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Questions tagged [exchange]

Microsoft Exchange Server is a mail server, calendaring software and contact manager developed by Microsoft. It is a server program that runs on Windows Server and is part of the Microsoft Servers line of products.

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"When a new email arrives (V3)" using different email address compared to the creator of the flow, will not get triggered

I have a service account named SharePointDev and a service account named SharePointDevTest. now using the SharePointDev account i created a flow >> and i defined the SharePointDevTest inside the ...
microsoftdeveloperdesigner's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 Outbound Email

SharePoint 2016 email notifications does not work. I followed all the steps in this article and successfully configured everything. When I use telnet I can send emails with the same settings, but I ...
Prasad De Silva's user avatar
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SharePoint Mobile App. Logging into 2013 SharePoint with exchange server

When attempting to log into the SharePoint Mobile app, it asks for credentials. The problem is that unlike the Outlook mobile app, it does not allow you to choose an exchange server, so that you can ...
William Clinton's user avatar
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2 answers

Sharepoint list not receiving distribution group emails

We have a SharePoint list setup to receive emails and attachments which works fine when emailing that address directly. However, we've recently added it to an existing universal Exchange distribution ...
Nathan Champion's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016: Share document with 250 users, only 200 users received an email

We are using SharePoint 2016 and Exchange 2013. We have shared a document with 250 users and enabled email notification. Only 200 users did receive an email. The other 50 users didnt receive an email. ...
Ola's user avatar
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Exchange Calendar in Sharepoint

My client have their corporate calendar as an exchange calendar. How can I setup my SharePoint to view the exchange calendar entries in the SharePoint calendar. Currently if you connect to exchange ...
Heste's user avatar
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How to link Office 365 calendars to Exchange resource calendars?

For one of the Projects, I have a request to link Exchange Calendars to Office 365. I have no idea how this can be accomplished. Do I have to create calendars in SharePoint online first? If yes, how ...
mdevm's user avatar
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How can I combine the functionality of the Type: Person or Group, with the possibility of manual entries in a single Field?

In the SharePoint 2013, I have a List with two Fields: External Name (Type: Single line of text) Internal Name (Type: Person or Group) The second field (Internal Name) allows you to select people ...
dimitrisd's user avatar
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Overlaying Exchange "Resources" (not personal calendars)-OR-Inviting from exchange linked sharepoint calendar

I currently have multiple resource calendars in outlook that I want to overlay onto a master SharePoint calendar for ease of viewing at staff meetings etc. All of my research indicates this is not ...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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add alias email with office 365 small business premuim

In the past few days, we were able to add alias email for a primary email , but now the icons for add alias email is hidden , so we can't add an alias email Why this icons is hidden for us ? Is there ...
taher mohammad's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's the difference between SharePoint and Exchange?

I am using SharePoint 2013. I just read something about SharePoint and Exchange. What is Exchange? Thanks
SharePointNY's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 - Show and sync Outlook calendar [duplicate]

is there a way to show a Outlook calendar in a SharePoint calendar. I know, that you can overlay a Exchange calendar, but will this calender sync by itself ? Or is there another way to display the ...
sp_asking's user avatar
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How to set up email for document libraries without affecting existing email addresses

My goal is simple - have SharePoint document libraries to be able to receive emails, and I try to get this done as minimal as possible without affecting other features or services. In Central ...
photonacl's user avatar
4 votes
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Check calendars from Exchange to know when a person is out of office

Environment: Sharepoint Foundation 2010 I want to check calendars from an Exchange Server. It is to know when a person is out of office. This will be useful to transfer a workflow task automatically ...
Slabre's user avatar
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SharePoint On-line Dependencies on Exchange Online

We recently signed agreement on o365. We are planning to kick of SharePoint on-line, yammer implementation project including migration from SharePoint on-prem. But exchange on-line project will go ...
Pravyn Raju's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013: Conference room booking with e-mail confirmation?

