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Questions tagged [sharepoint-hosted-app]

A SharePoint-hosted app may provision basic resources into its app web such as HTML/CSS/JS files, site column/content type/list definitions, etc. Under no circumstances can server-side code run within a SharePoint-hosted app.

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SharePoint-hosted app prompts for login when using Edge/Chrome but not IE

We are using SharePoint Server 2016 and have a SharePoint-hosted app deployed. Everything works fine in Internet Explorer, but when loading the site with Edge or Chrome, I get a login prompt for the ...
greycloud's user avatar
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How to login using API to get delegated permissions for registered app

I managed to get the access token in postman (After registering the app on Azure on following the required steps), but the permission for the app is set to only allow logged in users to read from ...
Malthe's user avatar
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3 answers

Add multiple Fields For the CamlQuery in Sharepoint Hosted App

I am trying to filter two fields or more that is clean of null values. It works for the first field but it is not working for the second field: <View><Query><Where><IsNotNull>&...
kont's user avatar
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Suggestions for creating an app or a web part in a Team Site

I would like to develop a user control with a text box where the user will enter his/her UserID and click the button to see some info which is populated by my own REST API. Is there a web part out of ...
Venky.m's user avatar
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Migrating SP 2013 Content Database Prod->Dev with App Catalog: Refused to display '<URL>' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'

I am trying to refresh a SharePoint 2013 Dev environment from our Prod environment. I am using a content database containing a single site collection and an app catalog site hosting 10+ SharePoint ...
SharePoint Mangler's user avatar
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SharePoint hosted addin file not found

I am building SharePoint hosted add-in. I am trying to reference the sp.js and sp.runtime.js but I am getting error File '_/layouts/15/sp.runtime.js' was not found. SharePointHostedAddin Screenshot ...
Ragavan Rajan's user avatar
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What is the purpose for App URL for on-premise SharePoint?

We are using SP2016 on-premise. Patch is deployed so that I can work with Spfx. I followed this MS document (Configure an environment for apps for SharePoint Server) to configure any App domain ...
Mark L's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Web Parts on SharePoint Mobile App

When migrating an existing SP 2013 On-Prem to SP Online using SPMT or ShareGate and given there are a number of custom Wb Parts and other customizations done mostly with SharePoint designer. I know ...
jose luis gonzalez clua's user avatar
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Can a SharePoint Hosted Add-in call a public web API (like Google Maps or Open Weather)?

Assuming, it's a pure JavaScript page/app with no server-side rendering required... Can a SharePoint Hosted Add-in call a public web API (like Google Maps or Open Weather)? Or would this make it a ...
mute's user avatar
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On Prem SharePoint Hosted Add-ins Not Working

My Add-in challenges me for my credentials; even though I'm already authenticated by SharePoint. After 3 times, a blank page is displayed; even though my default.aspx is not a blank page. How can I ...
amsackett's user avatar
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Hide document library from Quick Launch using JSOM

I am creating Hidden document library using SharePoint hosted App and i have to hide this hidden library from quick launch. I used below code but it's not working. function createDocumentLibrary() {...
Chandani Prajapati's user avatar
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Deployment Error Visual Studio

I am following a tutorial around here: SharePoint Add-Ins and of course before I get started following this tutorial I created a developer site, after I created the project and linked my developer ...
SmithBZ's user avatar
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Error when deploying .sppkg file to SharePoint App Catalog

I have been following this tutorial, and I have been having a bit of trouble deploying the app to the App Catalog in my Office 365 SP-Online tenant. I decided to go back and start again, but this ...
P-Bagels's user avatar
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Hide one of hosted app part from solution

I have developed a solution which have 20 SharePoint hosted app part. Now i want to hide one of the app-part from this hosted app solution, so that user can not see and add that one app part on page. ...
Dilip Kumar Yadav's user avatar
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Access Token Api - Getting Unauthorized error when consume/used from SharePoint Hosted add-in

I want Access token in sharepoint Hosted addin in order to consume Microsoft Graph Api. When I hit Access Token Api ( ...
Amardeep Gupta's user avatar
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Working with npm packages in SharePoint hosted app

