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Questions tagged [user-controls]

User controls are custom, reusable controls, and they use the same techniques that are employed by HTML and Web server controls. They offer an easy way to partition and reuse common user interfaces across ASP.NET Web applications.

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SharePoint 2019 visual web part user control performance issue

We are experiencing some performance issues with a new SharePoint 2019 project containing some custom visual web parts and user controls (farm solutions) which have been migrated from an old ...
Anders Nielsen's user avatar
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Blocking Upload button on a modern site

I have no access to SPFX, or any dev tasks , else this would be breeze. Has anyone at all successfully blocked the upload button and new button (not to be even seen) and allow a user to edit the ...
Jason Hough's user avatar
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Force browser to clear cache when changes has been added or updated in Visual web-part control file

I am working on visual web-part (SP 2016 on-prem) and it's control (ascx) file has HTML, CSS and jQuery code. When I made any changes inside it, then changes are not reflecting at end user's or client ...
Rishi Jagati's user avatar
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How to add a GridView to a Visual Web Part?

I'm new to SharePoint and am developing a simple World Clock Visual Web Part, following this blogpost from SharePoint Hero. In the blogpost the instructor describes adding a GridView to the Web Part, ...
gsamerica's user avatar
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How to restrict user from submitting a form twice in sharepoint?

I'm working on a sharepoint forms And I need to block edition for users after they submitted a due date (data format), but I don't know if sharepoint allows it Someone knows how can I do it?
dougkrodrigues's user avatar
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Default control of user profile

I want to use user link in my aspx page. How to reproduce default sharepoint profile/user link? Link control examples on pictures: on hovering
Vladimir Malkov's user avatar
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Checkbox with User Stamp when changed

I am still a beginner in SharePoint and am looking for some guidance (I can do this in Excel, but can't figure out how to do it in SharePoint). FYI - I am stuck using SharePoint online (not ...
Bill's user avatar
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code can't find GridView Controls

I have some code and it is unable to take the values entered from a dropdown list or textbox and output them to a SharePoint List. here is the code try { SPWeb web = ...
prejt's user avatar
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Customizing the ListForm template in Visual Studio

I'm trying to customize the ListForm template used in the webpart that displays information about a list in the EditForm.aspx, NewForm.aspx and DispForm.aspx pages I want to add 2 buttons within ...
Treycos's user avatar
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Show hide User Controls in a webpart or switch between webparts

How we can achieve below scenario in SharePoint 2013,I am confused where to start: I have webpart which will do login functionality based on list, once user Logged success I need to show a List Items(...
mzonerz's user avatar
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Problems with creating custom UserControl in SharePoint 2010

I have SP2010 project and want to create a custom menu using custom UserControl (I have a working example in another project but don't have access to a developer who made it). I found a few guides ...
petrusevka's user avatar
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cannot access public properties of one userControl (FirstControl.ascx) from another UserControl (SecondControl.ascx) in sharepoint

I have created a userconrol named FirstControl.ascx and SecondControl.ascx in Sharepoint. Both the controls automatically created under CONTROLTEMPLATES\MySolution\.. folder Within SecondControl.ascx ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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How do sessions interact with each other?

I am writing a web app for SharePoint 2013 and am running into some interesting behavior. Basically, I am making a series of web requests, but first need to store those in a Dictionary for use later. ...
awh112's user avatar
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How to call sub web recursively?

I`m making a treeview to show Site levels. When I try to retrieve sub webs, it returned only 1 subwebs. So I searched google, and they told me use recursion. But I`m not good at it, please somebody ...
Ryden Choi's user avatar
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why does clicking action of button from SharePoint user control refresh/reload the entire page?

I Am creating a SharePoint user control,in which I have to use buttons and the c# code so I used asp:button but when am deploying control on page to test then and after clicking on button this click ...
Madhav's user avatar
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the app.config file is not getting include in sharepoint user controls files

here am creating one sharepoint user control in which I need to use some data which I am putting in app.config file and trying to use that in in ascx.cs file but that is not accessible any how,does ...
Madhav's user avatar
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how to use .config file's data in sharepoint user controls .ascx.cs file

here am trying to create one sahrepoint reusable control for which i need to pass some data which suppose to be in .config file, e.g here am sending mail from sharepoint control and i need to pass ...
Madhav's user avatar
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Read Data of user Control in sharepoint visual web part

I developed an user control and added that user control in my visual web part multiple times. Three times manuallay and then dynamically. I can fetch the data of the user control which i have added ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Why does my UserControl break MDS (Minimal Download Strategy)?

I've created a user control in a SharePoint 2013 farm solution, and added it to the AdditionalPageHead control. <Control Id="AdditionalPageHead" Sequence="90" ControlSrc="~/_ControlTemplates/15/...
Marc's user avatar
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Is there any SharePoint Control to open document library in browser popup

I'm trying to open document library in browser popup window so user can select document from it. Is is possible to open library in Popup window? Is there any SharePoint control to open document ...
Akshay Dattatray Nangare's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010: Upload multiple files in Shared Documents

I would like to upload multiple files in Sharepoint "Shared Documents" with user control this is my ascx : <asp:FileUpload ID="fileBrowse" runat="server" /> <asp:Button ID="fileUpload" ...
BKChedlia's user avatar
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3 answers

Restrict user to create leave request with other employee

I have Leave form that is created from InfoPath and Published it to SharePoint 2013 site. This leave form, the user/employee will enter the employee number then it will appear the employee's details. ...
Kurt Allen's user avatar
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2 answers

Determine user if the user has a pending request

I have Leave Form that is created in InfoPath and Published it to sharepoint 2013. My task is to determine if the user/employee has a Pending Leave request and not allowing the user/employee to ...
Kurt Allen's user avatar
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Sharepoint User Control can't search user by Japanese kanji name when type only 1 character

