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Questions related to batch activities

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get subsites and properties like SiteLogoUrl, SiteLogoDescription for the current user using rest api Batch method

I would like to retrieve sub sites for the current user using batch rest api call. I am using a script as the following one: [BatchUtils.ts][1]. From each subsite I would like to retrieve the ...
Burre Ifort's user avatar
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How to create several files with addUsingPath in a batch?

I'm trying to use pnp/js to create a batched web and add new files to a folder with addUsingPath with this code: const sp: SPFI = spfi().using(SPBrowser({ baseUrl: options.baseUrl })) const [...
Angelo Selvini's user avatar
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PnP Js - reading headers from request

I'm using PnPJs v3 for getting a data with REST API from SharePoint Online. Because there are many request, I'd like to implement a logic to avoid throttling. I can't figure out how to read (any) ...
mojimo's user avatar
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Get Items from list without id field query in Batch

I have a SPO list with 30000 list items. I need to query the items in the list based on some of the single line of text type fields. Below is the code to do that public List<Microsoft.SharePoint....
prvn's user avatar
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Is it possible to make batch requests on different sites? And what about the same site but different subsites?

I'm trying to get itens from different subsites but in the same site (it would be nice to know the method to different sites too, if possible) and when I try to do the same way when I do in same site ...
ksway's user avatar
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Invalid request changeset action

Not sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying to convert a POST request (which is working) to a batch but I am encountering this error/response. --batchresponse_f248d33f-065b-43a0-8dd7-d69e63e98579 ...
Rexor Benitez's user avatar
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Batch update task field In SharePoint Project server 2013 using CSOM

I'm trying to update fields of a Project server task ("name" for example). My query works fine if I run it as is without batch (I get empty response from server, but the field value changes),...
Triangle's user avatar
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Batch Update for 700+ items failing

I have written a code that gets all the URLs from the URL column in a document library , converts them into base64 and stores the resultant string in the respective column. The code works fine on a ...
Vivek's user avatar
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Execute batch file to trigger SharePoint's "Open with Windows Explorer" command

Looking for a shorter route... My company integrated Teams last year, which has been great, but with it, the embedded SharePoint documents structures has brought on new challenges. Personally, I like ...
Christopher Unger's user avatar
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Using ProcessBatchData to apply permission on list items

Can we use ProcessBatchData method of SPWeb to apply unique permission on a list item? I know this method supports insert/update/delete but I am not sure if we can apply permissions in bulk.
Frank Martin's user avatar
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What are the possible Batch Operations in SharePoint Online?

I have a requirement to move just attachments from list A to list B. It's a large list with multiple attachments in each item. I know REST batching is one option, but I was wondering if CSOM, ...
vikbehal's user avatar
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$batch not working sharepoint online rest api

Trying to work out the $batch REST api in sharepoint 365 My request payload (simple GET request) --batch_45993c25-30ce-459d-830f-a5aabaf4901f Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding:...
Joy Biswas's user avatar
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How can we get the list items from multiple lists using Batch REST API?

I need to load all master data from multiple lists and bind it to from in form dropdown. For that I need to call every list separately. Is there any option to call all the list in one query using ...
Pratik Hajare's user avatar
7 votes
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Given a set of file URLs from sharepoint, what is the fastest way to download them all?

I have a list of SharePoint list item URLs and list item attachment urls. I need to download all the files from each one. Overall: I have over 50 000 000 files to download over 200 farms. These ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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how to loop through item id and update items via JSOM - SharePoint Online

Here is my snippet code below.My aim is to simply loop through item ids and update the list in batches. I need help with using CSOM to do this I need this as currently when i send a batch of over 800 ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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batch updating processing with csom (Timeout issue)

I have just over 800 records i'm trying to update but I keep getting timeout error despite the fact i'm setting the timeout to indefinite like below:- clientContext.RequestTimeout = -1 see my snippet ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Using Javascript REST API to do asynchronous batch POST to multiple SharePoint lists

I'm in a bit of a quandry as I'm just learning how to do development in SharePoint 2016 / SharePoint Online and using Javascript to perform REST calls. I have a form that is using REST to successfully ...
BWieland86's user avatar
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Batch update In SharePoint List Using JSOM/CSOM

I'm trying to update a field using CSOM. It works for few items but when i try t on items over 700 items i'm getting the error below:- "The request message is too big. The server does not allow ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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Cannot add multiple items in list where using pnp batching

I use "sp-pnp-js": "^3.0.4" Where i trying to create batch for - add multiple items into a list for SharePoint On-Premise . This is my code: let list = pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle("MyWayBills"); let ...
Goshky's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a large number of columns quickly?

I am about to create 84 choice fields for a timesheet solution I am creating in Sharepoint. Clearly I am procrastinating on this task and here I am. Is there a trick I don't know about that might ...
haikuluke's user avatar
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Batch update/create list items using REST API in Sharepoint 2013

I know the OData batch process built into SharePoint Online 2016 and O365 has not made it to SharePoint 2013 Online, but I have read a few places that say using a batch create/update IS possible in ...
MattE's user avatar
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Planning for a BATCH Delete operation in SharePoint Hosted APP

I'm planning to use SOAP Services to do a batch DELETE operation in SharePoint Hosted APP. I'm searching for "How to pass Site Url to SOAP services" since the normal way won't work. I found no post ...
Shandeep AM's user avatar
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CSOM to create huge amount of items in SharePoint List

I have to create more than 20000 data in a SharePoint list using CSOM. I have written program and it is working fine adding items to list but as the number of items is huge, it takes time to create ...
KumarV's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Batch update list items C# SSOM

