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Questions tagged [dns]

Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network.

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3 answers

Single Server SP2019 Farm - Site Loads IIS Splash Screen

I've completed an installation of a single server SP2019 farm with AD, DHCP & DNS. Central Admin loads perfectly fine and I can create new Content DB's and Site Collections. I've correctly ...
neptr's user avatar
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How can redirect a custom domain to sharepoint online?

I would like to redirect a custom domain to (SPO), but after add an CNAME entry I got the following error: Our services aren't available right now. ...
fallout's user avatar
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After adding DNS records for bluehost inside GoDaddy , my Office 365 email stop receiving emails

I purchased a domain from Godaddy and i configured our Office 365 on the domain and the office 365 email addresses. Last week i purchase a hosting from BlueHost and configure the Bluehost DNS records ...
John John's user avatar
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How to connect SharePoint 2016 to new Active Directory server

Our Active Directory server has problems. So, we decide to create a new Active Directory server and restore backup to new Active Directory server. When DNS SharePoint servers and Database server ...
Parinaz Mobedi's user avatar
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setup friendly URL for SP Online site collection

I am trying to setup friendly URL for SP Online site collection. For Example by default all SP Online site collections looks like Here I don't want to ...
Kiran Kumar Talikoti's user avatar
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What's the IP address of my SharePoint Server?

I'm actually learning about SharePoint Server so I was following a course on LinkedIn Learning and the instructor said that I will need the IP address of the SharePoint Server to configure the DNS for ...
Yox's user avatar
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Custom Error Page redirecting to local URL

I have a Web Applcation which contains a Publishing Site with Variations feature enabled. The following is and example URL for the site However when I type a wrong URL, an ...
Pankaj Dalvi's user avatar
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Page not found getting redirected to local url

I have a WebApplcation which contains a Publishing Site with Variations feature enabled. The follwing is and example url for the site "" However when I type a wrong url or an ...
Pankaj Dalvi's user avatar
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App Catalog site for SPFx Webparts only - do we have to set up the shadow app domain?

As a follow up question to this question: So given that we can't use site collection App Catalogs in SP 2016 on-premises, and we must use a centralized farm-wide App Catalog site, a lot of the ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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Renaming second production web app and set it to PROD SP On prem

I am working with SP On prem 2019. On production farm, we have a web app and root site collection is created in it. DNS was also setup for this web app and so the root site is accessible with url: ...
mdevm's user avatar
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SharePoint Intranet - DNS pointing here?

Background: We are currently using a very old intranet that is hosted on one of our internal servers. I've designed a SharePoint Online intranet that looks a lot better, plus it'll feature a lot more ...
user82848's user avatar
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Can i use a domain name on a subsite?

Background: Our company is using SharePoint. We have now created a subsite which is related to a club. The club just bought a domain name, and we want to promote the domian name, so that people go ...
patchie's user avatar
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2 answers

SharePoint Web Application DNS mapping

I have created a Site Collection "Demo" on the Default "SharePoint - 80" web application. The web server IP is x.x.x.37 and the DNS entry for that is How can I enable users to ...
apurva mishra's user avatar
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Hosting a SharePoint Web Application with a different from the Domain name

The domain name is abc.def The web application hosted is "" I want to host the web application as "GHI.JKL.MNO" Is this possible, because when we add the name of the web application as ...
CodeAbaddon's user avatar
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My VM all of a sudden stopped sending out emails (They stay stuck in the Queue folder). Nothing has been changed in configrations)

All of a sudden my SharePoint 2013 VM stopped sending emails. Had been fine for the longest. Nothing with configuration has changed. All the mail stay stuck in the queue. Here's the odd thing. I have ...
Chuck Farley's user avatar
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SharePoint App asking for credentials for each domain of app

I have main SharePoint site on domain and app is on I created all the required entries in DNS. like Host A and CNAME for wildcard. Now both are working fine but when i ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Access Services and SharePoint Apps Config

