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Questions tagged [list-item]

Represents an item or row in a list.

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How to update a SP list item using Graph API in Postman where the actual item will be filtered based on Title field instead of ID

I am trying to update a SP list item using Graph API using Postman. I am Patching through below API.{{PO_ProdSite_ID}}/lists/0d9de749-9852-433c-9dgd-...
Kailash Sahoo's user avatar
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Update a SharePoint list item based on another item in the same list

I'm attempting to update a SharePoint list item based on another item's value in the same list. The column I'm testing is called "EOP Response Documentation", which is multiline text. If ...
GarySD's user avatar
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Creating List Items with related Terms

I'm trying to create a List Item, but is not clear to me how to provide the TermGuid. I've tried something like this: payload = { "fields": { "Title": "My item&...
wm3ndez's user avatar
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Cannot change the "Created By" column in a SharePoint list item using Graph API

I'm trying to programmatically change the "Created By" -field of a list item in a SharePoint list. As a development tool, I'm using the Microsoft Graph API python library - msgraph-sdk for ...
Jussi Hietanen's user avatar
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Filter SharePoint list item by ID using Microsoft Graph Api

How to filter SharePoint list item by ID using Microsoft Graph Api using C#?
user109360's user avatar
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file/folder explorer in react application

I have a SharePoint application in react fluent ui. I would like to know if there is a way to build a folder explorer. The application manges a SharePoint list. For each list item I would like to let ...
serge's user avatar
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Auto email is generated when another column is edited

enter image description hereI am trying to send a auto email notification, when a specific column "A" is edited. But this flow is considering to send an email even when another column "...
vinutha ramkumar's user avatar
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Track who has opened the SharePoint List Item Attachment

I have a scenario where I need to capture who has viewed the SharePoint List item attachemnt? I have one OOTB list form, in which a user creates an entry and also uploads the attachment(s). I need to ...
Dhruvil Prajapati's user avatar
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Update Sharepoint List Item with Javascript Client Side Object Model

For the past days I've been trying, with no success, to establish a connection to a sharepoint list ( and update its items with ...
Dessiog's user avatar
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Can a ListItem's DisplayForm be accessed using query parameters on an arbitrary column?

I'll preface this question by saying I am very much a novice when it comes to SharePoint, so apologies in advance if I use incorrect terminology. I am trying to find a way to access the "DispForm....
jat255's user avatar
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Is there any way to open the default Share item dialog from the SPFx webpart

Is there any way to Open the Default Share Item dialog from the SPFx web part's details list (Modern dialog)? My requirement is to open the default OOTB share item dialog (as displayed above) when ...
Krunal Patel's user avatar
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How to also attach folder and not just file to the SharePoint List item?

I was wondering if there is any way of attaching folders to the SharePoint List item? As far as I know, we can attach documents but we can not attach folders, is there any way of achieving this? ...
Abbas's user avatar
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List Item-level permissions now showing Display form

I have a list with many items and am trying to break inheritance on each item so that a user can only see what they have permission to. I broke inheritance on an item and assigned a user Full Control. ...
Jackie's user avatar
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Hide items in document library based on column value

For every project in our organization there is a SharePoint site. The default document library within that site contains all documents pertaining to a project. Some of the files are supposed to be ...
cescara's user avatar
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Make SharePoint List Item accessible to users with links only

I want users to be able to see SharePoint list item which have they link, I do not want them to see list items they don't have direct link. Just like the one below in google drive. Please let me know ...
lypabl's user avatar
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Sharepoint adds unwanted punctuation to URL's in calendar list item

Sharepoint adds all sorts of Sharepoint calendar list item unwanted punctuation such as “&” to URL’s and there are not very useful. Example: actually becomes: ...
JosephDoggie's user avatar
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3 answers

Maximum limit of unique permissions that can be set to SharePoint list item

What is the maximum limit of unique permissions that can be set to a SharePoint list item without compromising its performance? The Custom list does not have too many look up columns but one custom ...
samve's user avatar
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SharePoint Workflow to create pdf from list columns and attach to Mail

I need to generate a PDF from a newly created list item, and send an Email with this PDF attached. This task needs to be initiated at the server (Workflow/Service/PowerShell/etc). What is the best ...
Yossi Alfia's user avatar
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How to get Sharepoint ListItem on DriveItem with Microsoft Graph API c#

The newly added DriveItem object returns the listItem field as null, which means that the relationship between DriveItem and ListItem offered by Graph Api cannot be used. I created new DriveItem: ...
Iwoo's user avatar
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Save As draft in SharePoint 2013 custom list form

I want to have two separate buttons in SharePoint 2013 Custom List Form. One is Save As Draft and the other is Submit. I have a choice field with column name Status with values Draft, Submitted, ...
F11's user avatar
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SharePoint: Execute query [closed]

I have a misunderstanding with the command ExecuteQuery(); I have created a piece of code which read an array and copy its values in a list so here my piece of code: foreach (var variable in mobjList) ...
Arozora's user avatar
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Displaying list items via SP.ClientContext

I am currently using SP.ClientContext via JavaScript to display items from a SharePoint list. I am able to display the items via an alert or via input button onClick to display the data. However, I ...
adams-j's user avatar
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Blank or empty field in a list item using JavaScript

What is considered an empty SharePoint list item when doing if else condition via JavaScript? "", null, or something else?
adams-j's user avatar
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Copy list item and create a new one in the same List using JSOM

I have a list with items. I have added a button in the ribbon, which is opening a confirmation page(dialog window) if user is sure that he want to create a new item from the current one and redirect ...
SharePointNewbie's user avatar
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How can I manually change the approval status of list item from pending to approved/rejected?