I am starting to work on a SP 2013 hosted app. I am planning to use typescript and have setup my project with Typescript configurations enabled. I have created a SP module called "dist" and all ...
Unnie's user avatar
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The property 'Lead' does not exist on type 'SP.Data.ProjectsListListItem'. Error in Sharepint Online

I have developed Sharepoint Hosted Addin with a List called Projects. And It has a Lookup for another List called Users to get the Team Lead for that project. When I trying to add new List Item to the ...
Sandun Isuru Niraj's user avatar
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SharePoint App: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

I am getting the following error when I run the SharePoint app project via Visual studio debugger: Anyone can help how to solve the Authorization issue? I am not sure what authorization I need since ...
Burre Ifort's user avatar
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Save document template from AppWeb to HostWeb document library

I am trying to create SharePoint app. Basic idea is to create document in hostweb document library from AppWeb (document template stored in AppWeb doc lib). In Details : I have created ribbon ...
Sachin Shinde's user avatar
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How to add an App or a List to a Team Site

I have a team site with a Home Page like the one on this link (created programmatically with STS#3 template). I'd like to customize the Home Page adding a SharePoint hosted App I have developed. But ...
spiderman's user avatar
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How to migrate SharePoint hosted app from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Online?

How to migrate a SharePoint hosted app from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Online? Do that require the code of app to be rewritten or can we simply download and upload the app file to SharePoint ...
Adarsh Awasthi's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted App not working. App domain issues

I followed this link to configure the app domain for SharePoint 2013. While configuring the DNS we followed below steps:  First created zone: Alias Name: * FQDN: * FQDN for ...
Zakir HC's user avatar
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Can i get/use the Modern Experience Interface + the Current Site Navigation, inside my SharePoint Hosted Add-in

I am working on a SharePoint online team site collection. and i want to build a SharePoint hosted App to do some CRUD operations on a list. so i follow somehow the same steps shown in this link:- ...
John John's user avatar
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Passing the Item ID to my SharePoint Hosted App. is this possible

I have to 2 lists inside my sharepoint online team site:- Invoice Invoice Details. which has a lookup column to the Invoice list. now i want to show a summary of the Invoice and its details from one ...
John John's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Migrating SharePoint 2013 apps to 2016

I have about 12 SharePoint apps (or add-ins) that I need to migrate over to 2016, but whenever following the steps below, I'm not seeing the app webs, nor the ability to add any apps to an existing ...
Mike's user avatar
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Get all users from azure AD group SharePoint hosted app

I am currently trying to use a people picker to be able to get user properties and if a group is picked I want to be able to get all the user keys. I can get all the properties I need if I select a ...
Laura Cook's user avatar
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New form in hosted app

I am creating a hosted app in Visual Studio 2017 for use in SharePoint 2016 On-Premises. I have added a list to this project and would like to change the new item form for this list. I am attempting ...
DrewB's user avatar
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How to add attachment in SharePoint list using SharePoint Hosted App

I am working on a SharePoint Hosted app in JSOM, where a user enters his expenses with attachment. I have no Idea how to upload attachment and add it into a SharePoint List. I have created that ...
Tezz Chaudhary's user avatar
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Create multiple list item in one go in SharePoint App

In my SharePoint Hosted app... I have a table with 3 rows (also user can add a new dynamic row) with some input fields. Currently with my code, system is only reading first row of table and creating ...
Tezz Chaudhary's user avatar
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Workflow activity causing errors with type ViewStateNameValue

I am using visual studio 2017 2017 with SharePoint online (a developer site) to create a SharePoint hosted app. I have just been using the workflow designer so haven't touched the XAML. When I click ...
Laura Cook's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2016 On Prem - App Catalog Issue [closed]

I have an existing Sharepoint 2016 On Prem install that I deployed the App Catalog to, as per several online guides, about 2 years ago. We use K2 so had to install then deploy the K2 App for ...
vlannoob's user avatar
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Redirect From one app page to another SharePoint Hosted App

Currenlt I am creating SharePoint hosted App. In which I have 2 pages Default .aspx and dashboard.aspx in Pages folder. Now I want to redirect page from Default to dashboard.aspx. One way I know is ...
Akhilesh's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 Hosted App Displays Sprite Image

This was all working fine awhile ago. Now the App displays a SharePoint Sprite Image overlaying the App.
Bismarck's user avatar
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How to add .app (app part) into a share point page using powershell?