Is this possible? I'd like to create a calendar on sharepoint that users can e-mail in order to reserve a conference room, just like the Room Mailboxes in Exchange. When a user e-mails the room ...
A Martin's user avatar
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OVerlaying sharepoint calendar with a outlook calendar

you have this option in sharpeoint calendar, to overlay it with another calendar or with a exchange calendar. I tried adding an exchange calendar but it doesn't work. It says there no end listening to ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Is it possible to sniff all Sharepoint's outgoing traffic?

I'm having lots of troubles configuring Sharepoint 2013 to fetch user profile pictures from Exchange 2013 and I've already asked a question about the whole problem. Here I want to ask something more ...
Evil Toad's user avatar
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Profile pictures not showing in user profiles after configuring Sharepoint for synch with Exchange

I walked through the following steps to configure Sharepoint 2013 to get profile images from Exchange 2013. The procedure has completed without errors and all the required certificates are in place, ...
Evil Toad's user avatar
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Connect Exchange 2013 Calendar to SharePoint 2013

I've managed to create a calendar overlay to present a domain user's calendar in SP 2013 but all appointments are showing as Busy/Out of Office/Tentative etc. I have followed the blog posts below and ...
MJJM's user avatar
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Sharepoint access request is not being send

I am administrate a SP-farm with multiple webApps. Outgoing e-mail is configured and works fine. There is only one exception - the access request mails. I found this Link to TechNet Problem of all ...
Felix Zeidler's user avatar
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Can i add an exchange calendar to sharepoint?

Is the question in the title possible? Are there any known (serious) issues?
SN.23's user avatar
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Creating a living copy of a shared exchange calendar

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I am building a platform for my team to view all of our calendar events through SharePoint. Our calendar is setup through the manager's personal ...
user42154's user avatar
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Exchange: User Impersonation not working

I'm trying to achieve impersonation for my Exchange subscription. I am the ADMIN for my tenant. I have followed these steps( to ...
Syed Mauze Rehan's user avatar
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Shared Exchange Calendar from other user in sharepoint

I think it's classical problem that some users had. I want to create Share Point Calendar which can show and edit schedule for multiple user (other user than current log on). I can created shared ...
Pambudi Surya's user avatar
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How to Filter overlaid Exchange calendar in Sharepoint Calendar 2013

I was successful to overlay the exchange calendar into SharePoint calendar. But is there an option on what I can display in SharePoint site, for instance I want to display title and body of an ...
allegro octopus's user avatar
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Prevent Double booking in sharepoint 2010 calendar

I am currently working on SharePoint 2010 farm and trying to create calendar for our organisation's meeting rooms. We have 5 meeting room and want separate calendar for each rooms. In the calendar i ...
Sathiya's user avatar
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Manage exchange 2010 calendar from SP 2013

I would like to add a functionnality in SharePoint 2013. We're using Exchange 2010. I would like to create some infopath forms/workflows and so on, to permit a manager for example to manage project ...
Nico's user avatar
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Show Exchange Calendar on MySite for All users

How can I make everyones MySite page to show their own calendar, and everyone can see each others calendar (Preferable just busy or not and not the whole title). Is there a way to do this ...
williamwmy's user avatar
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Alert and Newsfeed notifications stopped working

We are having a major issue with notifications in our Production environment. Users are not receiving alerts when they subscribe to any doc library. Notifications in Mysites are not being set out ...
Michael Colbs's user avatar
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C# SCOM, access a sharepoint site mailbox

Is this possible? I know I can use EWS to access mailboxes but can it be used on site mailboxes? If so how? the other weirdness to this is, we log into sharepoint or exchange using service accounts ...
Bigbacon's user avatar
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Impersonate SPUser to access Exchange.asmx from SharePoint 2013

We are trying to extract the number of unread emails from current users inbox in Exchange 2007 SP1. Since we are using SharePoint 2013, we are using Claims authentication. The problem now is: How to ...
Robert Lindgren's user avatar
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Got error when try to sync sharepoint tasks with exchange/outlook 2013

I am using sp2013 onpremise standard licence. I have created a project site. Inside this project site I have a tasks list. I try to sync the tasks list with exchange/Outlook 2013. But I got this ...
Ola's user avatar
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Add Group Calendar as Web Part

I have a Group calendar made of an ordinary SharePoint Calendar and an Exchange Calendar. I would like to add this group calendar as a web part. Unfortunately when I add a web part with my calendar ...
Gyonder's user avatar
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Office 365 Development

I need to develop app on office 365 "School management app" I want to publish my app in Office Store so I must use SharePoint hosted app but I can't use SharePoint autohosted app, is it true? If I ...
user27121's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 and Outlook task synchronization without Exchange 2013?

