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Questions tagged [webapi]

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Creating a secure .Net WebAPI for Sharepoint without AAD

I need to call my custom .Net 6 core web api from on-premise sharepoint 2019 webpart. The users are already being authenticated using on-premise Active Directory. I want to pass the authentication ...
Talha Anwer's user avatar
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Make SetIsOriginAllowed Safe for SharePoint WebAPI?

I'm working on a test WebAPI for SharePoint that is secured with Azure AD via bearer tokens. At first, I manually specified every allowed origin with a statement like this inside ConfigureServices ...
Shawn Eary's user avatar
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Column naming convention with spfx & search

I want to retrieve data from a SharePoint list, at the same time I want to retrieve data from web api in my spfx webpart. So basically what I want is to have a unified component that can just connect ...
B1B's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2016 On Prem Single sign on with Web API

We have a SharePoint 2016 on premise site which uses both the forms based authentication and windows authentication. We are planning to add SharePoint framework web parts(SPFx) to the site. For that ...
SPKan's user avatar
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3 votes
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SharePoint Online Webhook with ngrok "Access Denied"

I am trying to follow bellow documentation of Microsoft I have given below permission azure app But when I send ...
Milind's user avatar
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Spfx Web Part - API call sometimes fails to execute

I have a custom web part that uses aadHttpClientFactory to authenticate with AAD and then get data from an API secured with AAD. It works flawlessly most of the time. Periodically, though, it gets ...
TheIronCheek's user avatar
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Custom web part unable to call custom web API

I'm unable to get my custom web part to connect to my custom Web API. Ultimately, my goal is to secure the API using Azure AD and then call that API from my web part. In the local workbench, I'm ...
TheIronCheek's user avatar
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Unable to approve API permissions from API Management page

I created a custom web part that calls a web API I created. When I deployed the web part, I went to approve the required permissions and received the following errors: [HTTP]:500 - [CorrelationId]:...
TheIronCheek's user avatar
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I am writing a web api code to upload documents in specific folder using csom code using savebinarydirect method, which is failing

I can upload the documents using a console app, but when using the same code in. Net Web API, I am getting an error saying, "Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.File" doesn't contain a method "...
user11099777's user avatar
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SharePoint authentication - Web api

Goodnight, I have a site in Sharepoint 2019 with a webpart spfx and I have a site where a web api runs with the business logic. The api has Windows authentication From SharePoint I can connect to ...
Andres Correal's user avatar
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SharePoint 2019 - Web API

Goodnight, I have a WEB API application with windows authentication, and I have an SPFX application in sharepoint 2019. Everything is on premise. How can I authenticate the api with the current ...
Andres Correal's user avatar
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SPFX Sharepoint 2019

I created an app in spfx on sharepoint online and connect to a app service use AadClient. It's possible to do the same in SharePoint 2019 On Premise and On Premise Api?. Thanks
Andres Correal's user avatar
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Web api - Http 302 - SPFX

Good afthernoon I have a project in sharepoint framework and a Web API project with Azure AD authentication. In the API I have a controller with Autorize Attribute. If the WEB API runs in localhost,...
Andres Correal's user avatar
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Can a custom web api using Azure AD App Only token get throttled by SharePoint Online? [closed]

I have 02 custom web api. One using user and password and another using Azure AD App Only token to connect to SharePoint Online. None of them are performing batch activities, but simple CRUD ...
Luis Falcon's user avatar
3 votes
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Calling ASP.NET Web API 2 from an SPFx webpart

I am facing an issue with authenticating my SPFx webpart against an Azure AD backed Web API. What I have done so far is Created a ASP.NET WEB API 2 project. Added OWIN and configured CORS and OIDC in ...
Tanmay's user avatar
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External data move to Azure cloud and call web API through Sharepoint online, Please suggest approach

I want to move external data to Azure through web API. I am able to deploy web API in Azure but how to call web API through SharePoint online? Or can we use SharePoint hosted apps for entire scenario ...
Chandan Sahani's user avatar
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Get SharePoint user from WebApi2 Identity

I have a WebApi2 endpoint where supportCredentials flag is set to true. On the IIS the Anonymous Authentication on false and the Windows Authentication on true. What I'm trying to do is to load the ...
Emaborsa's user avatar
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Async call to REST API in page layout code-behind

