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Questions tagged [soap]

SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks.

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WebPartPagesWebService.GetWebPartPage method throwing server was unable to process request. Unable to complete this action

We're attempting to migrate from SharePoint 2013 on-premise to SharePoint Online, but encountered an error related the SharePoint SOAP endpoint listed below: WebPartPagesWebService.GetWebPartPage(...
Anders Nielsen's user avatar
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Custom connector fails inside the flow

I have a custom connector created using PostMan 2.1 Collection/Swagger definition. The connector works fine when configuring and testing. When you save this connector and use it inside a flow, it ...
Murtuza Husain's user avatar
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Getting form digest without using SOAP [duplicate]

Is there a way to get the Form Digest value without using a SOAP call? Because accessing CSOM SharePoint web services require digest value, and because the form digest request requires SOAP, we are ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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How to retrieve List Item link contents in SharePoint via PHP SOAP?

Good Day, Our project needs us to access a certain List in SharePoint and download documents from there using SoapClient and NTLM as mode. I am able to connect to SharePoint and retrieve the items on ...
NoobNewb's user avatar
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Update SharePoint from excel

Okay, so I know this question has been asked before. I have read and researched the answers. I have small amount data that needs updating. This is not adding or subtracting records, but updating ...
Dominica's user avatar
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How to use CSOM, SOAP or Rest API to detect anonymous views of list items for a List?

Let's say I have a SharePoint site with anonymous view enabled for the entire website But I have a List that breaks role inheritance. How do I use CSOM, Rest API or SOAP API to detect if a List has ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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Get List Attachment Stream

I am trying to get stream of an attachment, I am using Copy.asmx I can get a stream of a document stored in a document library but for the attachment I get 0 result. <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=&...
Ali's user avatar
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Updating SharePoint Online items using SOAP/XML API from outside of SharePoint

We need to update (CRUD) SharePoint Online list items from a stand alone application outside of SharePoint from an external company. This application uses Soap/XML calls to call SP. The (external) ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
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How to tackle SharePoint 2013 Custom Timer Job Posting Data To SIEBEL's SOAP Service Failed over the Intranet after Enabling TLS 1.2

The Custom Timer Job is deployed on the SharePoint 2013 (On-Premises) Farm. The solution is written using the .NET Framework 4.5. Timer Jobs are executed on the Windows Service Level so assuming ...
MMUNEEBALI's user avatar
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Copy.asmx CopyIntoItemsLocal: Value does not fall within the expected range

I've a workflow in which I'm copying file from one library to a folder in another one. It is being done with calling a web service like below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...
Wolwgang's user avatar
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Sharepoint -How to Move/Copy folder to another location Using SOAP API copyIntoItems()

I am trying to move/copy a folder from one location to another location it is giving me an error Object reference not set to an instance of an object but it is working fine with File. I am using ...
Ganesh Gudghe's user avatar
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sharepoint 2013 how to update managed metadata field (TaxonomyFieldType) using soap API

I am trying to update managed metadata field (TaxonomyFieldType) using SOAP API following is my SOAP XML <Batch OnError = "Continue"> <Method ID = "1" Cmd = "Update"> <...
Ganesh Gudghe's user avatar
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GetListItem Through Soap

I tried to get list item through soapUI program. My request <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap1=""> &...
Turki BinTalib's user avatar
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How to update list with _vti_bin/lists.asmx?

I want to use the updatelist ot updatelistitem function from here. I want to add a counter to the page. And i want to increase it with code. I thought this way would useful for me. I did not find any ...
f_gulay's user avatar
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ViewsLifeTime is not updating instantly?

I got a counter to show how many visitors visit the page in my site. Users are visiting the website , but there is no change on the counter. It is the same like no one clicked it. Has it got a timer ...
f_gulay's user avatar
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How can I get a subfolder's GUID which is under a document library with soap and javascript or CAML query?

