item form. http://www.c-...
Daniel Whittaker's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 post from hosted app returns -1

I created an Sharepoint-hosted application with angularjs. And ran into a problem, my post request returns status -1, but saves the data. How to fix it? My Lists posted on SPHostUrl. Here is my ...
Денис Дягилев's user avatar
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How to restrict Client side people picker not to allow duplicate users?

I am using Client Side People Picker as shown in Use the client-side People Picker control in SharePoint-hosted SharePoint Add-ins. Now the problem is, this people picker is allowing same user ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
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Deployment time of the SharePoint Hosted app for online

I am making SharePoint Hosted app while deploying this app it takes much time to deploy it around 15 min to uninstall and 15 min to install it. Is there any way that we can see the changes without ...
Mohit Sikhwal's user avatar
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~sitecollection token in AppPart SRC attribute

I have been testing ability to use various tokens in SRC attribute for app parts in SharePoint 2013. I try to investigate if it's possible to have an apppart that points to a page that is outside app ...
jjczopek's user avatar
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How to do one time configuration of SharePoint Hosted Add-in?

We need to create a few fields after installation of SharePoint Hosted Add-in. What would be the preferred way to achieve this?
Alok Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Deny Direct Access to Lists in SharePoint-Hosted Add-in

Not finding any real answer to this question, so not sure if I am articulating my question correctly... SCENARIO: I am creating an college registration form for students using a SharePoint-hosted Add-...
Keltanis's user avatar
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How to create list with default items in SharePoint Hosted App?

I have a SharePoint Hosted App. Now I am adding a new list using "Add -> New Item -> Lists". List got created. But my question is, I want to add an item so that when I install my SharePoint App, the ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted app Custom newform

I need to add a custom form (new, view and display forms) in a SharePoint Hosted app. I did follow these two articles article1 and article2. Steps so far Created a SharePoint App project Added a ...
user1339913's user avatar
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Resource Not Found error while creating a custom master page for Sharepoint Hosted App

Resource Not Found (Master Page is not found) error is shown when a custom master page is created for SharePoint Hosted App according to steps given in given link: Master Page for Sharepoint Hosted ...
Prathamesh Gawade's user avatar
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SharePoint online app build time

I have created a SharePoint App(SharePoint Add-in) with 70 columns 6 content types and 8 lists and I am deploying the Sharepoint app to SharePoint online. It takes around 16-18 mins to retract, ...
user1339913's user avatar
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Unable to delete SharePoint Online sub-site with SP hosted app installed

When i try to delete a site(Site Settings -> Delete the Site) with SP hosted app installed in the respective site, we are getting the below error There was a problem deleting Web site "". Sites that ...
Srinath.MV's user avatar
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Get current user id in JSOM on sharepoint online

I'm trying these two ways to get the user id. $(document).ready(function () { ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadUser, "sp.js"); }); function loadUser() { var ctx = new SP....
uhcnamuf's user avatar
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Install and display SharePoint Hosted App(*.app) avoid manually "Trust In" to set the permissions

For a requirement using SharePoint Online(Developer Tenant) regarding Site Provisioning, we need to install a SharePoint Hosted App(*.app) in the newly created sites. Doing this, the app is installing ...
Srinath.MV's user avatar
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SP Hosted-AddIn - Pass body parameter to SP.WebRequestInfo() object

I want to pass body parameters to my post request, how to do this? In msdn article haves only example with GET request.. This is my code for get request(Its working): function webProxy() { ...
Goshky's user avatar
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Debug SharePoint Hosted and Provider hosted app

I am fighting with issues on apps ( SharePoint Provider & Hosted)models .Can any one guide me in knowing how do debug the apps.And what should i need to install if pre-requisite exists for ...
MSA's user avatar
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Debuggin app with VS I get not a valid32 application

I'm trying to deploy my first app on Sharepoint online with visual studio 2015. I have tried setting platform target x86 but it makes no difference. Do you know what the problem is? EDIT: prefer32 ...
Gyonder's user avatar
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