I am trying to use batch update for one of the list in SP2013 site. I am trying to run a simple batch request as follows. using (var spSite = new SPSite(siteName)) using (var spWeb = ...
Nikhil Chavan's user avatar
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SPOnline, How to Batch RELATED REST calls (and increase performance)

Doing nothing fancy, just your normal Intranet Front-Page Got two WebComponents that display a News Carousel and Summary List <news extract="newsheadlines" display="carousel"> <news ...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
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Deleting more than 300.000 document versions

My customer has a Page Library with versioning enabled and no versions limit. There is pages with more than 300.000 versions. I need to delete all old versions, but keep safe the 5 newer versions. ...
Guilherme Matheus Costa's user avatar
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Batch GET in sharepoint server 2013 to implement paging

I would like to implement paging in sharepoint 2013, so I would like to get current list item count first, then do the paging so I can tell users: 1-30 of 400 items, in my paging. Can I do this in ...
Eddie's user avatar
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$batch operations on SharePoint 2013 on-premise not working

I need to do bulk inserts and learned that there is the $batch operation in the REST API. I read through this and following and explored ...
Jens's user avatar
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Uploading Data to an Existing List in Batch Process

I have 252 items to add to an existing list and wanted to paste in batch of 20 but SP 2013 complains about the format of my data which I thought was correct (e.g Text in text columns, dates in date ...
Louise13's user avatar
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Taxonomy Column Values not fetching from Code after batch deleting and adding them again

I have a SharePoint 2013 site with custom lists containing taxonomy columns. It had data initially. But for some requirement, I had to do a batch delete of those list items and repopulate them through ...
Ven's user avatar
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Batch or Bulk delete of groups under a single SPWeb

Can someone help me with a powershell or C# code to do a Bulk delete of groups on a SharePoint site? I already know about this code: $site = Get-SPweb "http://root/locations/site" foreach($group in $...
Nikkoli's user avatar
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batch command to update SharePoint list item using updatelistitems

I am new to SharePoint and i need help to update lookup field, multi line of text field and date field from one list to another list using SharePoint web services updatelistitems. Is there any way to ...
Harry's user avatar
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Why does starting timer service sometimes start search service?

In my SP2010 environment app server, I have a scheduled task that restarts timer and search service using a batch file. net stop SPTimerV4 >> %logfilename_sp_fix% 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 0 ( ...
omega's user avatar
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Basic batched GET requests using REST API

I'm hunting around on the web right now for some basic (preferably working) examples of making a batch of GET requests using the new $batch endpoint in O365 with the REST API. I've located some good ...
John-M's user avatar
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RESTful Services Upload Boundaries SharePoint

What are the limitations/boundaries for the SharePoint RESTful services end points for document upload in SharePoint 2013? i.e. how many files can be uploaded via the RESTful service end point per ...
motionpotion's user avatar
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How to create folder in document library using batch processing

I need to create bulk folder(~200) in document library. I have tried using console application but it required more time to create then i have decided to create using batch processing as suggested in ...
Kaushal Khamar's user avatar
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ThreadAbortException on SPWeb.ProcessBatchData

I am trying to update ~2000 list items with SPWeb.ProcessBatchData. After exception on all items at a time, I tried them in small batches like 100 and 200 but after executing first 1 or 2 batches i.e. ...
Ashish's user avatar
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how can I batch approve

I have many documents which need to be published to a major version than approved. Is there a way I can batch select multiple documents and approve simultaneously?
user25246's user avatar
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Unattended execution of C# scripts

I'm a beginner designing automatizing tasks. I have 2 scripts in C# .These scripts generate two XML docs which are connected and synchronized with two native lists in a SharePoint Portal through ...
user1722384's user avatar
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"nativehr" error while trying to delete list items through ProcessBatchData

Plain and simple, I'm trying to delete a massive amount of items from a list as quickly as possible using a c# app, and have seen references to batch processes being the best way to do this. Not ...
thanby's user avatar
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SP ProcessBatchData inside the Event Receiver, slow performance issue

I am writing an Event Receiver on a Document Library to create a new list from the uploaded excel file. it runs on ItemAdded() and ItemUpdated() event. Before calling a method to add new Items to ...
foo-baar's user avatar
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Search excel spreadsheet or Microsoft access within sharepoint

I have a spreadsheet with a list of batch jobs. I was wondering if it's possible to create some type of search into a sharepoint to search this spreadsheet. We are using sharepoint and if I could have ...
Pavel's user avatar
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ProcessBatchData returns ErrorText:Invalid text value

ProcessBatchData returns error: Id:1 Code:-2130575336 ItemId:0 ErrorText:Invalid text value. A text field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again.Id:2 Code:-2147023673 ItemId:0 ...
Pavel Tsybulivskyi's user avatar
3 votes
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CAML batch query - valid XML?

The standard format of a CAML batch query is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ows:Batch OnError="Continue"> <Method ID=""> <SetList>288a3dfc-ec52-45aa-...
MgSam's user avatar
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How can I create web application, site collection, and sites automatically with batch file and power shell

Is there any way that I can create a web application, site collection and sites using poweshell and batch file automatically? So, User has to click on executable batch file which will create the web ...
user15099's user avatar
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How to use Power Shell cmdlets with batch file?

I have bit interesting requirements. My client want to develop the Sharepoint 2010 administration UI from Java application. So I suggest him to user Sharepoint web services. As we all know its good to ...
Red Swan's user avatar
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Client Object Model : "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException: The request uses too many resources"

When deleting 1000+ (link) items from a list in one batch using the COM, I encountered this exception : Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException: The request uses too many resources It seems that ...
Stef Heyenrath's user avatar