I want to fetch this subfolder's documents. but CAML is not showing the documents clearly . thak you.
f_gulay's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 GetListItems - Problem with CAML Query

This works "<Where>" + "<And>" + "<Geq>" + "<FieldRef Name=\"StartDate\"/>" + "<Value Type=\"Date\">" + DateTime.Now....
user80394's user avatar
2 votes
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Error while quering using search.asmx Query or ex query method

I am trying to query using search.asmx ex query and query methods using soap api's I am getting the following err "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." Please help . I am ...
prajwal rao's user avatar
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How can i get a document link with SOAP?

I tried to show documents with a link in a page. I used SOAP to get list items. And ı want to show them when a user click on it. How can i do that?
f_gulay's user avatar
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Getting 403: Forbidden on Sharepoint Online when trying to use getContent - SiteData.asmx

On SharePoint Online, I'm trying to query the SiteData.aspx web service to get all the content in a SharePoint site: Endpoint: <...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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GetListItems Sharepoint Online

I'm currently trying to complete a table with information from the items of a Sharepoint Online list, using VBA code executed from Microsoft Word macro. I've successfully managed to achieve this when ...
eOf's user avatar
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Fetch image from library and change image every 30 seconds in sharepoint and show slideshow with programmatically?

I write some codes to reach library with SOAP. I can reach the list items.But I cannot process data. Actually I can do it with REST. But I don't know how to do this. I need detailed code sample.
f_gulay's user avatar
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Fetch and Display image from SharePoint List Javascript

I need to display images from List using jquery/Javascript. Existing approach: Fetching list images using SOAP.
f_gulay's user avatar
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Can we call SOAP web service from visual studio 2013 declarative workflow?

We want to call custom web service (.Asmx) from visual studio 2013 declarative workflow. So is it possible to call SOAP service using "HttpSend" activity? OR does we need to develop RESTfull ...
Curious's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 SOAP Query Not Returning ViewFields

I'm using SQL Server Report Builder to migrate an old report from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint Server 2016, and, in this report there are 3 data sets. I've changed out the view GUIDs to the new values they ...
Christopher Bruce's user avatar
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How can i pull datas from document library?

I got a document library.There are many documents. I want to group this documents programmatically. I want to pull datas and group them with codes later show with any web part. so , how can i pull ...
f_gulay's user avatar
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Planning for a BATCH Delete operation in SharePoint Hosted APP

I'm planning to use SOAP Services to do a batch DELETE operation in SharePoint Hosted APP. I'm searching for "How to pass Site Url to SOAP services" since the normal way won't work. I found no post ...
Shandeep AM's user avatar
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Single Line of text converts & to %26

I am using Soap Architecture to enter a value into a sharepoint column(single line of text). All Special characters get added. Only when & is added it gets converted to %26 in the list. Any help?...
Joy D'souza's user avatar
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Getting Error with SharePoint web service from Acrobat

I am using following code to get data from SharePoint List in Acrobat using javascript: var oAuthenticator ={ UsePlatformAuth: "true"}; var oRequest = { soapValue: '<GetListItems xmlns="http:/...
SynozeN Technologies's user avatar
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How can I Download/Access SharePoint Online Documents using PHP / XML / SOAP?

I am working on a web project that involves connecting to SharePoint Online via PHP and accessing the files stored on it. But I am extremely new to all this, and have hit a wall. I have the URL of ...
Asila's user avatar
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Cannot get list items from SharePoint 2010 into SharePoint 2016 cross domain cross farm SOAP or REST

I've been battling with this for a number of days and I just can't get to the bottom of it. I have a SharePoint 2010 publishing site and a SharePoint 2016 publishing site. Both on prem, but different ...
SPBogdan's user avatar
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Consuming soap api in sharepoint

I am getting data in xml formal by hitting the below url in browser. I wanted to know how would I be able to read this data ...
KumarV's user avatar
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GetGroupsForUser - Only returns groups when I send a claims string 0#.W. Why is that?