I have been trying to configure access services and apps configure for SharePoint 2013 and 2016 on premise. Does SharePoint Apps have to be configured for access services to work? How must my DNS have ...
devnation's user avatar
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Second SharePoint Web App Hosted on 443

I am trying to create a new Web Applicaiton using the same 443 port for https://. I have created a new DNS host and static IP address, created a new App Pool and web site with the new bindings; ...
lazoDev's user avatar
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2 answers

SharePoint OnPrem DNS URL to Online

Am I able to assign DNS web URL's to my SharePoint Online site collections? Or am I limited to the tenant address?
Luteslinger's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Workflow Timed Out when Started Automatically

I am currently working on a SharePoint 2013 Farm with list workflows (SharePoint Designer Workflow with SharePoint 2010 workflow template) on some of its lists and document libraries. After ...
Andy Wijaya's user avatar
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How to browse Office 365 sharepoint site with a host record in DNS

We have on prem sharepoint 2013 running as http://abc within our organization. We are now in process of migrating out site to office365 tenant and our domainurl is preety long compared to existing one....
allegro octopus's user avatar
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How to Set Up SharePoint App development environment without configuring DNS

I set up SharePoint Stand-alone farm in a machine within organisation where DNS configuration is not control by us. So is there anyway we can skip this DNS or any workaround in SharePoint APP ...
John Zachariah's user avatar
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Creating web application/site collection sharepoint 2013

I've just set up Sharepoint 2013 and I can access this site and the central administration. I'm trying to make another Web Application, but cannot access this page. I'm not sure if this is the problem,...
Aurora B's user avatar
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Configuring SharePoint intranet URLs

I need to configure the SharePoint intranet URL to show ‘Domain’. Currently when I type that into my browser, it brings up the site, but switches to show ‘snb-sharepoint’. It will also show up as ‘...
Anthony P's user avatar
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What is the DNS requirement to support Negotiate (Kerberos) authentication type?

We are using SP2013 on-premise. We need to switch a web application Windows Authentication from NTLM to Negotiate (Kerberos): May I know what is the DNS requirement to support Kerberos? In my test ...
Mark L's user avatar
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Can I use 22536 port for SharePoint Apps development

I am running SharePoint on Windows Server 2012 on my local Virtual Machine. SharePoint site on that server is installed on port 22536. I am trying to setup environment for SharePoint App development ...
Nikhil Chavan's user avatar
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SQL DNS entry for SharePoint farm configuration

To prevent from issues when/if the SQL server fails is it a good idea to create a DNS entry to point to the SQL server instead of using the actual server name when configuring SharePoint 2013? In ...
Ryan's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Site Redirect

I have a request that if user types SharePoint in the browser it should take them to our SharePoint Landing page say which is basically the root site. Do i need to make an alias ...
SavantProdigy's user avatar
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Setting up SharePoint 2013 for apps development - apps DNS setting

I have installed WinServer 2012 RC2, MS SQL Dev 2012 and SP13 with Service Pack1. I have setup my apps from this link. I have my "Sharepoint PC" connected to LAN. I can access sharepoint server and ...
Pedro's user avatar
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SharePoint Apps 404

I have a problem with SharePoint Apps. I tried to configure SharePoint to work with apps but after following all the steps, i created a app, i press Start in VS and my browser answered with 404 - ...
CatalinIancu's user avatar
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Office Web Apps Server - XML Page doesn't work - The Webpage cannot be found

I have an issue with Office Web Apps Farm. I created an SharePoint environment (DC+SQL Server, SharePoint Server and Office Web Apps Server). All went well until i had to configure OWA Server. OWA ...
CatalinIancu's user avatar
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MAC can't access SharePoint Site

I created an Intranet environment (SharePoint 2013) for my company and i can't connect MAC users to the intranet. My company use a domain but users can access the site without being in domain by using ...
CatalinIancu's user avatar
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Necessary to add a DNS entry for a internal URL in AAM?

