I am receiving a SharePoint Connection Error when connecting to Visual Studio 2012 Sandbox or Farm Solution when I create a new project.

Here is the Error.

enter image description here

SharePoint 2013 on Premise, Alternate access mappings are enabled. There are 3 servers WFE, APP, SQL. I have VS on the APP local. DNS records are on the Active Directory Server.

  • do you reach the sharepoint site with http:// localhost ?
    – domsen123
    Commented May 27, 2015 at 14:08
  • I reach the site with http:// intranet externally, but I am on the APP server with Visual studio. http:// intranet throws errors Commented May 27, 2015 at 15:00
  • go to your servers host file and write: intranet... be sure you connect visual studio with http:// intranet then
    – domsen123
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 10:16

1 Answer 1


If you do a Service pack update, you might face this error when creating a project that connects to the SharePoint site.

Verify that your Login is in the db_owner group on the SQL Instance and also remember that by default (SQL 2012+) the BUILTIN\Administrators group no longer has auto sysadmin rights on new install. So if you are relying on that local security group for rights, it would be best to create a AD Group to manage SQL Instances and leave, or disable, BUILTIN\Administrators group as public only.

Follow this guide step by step and verify each step is true: Account Permissions and Security Settings in SharePoint 2013. This one is more detailed and maybe a little overboard for what you need, but it is the long path for access rights. Refer to #2 for a simpler path.

Another good simple guide: Prepare your SharePoint 2013 farm for App development and debugging. This Guide fixed most of my local development needs.

Also take a look at this link as this is the same error message but in a different form.

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