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Questions tagged [sharepoint-hosted-app]

A SharePoint-hosted app may provision basic resources into its app web such as HTML/CSS/JS files, site column/content type/list definitions, etc. Under no circumstances can server-side code run within a SharePoint-hosted app.

164 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Bundle SharePoint JavaScript files inside SharePoint hosted app

We have a SharePoint hosted app. This app require some scripts from SharePoint; MicrosoftAjax.js, init.js, sp.runtime.js, sp.js, sp.taxonomy.js and sp.workflowservices.js. We load all these from /...
eirikb's user avatar
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6 votes
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SharePoint hosted app - valid app package always NO

While publishing a SharePoint hosted app file to the App catalog site it always shows Valid App Package: No And App Version is always I changed the version in AppManifest.xml from Visual ...
Hitesh Chandegara's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Full-trust SharePoint hosted app licensing

As we know, Apps for SharePoint that request full-control permissions are not accepted in the Office Store. So, how to implement licensing management and validation then? Especially for SharePoint ...
Serhiy's user avatar
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SP.WebProxy.invoke Alternative

I'm working on a SharePoint 2013 on premises Hosted App. The app needs to get data from an external REST endpoint from a web service on another computer. I've managed to get in Javascript the SP....
Ian Fleet's user avatar
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SharePoint on-premise app catalog configuration

I have been tasked with recreating our existing SharePoint on-premise instance. Everything has gone well apart from a confusion I have with how the app catalog has been setup on our existing instance ...
Umair's user avatar
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SharePoint Hybrid 2013 + SPO365 CSOM REST

once the environment is set up, is it possible to create a Cross-Domain JSOM or REST calls to get data from Site Collections from Both On-Prem and Online Sides using the SharePoint Hosted App Add-in ...
mike's user avatar
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~sitecollection token in AppPart SRC attribute

I have been testing ability to use various tokens in SRC attribute for app parts in SharePoint 2013. I try to investigate if it's possible to have an apppart that points to a page that is outside app ...
jjczopek's user avatar
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Resource Not Found error while creating a custom master page for Sharepoint Hosted App

Resource Not Found (Master Page is not found) error is shown when a custom master page is created for SharePoint Hosted App according to steps given in given link: Master Page for Sharepoint Hosted ...
Prathamesh Gawade's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to create subsite with SharePoint hosted app

Below is my code for creating sub site in SharePoint Hosted App: function createWebsite() { var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext("https://rootSite/sites/Site1"); this.oWebsite = ...
DRS's user avatar
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Connect lookup field to a list inside an app

I have a list in SharePoint online which should get a lookup a field to a list which is inside a SharePoint hosted app / add-in. Is it possible? My app has "FullControl" rights on the web and on the ...
dev.Manderson's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create custom action using SharePoint hosted app

Is it possible to create "custom action" under the "Site Action" menu in "HOST WEB" using SharePoint Hosted App.? We do not want to follow the native method of packaging all the necessary files ...
Karthik Jaganathan's user avatar
3 votes
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JSLink in form tag is not working from schema.xml in my SharePoint hosted app

In the app ,for schema here is my code from schema.xml <Forms> <Form Type="NewForm" Name="{65B105CA-E7D8-4B28-8C9F-5B0DCBA7E0CA}" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" Url="...
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted app and document

I am creating a SharePoint document center application in which I want to achieve the following: We will use the SharePoint screen and will show the list of documents over the SharePoint site. I ...
user3089677's user avatar
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Access host web data from a SharePoint add-in

I am writing a SharePoint add-in to add list items to a host web list. I use an AppContextSite object to fetch the list and add an item to it. I then try to do an appSiteContext.load(listItem) call ...
cmoody4's user avatar
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2 answers

Access Subsite list from root site using sharepoint hosted app

I've a SharePoint Hosted App and its deployed to Root site. Using that App, I need to read items of specific list from all sub sites of that root site. My current Code: var hostsuburl = "Subsite URL ...
Arun's user avatar
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Display SharePoint App's Version Number

I'm working on a SharePoint Hosted App that includes an App Part (or SharePoint Plugin, whatever they're calling it these days). Somewhere on the App Part, I thought it would be nice to display the ...
WCHolland's user avatar
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Working with npm packages in SharePoint hosted app

I am starting to work on a SP 2013 hosted app. I am planning to use typescript and have setup my project with Typescript configurations enabled. I have created a SP module called "dist" and all ...
Unnie's user avatar
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Is it feasible to check PDF accessibility using c#?