I'm playing around with SharePoint 2013 soap api - particularly the GetGroupsForUser on my company's sharepoint instance. It seems that it only returns groups when I send a claims string i:0#.w| + ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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How to test Web service from the brower - User Profile Service - GetUserByName

I'm trying to get user image URL from User Profile Service using JavaScript/Jquery but haven't managed to get the correct tag. One of the reasons is because I can't identify the tags correctly. I ...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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How to filter soap response for user profile image

Hi I'm using SharePoint 2010 and attempting to filter soap response with code below: // the result is burried in XML markup so we look for the right node $(xData.responseXML).find('Values').each(...
Orange Juice Jones's user avatar
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External Content Types WCF Service SharePoint Designer connection error

I am doing integration.And the product web service available online.I trying to to use service but it is showing an error. follow these steps by selecting Add connection = wcf ][3]
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Update SharePoint Metadata using VBscript

I need a way (using code) to upload files to a SharePoint 2013 Document Library without having to go through the file drag and drop feature and I am limited to using VB script right now. After doing ...
Ken's user avatar
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4 answers

403 Forbidden on Web Service

I am trying to consume a SharePoint Web Service GetListItems. The below is the XML request from SoapUI: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="...
Brian's user avatar
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SOAP API to get site Collection Users

How can I get list of all users present in the SharePoint Site collection using SOAP API. Is that possible? Please suggest something. Because I have to use that URL in InfoPath form.
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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InfoPath Form to Populate All Site collections Users in SharePoint 2013

Actually I am working on New requirement . I have drop down list in InfoPath form,trying to populate all site collections users in to drop down list. When I have open Data Connection Wizard, there ...
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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Unlink a file from the CopySource in javascript

I'm using SOAP to copy files between Document Libraries, the issue is that after copying the item it gets linked to the source item and that is visible in the element properties. Manual unlinking does ...
Thun's user avatar
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Add and get reply item from message discussion board

I want to add reply in particular subject in message discussion bord type list and get reply of subject from message discussion bord type list by SOAP services. I am using SOAP services of ...
iParesh's user avatar
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InfoPath error while publishing the form to SharePoint list in Office 365

I'm getting the below error when i publish the InfoPath form to SharePoint list in Office 365. Error: The soap error indicates that an error occurred on the server: Server was unable to process ...
Raj's user avatar
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How to use a SOAP data service as the source for a lookup list?

I have created a SOAP data source using SP Designer 2010. Now I am trying to figure out how to use that data source as the source for a lookup field in a list? Is that possible?
IMTheNachoMan's user avatar
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Can't find field data in Sharepoint list using SOAP

I'm stuck trying to find some data in a Sharepoint list. I have the list ID, using the List Service GetList method I can see that the field I'm looking for is attached to the list. When I try to use ...
user1209675's user avatar
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Use SharePoint to push data either through a Web Service or some other operation

I know very little about Web Services except how to consume them in Visual Studio and push that consumption into a Database table. So if this question does not make sense, please help me correct it. ...
Caleb Fortner's user avatar
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Search Using Managed Property Using SOAP in SharePoint 2013

I've been facing a search problem when I try to do a search by POST using SOAP. When using just a search term, it works fine, but when I try to add the path criteria to limit the search results to ...
user54807's user avatar
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A user with the account name DOMAIN\user could not be found

The query cannot be run for the following DataObject: GetUserProfileByName InfoPath cannot run the specified query. The SOAP response indicates that an error has occurred: A user with the account ...
jaylisto's user avatar
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Retrieve Data from Sharepoint List

I'm trying to get Data from SP List via SOAP. It works for standard columns like "ows_Modified". But if I try to get Data from Column I created (example: "DogNames") in the SP List by myself, it ...
Jochen Schneider's user avatar
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Prevent SharePoint from sending emails when changing elements via API

I'm about to remove attachments in around 10k list items via SOAP API, how do I prevent email notifications about this?
sotona's user avatar
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