I'm having a problem with search function of user control in Sharepoint. User needs to type kanji name in this field to search for users. If user inputs more than 2 Japanese characters, the search ...
ThangPQ's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change languages in SharePoint 2013

I would like to change languages on a SharePoint page. I have already translated the page to different languages, and I would like to swap between them by a button selection (or similar technique).
Abdullah6066's user avatar
3 votes
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Disable/Hide Sign in as a different user

Need help in disabling or hiding ''Sign in as a different user'' in SharePoint site.
Tejraj Bhosale's user avatar
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Problems with SharePoint DelegateControl

We have created a Delegated control for People Picker. Implementation Details: We have a ascx control which is using jquery Select2 plugin. This control is calling some webservice to get details. ...
Mohit's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to show the Key filters section "MetadataNavKeyFilters.ascx" inside my enterprise wiki pages (not only on the list view)

I am working on an enterprise wiki site collection inside sharepoint server 2013. and i have enabled metadata navigation & filtering for the wiki pages list . Now when i click on any list view i ...
John John's user avatar
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Infopath Get more then one user by User Picker

How Could I get more then one person in infopath, by userPicker How could I get more then one user in Infopath?
Grzegorz Z's user avatar
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Hiding a Task List

I would like my users to be able to click a link straight to a new task form, then submit, but never see the actual task list. I want to be the only one that can ever view the task list and especially ...
MMD's user avatar
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Master page break when setting IIS Permissions

While trying to set Permission to a site through IIS Console Manager, I notice that When someone jump into the web site, some Master controls break out. If I remove the Security setting, everything ...
hello B's user avatar
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How to set the release date of a post in SharePoint?

We wish to post something to the SharePoint website, e.g. an announcement, a calendar schedule, etc. But we do not want users to see those posts until the release date. Is there a way to set ...
midnite's user avatar
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Upgrade user control

We have a SharePoint 2010 project which we are trying to uprgade to SharePoint 2013.I am not familiar with sharepoint development. How can I upgrade user controls
Melika's user avatar
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How to manage a Exception - UserControl.ascx does not exist - After Migration

I have got a problem with exception UserControl.ascx does not exist on context. It making me after migration from Sharepoint 2010 to Sharepoint 2013. How to solve this problem, please help: How to ...
Grzegorz Z's user avatar
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Any way to access web part controls/HTML content for a publishing page in server-side code

I'm in a situation where I want to grab the web part controls and/or HTML content of the controls for a publishing page, and format the content before it is rendered. How can I go about this? I've ...
contactmatt's user avatar
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How to redirect pages in a user control?

Can someone tell me how to add several pages in a user control .ascx, I need to redirect from a page to another. How to do that? Should I add page.aspx to the user control?
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
1 vote
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How to call a user control in a client web part

I'm trying to call a user control (.ascx) in a client web part that I've created, knowing that I need to do that in a provider hosted app. Can someone give me a helpful tutorial please? What should I ...
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
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Specify user access control by URL in SP 2013

I'd like to specify permissions for a group of users for a URL in Sharepoint 2013. For instance, permissions for the URL at 'Administrator' group can edit wiki at www....
transcend3nt's user avatar
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User control optimize code

I have a SharePoint list with data. A user control is there which fetches data from this list and displays it in the SharePoint page. Now on every page refresh the list is getting hit which is ...
user29762's user avatar
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Enable the option to rightclick on welcomemenu links so I can open them in a new tab if I want to?

Is this possible? I have created a custom controltemplate and want the url here to have the option to be opened in a new tab. (right now you cant rightclick on the link at all?) my control: <?xml ...
Hannes's user avatar
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Please suggest me controls for weekly view of calendar

I want a control like to get weekly view of calendar in boxes.User need to be navigated to another week and default view is current.I don't know how to achieve this.I tried calendar weekly view.But ...
user3492718's user avatar
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Jquery Document Ready function is not firing in User Control - SharePoint Project

Here is my code : <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class=...
user27170's user avatar
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2 answers

Sorry, something went wrong Could not load file or assembly

I was reading this link which provide a solution to a redirect problem inside my SharePoint enterprise wiki site collection:-
John John's user avatar
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I need help in adding a web control to a page layout

I am trying to follow the steps described inside the following link , which mainly require adding a web control and then reference it from a page layout:-
John John's user avatar
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Can't access user control Public Methods in SharePoint application page

I have an user control say test.ascx. I have added this to my SharePoint project under control templates section. I registered this user control in my application page. The Problem is I cant access ...
user3492718's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom Control to SharePoint Page Layouts

I have a custom user control.I want to add the following code at the time of activating feature in page layout. <%@ Register Tagprefix="MyControls" Namespace="MyControl" Assembly="MyControls, ...
Shubhashis Som's user avatar
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2 answers

Unrecognized tag prefix user control

I'm create default webpart and creat default user control, drug and drop control to designer on web part and it generate code: <%@ Register Src="~/_controltemplates/15/InfoTable-SP2013WebPart/...
Actimele's user avatar
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the file '/_controltemplates/.ascx' does not exist

I am making a visual web part which is referencing a user control. The code in SharePointProjectItem.spdata is given below. <ProjectItemFile Source="ExportUserControl.ascx" Target="...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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how to add WebControl to my page layout

I want to add the following code to my page layout to fix a bug in SharePoint 2013:- [ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomValidationRequiredFieldsOnPage runat=server></{0}:...
John John's user avatar
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2 answers

Control level get current user, site and web

I have inherited fixes and enhancements on a SharePoint 2013 site and I'm a complete SP noob. I have a user control (.ascx file) that lives in the ControlTemplates folder that is referenced on a ...
Jeff's user avatar
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