I've applied a csr js file to overwrite the rendering of dispform.aspx for a simple list. This displays every field correctly except for a publishing image and the created by fields which return "undefined" indicating they are not available as ctx objects. When applied to a list view rather than a list form, the 2 fields do display.
(function () {
* Initialize the variable that store the overrides objects.
var overrideCtx = {};
overrideCtx.Templates = {};
// Assign functions or plain html strings to the templateset objects:
// header, footer and item.
// This template is assigned to the CustomItem function.
overrideCtx.Templates.Item = CustomItem;
// Register the template overrides.
function CustomItem(ctx) {
// Build a listitem entry for every item in the list.
var ret = "<div class='news ms-blog-postBody'><div class='fright col-md-3
col-sm-3 panel panel-white'>" + ctx.CurrentItem.Publishing_x0020_Image + "
<div class='center'><span class='ms-rteStyle-Emphasis ms-textSmall'>" +
ctx.CurrentItem.Author[0].title + "<br />" +
ctx.CurrentItem.Job_x0020_Title + "<br />" +
ctx.CurrentItem.Business_x0020_Unit_x0020__x002f + " </span></div></div>--
more logic here--- "
return ret;