I have a WebApplcation which contains a Publishing Site with Variations feature enabled. The follwing is and example url for the site "http://test-server.com/en"

However when I type a wrong url or an error occurs it takes me to PageNotFound error page but the Url changes to the following "http://windows-pc:29420/pages/PageNotFoundError.aspx?requestUrl=http://localhost:29420/en/whatsfa"

I want to Url to point to the following domain name Url is "http://test-server.com/en" and not to local Url like "http://windows-pc:29420/pages/PageNotFoundError.aspx".

How Do I fix this problem?

1 Answer 1


Here is PowerShell to set your page not found URL:

$spsite = Get-SPSite "Web site URL"
$spsite.filenotfoundurl = "/sites/yoursite/Pages/PageNotFoundError.aspx"

Besides, customizing the 404 Redirection in SharePoint for your reference:


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