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Blocking Upload button on a modern site

I have no access to SPFX, or any dev tasks , else this would be breeze. Has anyone at all successfully blocked the upload button and new button (not to be even seen) and allow a user to edit the ...
Jason Hough's user avatar
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Checkbox with User Stamp when changed

I am still a beginner in SharePoint and am looking for some guidance (I can do this in Excel, but can't figure out how to do it in SharePoint). FYI - I am stuck using SharePoint online (not ...
Bill's user avatar
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How to redirect pages in a user control?

Can someone tell me how to add several pages in a user control .ascx, I need to redirect from a page to another. How to do that? Should I add page.aspx to the user control?
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
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How to call a user control in a client web part

I'm trying to call a user control (.ascx) in a client web part that I've created, knowing that I need to do that in a provider hosted app. Can someone give me a helpful tutorial please? What should I ...
N.Sahraoui's user avatar
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What is Site Content and structure in Sharepoint Online and what it is used for or how to create a site structure?

1.What is Site Content and structure in Sharepoint Online and what it is used for or how to create a site structure? Please provide me some good links or videos on activating and using it. I searched ...
Surya's user avatar
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