Can I add an internal URL for a web application without any DNS or HOST entry? I know it is required for a public URL in case of extending.
jp nayak's user avatar
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problem configuring DNS for SharePoint Apps (Addins)

I am trying to configure my Virtual Machine to use SharePoint Addins. I have followed this link to configure my machine which is single SharePoint Farm. I used following these two powershell command ...
Medes's user avatar
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Using Host header url in Sharepoint 2013: DNS Configuration

I have an issue, I am trying to migrate a sharepoint 2010 to 2013. From the Microsoft documentation I understand I am to replicate all the 2010 settings including url and port number. My 2013 ...
Korede Lawrence Oluwafemi's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013, make a vanity dns name point to site collection

Ok, This is driving me crazy. This is not the normal Alt. Access Mapping. Project manager wants a host based site collection and the URL looks like this. This was ...
Bobby Tousignant's user avatar
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SharePoint Connection Error, Microsoft Visual Studio

I am receiving a SharePoint Connection Error when connecting to Visual Studio 2012 Sandbox or Farm Solution when I create a new project. Here is the Error. SharePoint 2013 on Premise, Alternate ...
christopher clark's user avatar
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Setting up sharepoint for access through internet

I have SP2013 set up in VMs on 1 server. I have 3 VMs: DC, SQL, SP ( My internal domain is and but I bought a domain on godaddy called My static IP is ...
Batman's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure SharePoint app in the same domain as host web?

I have this task to create a SharePoint App without configuring a new domain or a sub domain in DNS as mentioned here . Is there any workaround by which we can create the app in the same domain as ...
Thomas Mathew's user avatar
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How to add specified web application to DNS by pinging it

I have created a sharepoint web application using powershell. I want to add my web application to default DNS. How i add it using powershell?
SPBeginer's user avatar
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Mapping "http://intranet" to a web application

A customer of mine wants a user to be able to type "http://intranet" into their url and have their web application load. typing their web applications is rediculous because the url is nonsensical, I ...
Chris's user avatar
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Do SharePoint Servers need external adapters in Hyper-V?

I have two servers on Hyper-V in a development environment. One has AD and SQL. One has SharePoint 2013. Each server has two network adapters, one internal only and one external. On the AD&SQL ...
James Grizzle's user avatar
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Access SharePoint subsite from different url

I want to access my SharePoint subsite from another url like my subsite url is http://abc/subsite1 and i want to access this subsite using this url. Is it possible to do ?
Rajesh Joshi's user avatar
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People Picker Port Tester Failed to DNS Test

I have a Problem with People Picker in Sharepoint 2013, I have One Domain Server with windows server 2008 and one Server for MSSQL 2012 and Sharepoint 2013. "we have a small network with 14 users at ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Getting DNS error when accessing app from app catalog site

I wanted to create an app which will access data across site collections so I downloaded code sample from here. I published this VS solution so I got app package in solution BIN folder. I uploaded ...
SBP's user avatar
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301 redirects for individual pages in Office 365

Is it possible to do 301 redirects in Office 365. Suppose i have page1.aspx, and i am going to delete that page. I want all the users and search engine bots to do a 301 redirection to a new page ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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External SharePoint site working internally

we have a SP site hosted internally in our office. its like as its hosted internally you can obviously get this site by going to server1 as server1 is the sharepoint....
Andy Barker's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Alternate Access Mappings Always Resolve To Port 80

In SharePoint 2010 environment I have some of my web applications running on different ports e.g. http://my-sharepoint-server:12345 In the AAM settings in Central Administration I have the default ...
motionpotion's user avatar
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Web application creation trouble SharePoint 2013

I just have created a host header webApp in SharePoint 2013 (very normal operation) and added an A or AAA entry to the forward lookup zones in my dns and i created a site colelction which i cannot ...
Haithem KAROUI's user avatar
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The SharePoint website cannot be displayed

Dunno what happened, just walked away from my server, came back and suddnely SharePoint website cannot be displayed. However, I can Access CA and it shows that the content is still there. I restarded ...
user3529236's user avatar