I have the following problem: I'm trying to synch a task list ("Synchronize with Outlook" button in the ribbon). With SharePoint 2010 this button would lead to a pop up from Outlook ("do you really ...
Dennis G's user avatar
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Is it supported to use shared mailboxes in SharePoint 2013 Workflows

We try to send an email to a shared mailbox (Exchange 2007) from a workflow in SharePoint 2013. No errors are shown in the workflow but the message does not arrive in the mailbox. If we do the same ...
Pontus's user avatar
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Outlook 2013 hangs for a minute or two if the user tries to open the email with sharepoint task in a disconnected network

Have you come across the following scenario anytime with SharePoint outlook task? • SharePoint task assigned to a user and embedded in the outlook email. • Works perfectly when connected to ...
BG6543's user avatar
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How do I programmatically work with Exchange Search Results in eDiscovery Center?

I'm working with Exchange search results in eDiscovery Center on Office 365 and trying to find the best way to programmatically retrieve the search result of an eDiscovery query. For SharePoint search,...
ethan's user avatar
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Displaying a users calendar from Outlook, in SharePoint

I'm wondering if this is possible? Could this be potentially done by writing a web part to go to Exchange?
Michael A's user avatar
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Can SharePoint 2013 crawl Exchange 2010

Can a shared mailbox be crawled by SP 2013 on Exchange 2010?
ezadler's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 and Exchange 2010 : synchronization

I'm starting to use Sharepoint 2013 and trying to synchronize tasks with Exchange (we have an Exchange 2010) by clicking on the "Sync to Outlook" button in my profile. But I get the followed error: ...
Nate B.'s user avatar
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sharePoint 2010 - Exchanger server 2010 - integration , BCS

I need to access account information programmatically from a MS Exchange 2010 server, then import them back into SharePoint 2010. Is this feasible, if so how can it be done? any help and resources ...
Samer's user avatar
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Room Finder or Room Search in SharePoint 2010?

I would like to do two things with meeting rooms in SharePoint 2010: Search them (scope to resources only) Book them (Add them as an option to avaliable/busy in a SharePoint calendar) I have tried ...
Kolten's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 Workflow and email sending

I have a Sharepoint 2010 installation and a Active Directory and a Exchange. I have design an Approval Workflow which sends emails to the approvers. It works perfectly with some users I have tried as ...
Tomás Crespo's user avatar
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How can I manage an AD group through SharePoint?

I have a hosted SharePoint and Exchange environment and want to manage email distribution list memberships through SharePoint. Assuming I have some universal security group in AD which is mail-enabled ...
Vyom's user avatar
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Syncing Exchange calendar with SharePoint calendar

I have a meeting calendar in Exchange which some users use in their Outlook. I want to sync this calendar in Sharepoint (which again can be used by multiple users) so that any change made in ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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SharePoint/Exchange Calendar Overlay - Different Domains

We're using SharePoint 2013 internally and use a third-party provider for Exchange. This presents a problem when using Exchange calendar overlays in SharePoint as they're not on the same domain. Is ...
lukiffer's user avatar
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Using "My Inbox" web part in SharePoint 2013

How can I use the "My Inbox" (Outlook) web parts in SharePoint 2013? According to this thread on MSDN the web parts are available, but only for sites created with the SharePoint 2010 experience or ...
LeonZandman's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 / Exchange 2010 Single Sign On issue

I have an Exchange 2010 Hosted environment and now I installed new Sharepoint 2010 Farm. My issue is that Outlook Web Parts won't work with Single Sign On and I have to log in twice. First time to ...
Przemek's user avatar
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