Please excuse my ignorance -- I am not sure if this is even correct practice, let alone possible to achieve in SharePoint. My self-taught knowledge of SharePoint development was all learned by ...
CHRSharePointDev's user avatar
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How to connect to SharePoint from different server

I am using SharePoint 2013 with AD authentication. Since the front end application is made in Java I am using .net Web APIs to connect to the SharePoint server. So any request from the user browser(...
Ankit Katiyar's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to use SharePoint REST Api in an application that is hosted outside of SharePoint

I have a requirement where I have to perform CRUD operation on SharePoint 2016 List and Libraries using the REST API from JavaScript. The problem is the application from where I need to make the calls ...
Ankit Katiyar's user avatar
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How can I access the client machine folder in Azure Web API

Here I am trying to access the file from client machine on which running the Application using Azure web API. How can I access the client machine folders in Azure Web API Controller. Is it possible ? ...
Dinesh Talekar's user avatar
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Web API to SharePoint

In our project we have a mobile app which is connected to a Web API, now our requirement is that the Web API should call SharePoint to update a managed meta data column of an document library item. I ...
anantharengan's user avatar
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Create Application and Custom WebApi for Sharepoint Online

I have an Office 365 Subscription with Sharepoint Online. I need to: Developing Custom Application that access an SQL Azure Database. Should I use Sharepoint AddIn in Visual Studio 2015/2017 ? ...
DarioN1's user avatar
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How to make sure that webhook event is only handled once?

As I understand the payload that is sent to subscribers does not contain any data about the event. Instead I'm supposed to use Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List.GetChanges and process the changes in a ...
Gabriel Smoljar's user avatar
5 votes
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REST API Getting Fields from an Lookup List

I have a REST query that looks like this /_api/lists/getbytitle('MainList')/items?$select=Title,LookupField/Id,LookupField/Title&$expand=LookupField That works fine. But when I try to pull ...
Jeremy Leff's user avatar
3 votes
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Pass authentication from provider hosted add-in to external web service

We are developing an low-trust provider hosted add-in which will be hosted in the cloud. We use Web API to retrieve data from the add-in. To ensure that only authenticated users can call the Web API ...
Jan-Bernd's user avatar
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How can I access SPO from Azure WebAPI?

I'm working with the following: Azure MVC app (using organisational authentication with Azure AD) WebAPI (within the MVC project) SharePoint Online MVC => API I would like to use AJAX to ...
SPQuestion's user avatar
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Unauthorized Error using web api with REST in different site collection the add-in isn't deployed at

I'm trying to write a sharepoint 2013 add-in that reads certain list info from a bunch of site collections i get first and write into an array, however whenever i try to access any sitecollection but ...
Thun's user avatar
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3 answers

How do we fetch data through WebAPI/WCF Restfull service which hosted in azure, from SharePoint online site by using c# coding(httpwebrequest)? [duplicate]

How do we fetch data through WCF Restful/WebAPI service which hosted in azure, from SharePoint online site by using c# coding(httpwebrequest)? Can we need to create app for the SharePoint online which ...
RajeshSharepointGeek's user avatar
1 vote
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Calling WebApi in provider hosted add-in from SharePoint javascript

We are developing an on-premise provider hosted add-in. We would like to call the add-ins WebApi from JS code on a SharePoint page, avoiding app-parts (app part have several limitations). We are ...
CIGNUM's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Get Likedby column value from List Rating Setting

I have created a custom list and activated rating setting. I want to count the number of likes and likedby. But when I modify the list view I found Likedby is disable but checked and likedby is not ...
user18508's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 Hosted App. Access-Control-Allow-Origin - Access Denied

I am working with SharePoint 2013 and I developed some app parts to show information in our intranet. These app parts get data from WEB API using jQuery, It works fine in Chrome, Firefox, but in ...
Rafael RLD's user avatar
4 votes
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Sharepoint 2013 with custom webapi service

I want to add a custom webapi service to sharepoint 2013. What I did so far is Create the webapi application Added an application in IIS Imported the webapi application Tests are succesfull to get ...
Ruben Herman's user avatar
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