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Questions tagged [display-form]

The default aspx form used to view an object in a list or library. This form can be customized with software such as InfoPath.

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SharePoint Managed Metadata column displays with additional characters in PowerApps Edit Form

I have a SharePoint Library that includes 3 Managed Metadata columns. The user populates a SharePoint default form to create a new Doc Set, then a Canvas App populates with that data as an Approval ...
Quilly's user avatar
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Canvas App Responsiveness in Mobile and Tablet views

I have a canvas app (Tablet mode), and I would like to be responsive on a computer, tablet, and mobile phone. I can't seem to get the layout correct. This app just contains a SharePoint form with a ...
Quilly's user avatar
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Can a ListItem's DisplayForm be accessed using query parameters on an arbitrary column?

I'll preface this question by saying I am very much a novice when it comes to SharePoint, so apologies in advance if I use incorrect terminology. I am trying to find a way to access the "DispForm....
jat255's user avatar
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Power Apps - Change displaymode in new or edit formmode

I have created a simple form in Power Apps, but when the user selects a link to the form for viewing, the form displays no information. I thought I was writing the correct IF/THEN logic to show or not ...
Aleshia Thompson's user avatar
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How to display Logged in User details from a list in SharePoint with Power Apps

I am creating a simple Power apps application, I need help on how to display a list content of logged in User. Example, If the logged in User name matches the list field titled Name then display ...
Fjay's user avatar
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URL to open a list element in dialog box on a specific site?

I have a link (https://mysite/tools/EmployeeList/Lists/Zutrittsberechtigung/DispForm.aspx?ID=284) that is sent per E-Mail. This link opens a list element in it's DispForm.aspx: The user wants this ...
Mahatir Said's user avatar
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Add text to top of DispForm.aspx dependant on specific field value

I need to add the word "Jersey" in red/bold to the top of the Display Form page on a SharePoint online list when 'Jersey' is selected from the 'Location' dropdown field. Please could you let me know ...
user69394's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 - Custom WebPartPage for List Form

I'm looking to add related lists to a Display Form for a list and tie them together with filters. I can create a new custom Display Form in SPD and add the related web parts with filters based of the ...
user86894's user avatar
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Compare (display form) information from 2 lists

I would like to 'compare' 2 list items from different lists. (with the same columns) On the same page I want to show the names(linked to item) (list 1) on the left site. And I want to show the ...
villefleurie's user avatar
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SharePoint show hide after presave [closed]

I have a requirement to show three text boxes and make them mandatory on check of radio button else hide the text boxes. I am able to show hide in New and Edit form. But on Disp read form I am not ...
kumar's user avatar
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sharepoint get the display form with content using jquery get functionality

we have a requirement to get the contents of the display form url how do we achieve it ? additional info: The form is customized using hilly billy Things which we have tried $.get("**listurl**/...
Pradeep's user avatar
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Don't display list after form submit [closed]

I have a SharePoint list with an InfoPath form to submit data. When the InfoPath form is submitted, I have it set to close the form. However, it displays the list when the form is closed. How do I
user2912694's user avatar
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Displaying data from multiple lists on a single screen powerapps

I am storing data in multiple related lists in SharePoint. Saving/displaying data on a single list is pretty straight forward. Any suggestion on how I could possibly display data on a single screen ...
mohd tahir's user avatar
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Add button in sharepoint item display form to open edit form

please help me to resolve my issue. For user experience i must add button in sharepoint display form that will open item for editing. I can add button with this script &nbsp but i dont know how ...
Vardan Khalatyan's user avatar
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Hide "Enhanced Rich Text" field on DispForm if it is empty

I'm working on the customization of the DispForm and I need to check if the "Enhanced Rich Text" field is empty -> hide, if not empty -> show (column in the DispForm). I don't have a problem with ...
Bara Sretr's user avatar
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How to remove close button, created by and last modified by from display form of list?