I need to check accessibility for uploaded pdf using any dll or any other way. Is it feasible programmatically using c#. Accessibility of pdf means pdf contain header or footer and misspelled word in ...
Akshay's user avatar
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What means OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes in SharePoint:ScriptLink tag?

I'm developing simple sharepoint hosted app. on app's default.aspx i see the below scriptlink tag. but i do not understand the need of OnDemand, LoadAfterUI, Localizable attributes. <SharePoint:...
Curious's user avatar
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Sharepoint hosted client app part custom properties validation

I am trying to validation custom properties of client web part in Sharepoint hosted app. Not finding anything to do so. I have custom properties which are required ,url validation , character limit in ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted app Custom newform

I need to add a custom form (new, view and display forms) in a SharePoint Hosted app. I did follow these two articles article1 and article2. Steps so far Created a SharePoint App project Added a ...
user1339913's user avatar
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Prevent Visual Studio from Overriding Poject internal SPList

Is there a way to prevent Visual Studio from Overriding Poject internal SPList? And how can I reuse a already created List inside an App? The Lists is not accessible after a new deployment of the app....
Snickbrack's user avatar
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Create site collection using jsom

I am wondering if creation of site collections with javascript on SharePoint hosted sites, is still not possible? If not, is it possible to use the site collection creation form _layouts/15/online/...
Lennard's user avatar
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Creating Charts in 0365

I am developing a Share-point Application in O365. Will it be possible to use web-part in online premise or only app part can only be used. Following is the code I have used. I am getting the Access ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Create a 2010 workflow in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint hosted app

Is it possible to create workflow 2010 for SharePoint hosted app 2013 in visual studio 2012. If yes then how we can achieve this. Suggest some help
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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Sharepoint Hosted app update issue

I have deployed my hosted app in test site environment with version In the same version I have one list named Employee. Now I renamed the list name as Employees raise the version and ...
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Alternative for ADAL in SharePoint hosted app

Is there any alternative for ADAL. I have created SharePoint hosted app. For every new build app deployed with new url with new Id like
Mrunal Shidurkar's user avatar
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Rest API calls from provider hosted apps

Here is the scenario. We have a product built on linux systems and the data is available through REST API. The web application which is built on JAVA is also hosted on the same environment. Few of ...
Sreeharsha Alagani's user avatar
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How to create context by using URL from list items?

I've a project main site and some sub sites of it. In the Main site I've list which contains URL of all sub sites. I need to create office app to retrieve the list items from all sub sites, do some ...
Arun's user avatar
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Is cross-site lookup possible with a provider-hosted app?

I have following problem. I got two projects, one sharepoint-hosted app and another provider hosted app. Both contain a couple of lists. So far so good. Now I need the data from the sharepoint-hosted ...
LeonidasFett's user avatar
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Filter Drop-down values based on logged user

I should create a drop down box to display hosted-app part, based on the selected value from drop down box. Also I need to filter the drop down values based on logged user. And this need to be done ...
Arun's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 Hosted App. Access-Control-Allow-Origin - Access Denied

I am working with SharePoint 2013 and I developed some app parts to show information in our intranet. These app parts get data from WEB API using jQuery, It works fine in Chrome, Firefox, but in ...
Rafael RLD's user avatar
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ADFS error in SharePoint Hosted App on On-Premise SharePoint

I have developed a SharePoint Hosted App for a customer. For development I used SharePoint Online, the customer system is an on-premise SharePoint 2013. Now I deployed the .app-file on the customers ...
Philipp Eger's user avatar
2 votes
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Get all users in Office 365 and their permissions in Sharepoint hosted app

How to get all users of office 365 and their permissions in SharePoint hosted app and is it even possible ? I want to get everyone's permissions and display content based on permissions of current ...
Mathematics's user avatar
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Sharepoint-hosted app on-premise 2013

