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Questions tagged [list-workflow]

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SharePoint Designer workflow that updates a field to a value after a submission or edit with an attachment

Is there a way to update a field within SharePoint Designer workflow whenever an attachment is added to a submission or edit? So someone submits a new form or an edit. They add an attachment. They ...
adams-j's user avatar
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Getting SharePoint 2010 workflows running on SharePoint online list

I am trying to get the SharePoint 2010 workflows running on the SharePoint list directly from the list name and not entering the list item. But PnP PowerShell syntax needs me to enter the List item as ...
sk5991's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 workflows not working on single subsite

So here is an interesting question for anyone that might have any insight. Some Background I have recently worked on the creation of a site that needed a ton of workflows in the background, it uses ...
Chris. D's user avatar
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Exception calling "StartWorkflowOnListItem" with "3" argument(s): "subscription"

I can't find anything on Google about this and I've been searching for a while. I'm trying to call a SharePoint 2013 List Workflow on each item within a given list. Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint....
LukeBils's user avatar
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Assign Lookup Field via Lookup Value in Workflow?

I need to assign a Lookup Field in List A to an item from List B. In List A my items contain a Link with description, wich contains the Title i need to look up in List B. So my Workflow on List A ...
Jul's user avatar
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SPO - Update multiple items in a list

I want to update multiple items in a list with a value from another list using SP Designer 2013 workflow. How to achieve this? I tried it using HTTP web service option in 2013 workflow but couldn't ...
George's user avatar
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Copying list item to another list based on department selected in list

I'm attempting to set up a workflow that can copy a list item to another list based on the department selected. So there would be 5 different potential web parts the list item could be copied to. How ...
AMakino's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 Workflow Timed Out when Started Automatically

I am currently working on a SharePoint 2013 Farm with list workflows (SharePoint Designer Workflow with SharePoint 2010 workflow template) on some of its lists and document libraries. After ...
Andy Wijaya's user avatar
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How i can get the current wiki page version inside my list workflow 2013

I am working on an office 365 sharepoint online project. and i have an enterprise wiki site collections. where each wiki page have a version number as follow:- now i have defined a list workflow on ...
John John's user avatar
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Fill Item fields automatically based on Person-Field

What I want to achieve: Automatic filling of some personal specific fields in a SharePoint List based on a person field like mail address and/or the phone number. What I have tried so far: A List ...
Snickbrack's user avatar
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Copy/Paste list workflow 2013's IF statement from one workflow to another will change all the "ORs" to "ANDs"

I have created a new list workflow 2013 inside my SharePoint 2013. Now the list workflow has the following IF statement with multiple conditions with OR applied between them, as follow:- now I ...
John John's user avatar
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Publish SPD List Workflow to all subsites

SharePoint Online: We have created one list workflow in SharePoint designer and published it in one subsite. But now we want to publish/deploy this workflow to same list (eg: Requests) in all subsites....
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