Using script editor/content editor web-part on the display form of list, I am able to get the list item to print. However it also prints close button, created by and last modified by from the display ...
jandrews09's user avatar
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Document Preview Web part in display form

My questions refers to this article, document preview in edit form (Add document preview to Document library form) I want to use this script in my display form (DispForm.aspx), but the variables will ...
corey's user avatar
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How i can get the current URL inside my list Display form

I edited my display form for a cusotm list using sharepoint designer, and i added the following link, which reference the create form inside another list:- <a href='/sites/****/Lists/Details/...
John John's user avatar
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Display webpart side to side on DispForm / EditForm

I have edited my disp and edit form from a list to display a second webpart inside (parent-child list) and they are, as usual, displayed one above the other. I would like to have them side by side. ...
MüdeFuchs's user avatar
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How to create a sharepoint dashbord (display screen)

I want to create a dashboard to show data (Currently using a Word document but could use a different type of document if required) to display KPI information in our performance center where stand up ...
resolver101's user avatar
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display image preview in custom display form

I want to have preview of image in custom display form of images library in sharepoint online like it has in default display form. Please suggest workaround for this requirement.
Prajakta Patil's user avatar
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Sharepoint Online: Display publishing image and created by fields in dispform.aspx via csr

I've applied a csr js file to overwrite the rendering of dispform.aspx for a simple list. This displays every field correctly except for a publishing image and the created by fields which return "...
matt's user avatar
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Like Feature in Display Form on Sharepoint 2013 list item

Is there a way to recreate the Like rating system from a SharePoint list view and insert this into the Display Form. The display form contains the number of likes column by default, but doesn't give ...
BoFellis's user avatar
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Ratings are not visible on DispForm.aspx

I have enabled ratings on my list in sharepoint online using PnP script and the rating is now visible in the list but the ratings are not visible on the "View Item" form. I have used following code to ...
Rishabh Chaturvedi's user avatar
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Not able to change "dispform.aspx" in custom list with post content type

I have created SharePoint custom list and added the post content type into the list. When I click 'view item' in list it redirects to post.aspx in post list(page not found).I need to redirect to use ...
PGP's user avatar
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Add a webpart zone to display form

Is it possible to edit the page layout of the display form of a list? I really would like to have the option to add webparts to the right of the dsplay form on a list. However the default display ...
Morten K's user avatar
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CAML query not working on another list

So Ive been sitting for half a day already trying to solve that. I have been able to successfully run the following query to find a value of another column on a small test-list: $(document).ready(...
Kloggy's user avatar
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Redirect to DisplayForm after Item has been saved using CSR and TypeScript

I have a problem that's really bugging me. I am trying to redirect the user to the DisplayForm once he has created a new ListItem in NewForm. I have two problems: I don't know how to get the ID of ...
LeonidasFett's user avatar
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5 answers

How to make a Column hidden in SP List Item View?

I have a column called "Employee Email" in a custom list. Is there any option to make the column hidden while viewing the item?
riz123's user avatar
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How to hide ribbon in Calendar Item display form in SharePoint 2010

I need to hide the painting part for all users except two or three people in the admin group. Here is the screen shot:
Sara's user avatar
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Is it possible to export from display form in SharePoint 2013

Can we export a particular record to excel from SharePoint 2013 display form of a list record using jQuery? Please let me know if it is possible. Thanks in advance.
Dheeraj's user avatar
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Conditional formatting in item view (display form) using CSR / JS / CSS - is it doable?