We have been developing SharePoint-hosted apps for SP online with great success, but seems like developing SharePoint-hosted apps for the on-premise 2013 is not so intuitive process. Questions: As ...
Yiannis Stavrianos's user avatar
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User-hidden credentials for SharePoint-hosted / Auto-hosted App

I am experienced with developing SharePoint 2007 and 2010 solutions, and am working to get into SharePoint 2013 development. The requirement from our customer is that the App can only be deployed as ...
Christian P.'s user avatar
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Enable ratings for custom list via JavaScript in a SharePoint Hosted Add-In (App)

let me just start by saying that I've searched for about 8 hours and I've read every accepted answer for CSOM, PowerShell, list settings etc and tried to convert the codes myself into a working ...
Fredrik Johan Lund's user avatar
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In SharePoint App, What permission will be needed to bind taxonomy termstore to column of list?

I have SharePoint hosted app which creates list with Taxonomy Field. I want to bind term store to that column. I tried by editing that column and try to set "Term Set Settings", but that setting ...
Vikram Shityalkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Using JSOM or REST get list items stored in a different web application

In an on-premises SharePoint 2013 environment I need to read list items stored in a different web application using JavaScript based solution. This could either be JavaScript in Script Editor web part ...
programmatically's user avatar
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SharePoint-hosted app prompts for login when using Edge/Chrome but not IE

We are using SharePoint Server 2016 and have a SharePoint-hosted app deployed. Everything works fine in Internet Explorer, but when loading the site with Edge or Chrome, I get a login prompt for the ...
greycloud's user avatar
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Can a SharePoint Hosted Add-in call a public web API (like Google Maps or Open Weather)?

Assuming, it's a pure JavaScript page/app with no server-side rendering required... Can a SharePoint Hosted Add-in call a public web API (like Google Maps or Open Weather)? Or would this make it a ...
mute's user avatar
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Error when deploying .sppkg file to SharePoint App Catalog

I have been following this tutorial, and I have been having a bit of trouble deploying the app to the App Catalog in my Office 365 SP-Online tenant. I decided to go back and start again, but this ...
P-Bagels's user avatar
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SharePoint App: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

I am getting the following error when I run the SharePoint app project via Visual studio debugger: Anyone can help how to solve the Authorization issue? I am not sure what authorization I need since ...
Burre Ifort's user avatar
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Save document template from AppWeb to HostWeb document library

I am trying to create SharePoint app. Basic idea is to create document in hostweb document library from AppWeb (document template stored in AppWeb doc lib). In Details : I have created ribbon ...
Sachin Shinde's user avatar
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How to add .app (app part) into a share point page using powershell?

I have an App which is already deployed into SharePoint site. I want to add that .app file into a SharePoint page using powershell script. Thanks in advance.
Vijay's user avatar
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How to get popular Tags using Popular Items' web-part in SharePoint online?

I want to show popular tags used across my site collection. I have tried 'Tag cloud web part' but it has been retired from SharePoint Online. To achieve this I have used 'Popular Items' web part by ...
Vijay's user avatar
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SharePoint Add-in is not available in Web Part (App Part) gallery - SharePoint Online

I've developed SharePoint Add-in (SharePoint hosted) with an app part so it can be added to SharePoint page. The problem I'm facing now is that the app part is not available from App part (or Web part)...
David Kváš's user avatar
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Can I download the add-in from Microsoft Seller Dashboard?

I have submitted a SharePoint Hosted Add-in to Microsoft Seller Dashboard (SharePoint Online). Unfortunately, I lost my source codes and published file together. Now, my add-in is rejected for some ...
Aakash Maurya's user avatar
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User unable to login to the app with Read permissions while there is no problem with Full Control

Scenario: There is an custom SharePoint app/Add In which has got 4 different types of groups for 4 different types of users. 4 different groups have permissions are Full Control, Contribute, ...
Anand's user avatar
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Search content from main site from SharePoint add-in

Hi I have a SharePoint addin deployed onto a SharePoint dev site. I want it so that I am able to see results from the dev site. I have tried editing the search settings and query settings but nothing ...
stackman's user avatar
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