I have an App which is already deployed into SharePoint site. I want to add that .app file into a SharePoint page using powershell script. Thanks in advance.
Vijay's user avatar
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Sharepoint apps configuration with SAN certs?

In our current environment, our app environment is configured with wild card using verisign certs. As Google is planning to mistrusting all certs issued by Symantec and in which verisign falls under ...
user6119395's user avatar
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Rendering multiple Instagram feeds as one within SharePoint Online

Hoping some of my fellow SharePoint guru's can point me in the right direction. We have multiple Brands, each brand has their own Instagram account and posts their own content. We would like to ...
Stephen's user avatar
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How to get popular Tags using Popular Items' web-part in SharePoint online?

I want to show popular tags used across my site collection. I have tried 'Tag cloud web part' but it has been retired from SharePoint Online. To achieve this I have used 'Popular Items' web part by ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Hosted Sharepoint [closed]

Does anyone know of a company that offers a hosted-type service where a public user can create an account, pay a fee, and create / share a sharepoint-based website with others?
tbull's user avatar
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I have deployed my clientside webpart solution, but I can’t add it to my site

I created a sharepoint framework webpart and uploaded it to the app catalog. I enabled it for users to be able to add to sites. However, it’s not showing up in gallery when I choose to add an app. Is ...
ElGato's user avatar
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SharePoint Add-in is not available in Web Part (App Part) gallery - SharePoint Online

I've developed SharePoint Add-in (SharePoint hosted) with an app part so it can be added to SharePoint page. The problem I'm facing now is that the app part is not available from App part (or Web part)...
David Kváš's user avatar
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Sharepoint Hosted APPS storage

where share point hosted apps will be stored? and is there any difference between APPWEB and HOSTWEB?
Kishore's user avatar
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I have a SharePoint Hosted app ready. How to host it in the sharepoint store?

I have a SharePoint Hosted App ready and i'm looking to host it in SharePoint Store. I have came across many sites and i'm not sure which one should i proceed with. People say to check with sellers ...
Shandeep AM's user avatar
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Can I download the add-in from Microsoft Seller Dashboard?

I have submitted a SharePoint Hosted Add-in to Microsoft Seller Dashboard (SharePoint Online). Unfortunately, I lost my source codes and published file together. Now, my add-in is rejected for some ...
Aakash Maurya's user avatar
5 votes
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Fetching and displaying more than 5000 list items

I am aware of the list items threshold of 5000 items. But I need to display more than 5000 items on a SharePoint Hosted Addin and on a .net website. How can I overcome this constraint? Also, I do ...
mohd tahir's user avatar
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User unable to login to the app with Read permissions while there is no problem with Full Control

Scenario: There is an custom SharePoint app/Add In which has got 4 different types of groups for 4 different types of users. 4 different groups have permissions are Full Control, Contribute, ...
Anand's user avatar
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SharePoint App asking for credentials for each domain of app

I have main SharePoint site on domain and app is on I created all the required entries in DNS. like Host A and CNAME for wildcard. Now both are working fine but when i ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Search content from main site from SharePoint add-in

Hi I have a SharePoint addin deployed onto a SharePoint dev site. I want it so that I am able to see results from the dev site. I have tried editing the search settings and query settings but nothing ...
stackman's user avatar
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How to read recurring events in SharePoint hosted app

would like to know how to get the recurring events for SharePoint calendar from SharePoint hosted app. There is an option to get normally using SPServices. But problem is we cannot use SPServices in ...
Mihir's user avatar
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Remote Event receiver using provider hosted app

Getting error on deploy Remote event receiver using provider hosted app solution in SharePoint online. Cannot register Services/RemoteEventReceiver1.svc on Microsoft Azure Service Bus: The remote ...
Akshay's user avatar
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Is it feasible to check PDF accessibility using c#?

I need to check accessibility for uploaded pdf using any dll or any other way. Is it feasible programmatically using c#. Accessibility of pdf means pdf contain header or footer and misspelled word in ...
Akshay's user avatar
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