Is it possible to apply conditional formatting to an item view [Display-Form] just like in the list? I use SharePoint Online, Cisar and SharePoint extensions for Chrome.
Maciek's user avatar
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Calculated value not showing in custom Display form

So I have a calculated column that is adding up data from 6 other columns in my list. The calculation adds up just fine. However I need to create a custom Display form. When I create the custom ...
webmaster's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 - custom display form - time/date not formatted correctly

I have an issue on my display form with formatting. I have set the language and region correctly - and chosen time and date in a friendly format. When I enter the time and date it all looks fine - but ...
garvon-77's user avatar
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How to display and hide columns on Display form based on whether they have data or not

Hi I added some new columns to a library and added those to content type. When user goes to old item in library and clicks it, on display form it is displaying all the new fields which doesn't contain ...
user2864496's user avatar
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Override onclick event for a custom action

I added a custom control to a display form on a list using sharepoint designer so that when it is clicked it will execute a workflow. I need to add a validation in the button using jquery or ...
Noah's user avatar
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How to be redirected from "Edit Form", after clicking Save, to the "Display Form" of the already edited/modified Item?

How to be redirected from "Edit Form", after clicking Save button, to the "Display Form" of the already edited/modified Item? Presently it redirects me to the entire list view and I have to search for ...
Piotr's user avatar
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InfoPath 2010 Switching views from Display to Edit form doesn't work!

I changed the edit, display and new form via InfoPath. It all seemed to work but I have one problem now. I want a button on the Display from which has the name 'Update item', that switches the view ...
user61923's user avatar
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Displaying list and item on same page

Two webparts on same web page. Left has filtered list view. When selecting a item in the list on left I want the data sheet for item to display in right webpart. How do I make this happen?
user65106's user avatar
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Remove Ribbon with &InitialTabID=Ribbon.Read inside Page Viewer Web Part

When I add &IsDlg=1&InitialTabID=Ribbon.Browse to the Dispform.aspx url, I only see the column names and content. The &IsDlg=1 removes the navigation etc. and &InitialTabID=Ribbon.Read ...
Jenny Fergéus's user avatar
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How can i force a filled form to be open directly ReadyOnly mode

I have a SharePoint list. People can fill the form and submit that form to the list. I created a calculated column with the code below. This code générated a link in the list. Once people click on the ...
djgibbs's user avatar
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How to place picture after table in Display Form?

I work with SharePoint Online. I have Display Form of my list of Employees like this: I tried to use jQuery .insertAfter($(".ms-formtable") or .appendTo() methods, but result is only this: I ...
David Repka's user avatar
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Rating Feature in Display Form SharePoint 2013

I want to use custom display form to submit the star rating feature using out of box approach or JSOM. Feature should have the exact same the functionality when you submit the rating in AllItems.aspx ...
Vikas Sharma's user avatar
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Can't hide Displayform ribbon,using CEWP or CSS in 2010

I have been trying to hide the Manage and Actions ribbon on DisplayForm.aspx, using a browser inserted CEWP and just entering: <style type="text/css"> #s4-ribbonrow {display:none} </style&...
user1606338's user avatar
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2010: Hide list column in display form if it is empty

How can a list column be hidden in the display form if it is blank?
Kay's user avatar
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Print only contents in infopath form

Still another question concerning sharepoint and forms. I created a list, from which I created a newform.aspx (For users to register) and a dispform.aspx (For users to view their registration). ...
Vish's user avatar
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SharePoint Print Dispform.aspx

I am doing some testing on SharePoint lists/forms and am stuck a bit on a print function/button that I want to implement in one of my forms. Out of a list that I created with LOTS of columns, I ...
Vish's user avatar
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My jQuery code is not kicking off in DisplayForm in SharePoint

I have added some jQuery code to the DisplayForm as follow- <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server"> <script src="
soccer7's user avatar
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GroupString and IsGroupRender in displayform URL

We have migrated MOSS 2007 sites to SP 2010 using db attach detach. As part of that we have deployed the custom solutions wsp on the SP 2010 site. I tried to open the display form of a list, when the ...
MSiri28's user avatar
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Multiline text field content is missing in display form

I have created ItemAdded event. It will add multiple users in users and group column of custom list. After complete this event, when i open display form, multiline text column value is missing. ...
Viraj Gorajia's user avatar