I've successfully used microsoft flow to automate approval workflow for modification or creation of list item. Approval, rejection all works fine. But my manager wants to whether the approval status ...
Apoorv Patne's user avatar
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Field Value of Loaded List Item is Unexpectedly Returning "NaN"

I'm trying to query the last item in the current list where status = New, so I can auto-populate one of the fields based on the previous item's value. Executing "alert(collListItem);" displays "[...
RnR93's user avatar
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Multiple Attachments

I am creating a SharePoint list gathering travel information from users. This will require adding multiple attachments to be submitted. Is there a way to add all the attachments in one upload? ...
adams-j's user avatar
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Edit Item List Button Error

I have a list with the "Edit (link to edit item)" in the first field. When clicked, it should open a form but instead, I get the error below I know there isn't anything wrong with the form because I ...
Harry Singh's user avatar
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Restore List item to the older version using CSOM C# approach

we need to restore list items from a particular list (not document library) to the older version but what i can understand is for document libraries we do have that provision like Item.File.Versions....
Pradeep's user avatar
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HasPublishedVersion property using CSOM C#

I am using SharePoint C# CSOM to get items from the SharePoint 2010 site Document Library. I need to check if the item has any published version. In SSOM we have to Property called ...
TARUN's user avatar
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Creating multiple sub items in an item?

Using a SharePoint 2013 environment. Here's the example. A party request form. You have all the standard fields. Name, location, date, contact, guest count, etc. My question is when in this ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Cannot upload attachment to SharePoint list item using JavaScript

I am trying to upload the email attachment to SharePoint list item using JavaScript. But I landed up on the following error on the console. Cannot rename "_120" to "120": destination already exists....
BBRK's user avatar
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add listitem to custom list

when i try to add listitem to custom list by CSOM there is a problem in getting the name of fields field name in the list is"Pieces Unaccompanied Hold Baggage(Rush)" ,but when i try to add item ,error ...
Shams Eldeen's user avatar
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link task to list item

how can I link task to list item. I need to link between the related content field from task list and Name (linked to document with edit menu) field from the list itself. I need to email the ...
Arwa's user avatar
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Deleting sharepoint list items with pnp results in bad request

Running pnp in modern script editor spfx web part, can add items, get items from a list, but cannot delete items from a list: $pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle('List Name').items .filter('Title eq ...
Dodge1350's user avatar
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CAML Filter between two dates and sort Modified column

I am creating a Console App that is retrieving all the documents under a specific document library. I want to add a filter to only retrieve the documents between a date range and I also want to sort ...
lypabl's user avatar
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How to get related items from task?

I need to get filenames and their URL's from related items of list item (it is the Tasks list in PWA). How can i do that using REST API? The AttachmentFiles field is empty. On the XHR tab of Chrome ...
Kirill's user avatar
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How can I hide unselected (web part connection) list items?

Team, Scenario: I have two web parts that are connected with a connection filter. When I select an item in list A, related items in list B are filtered. Hooray! But list A is really long, so when ...
Michael's user avatar
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New content type not showing in the List ribbon>New Item

I created a new content type (Gav). But only 3 content types are available via the ribbon Where is the 4th one? Do I need to wait for the system to refresh perhaps? Of the 4 content types, one is ...
Tally's user avatar
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How can I use search query for my List to find ListItems?

From this documentation I just use select and expand fields Like this: GET /sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items/{item-...
NyanNyan's user avatar
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SharePoint online Column Empty Item Count

I have a rather large list and I need to count items in a couple of the columns. For example: column1 is [open date] column2 is [closed date]. Both of these are date columns. Column1 has all the ...
Mile T.'s user avatar
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Update List Item very slow

I have a list with ~6200 items. I can query these items without any performance issues, but if I try to update them or create new items, it's going very slow. When I try to update them via ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Retrieve & Display 'Person or Group' type column in a List using SPFX

I am trying to Get data from a Custom List & show it as a table using SPFX. By Refering this Link, displayed Single line of text type columns. But when trying to display Person or Group, ...
Vishnu S's user avatar
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Flow: how to get deleted item values?

I need to make some updates to a list based on the data deleted in another list. I tried using 'When an item is deleted' trigger but when I try to get the data in the column which was just deleted I ...
Aditi's user avatar
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Autocomplete has stopped working on list item forms

Just this week one of my users noticed that the autocomplete capability has stopped working on inputs for list item forms. All of the previous values that she'd been able to use to quickly enter in ...
skeletank's user avatar
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Delete ListItem after 7 days

I would like to build a workflow that deletes an listitem after 7 days. Unfortunately I am not not sure if this will work? Could perhaps someone clarify?
Batistuta's user avatar
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Delete listitem after 30 days

I would like to create a workflow that deletes an listitem after some time automaticly after for example 30 days or 10 days. Will a workflow be best för this? Or what is the best solution for ...
Batistuta's user avatar
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List item permissions and Sharing not working

Requirement Only the creators of list items should be able to see the list items, till they do not share it with other users. Once the creator shares the list items with other users (View/Edit), now ...
mohd tahir's user avatar
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Get all list items in provided-hosted add-in (SharePoint Online)

I am trying to get all items of a list and show the Title. Although i can get a list and show its Title i cannot get its items. It seems i use the suggested code but the ListItemCollection object has ...
mike_x_'s user avatar
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Why sharepoint adds automaticaly one hour

I have Date and time field, where I set default date and time, f.e. 1.1.2018 10:00 AM. When I add item due to new item button, date and time is set right and I can save it. But when I use quick edit ...
Zbyna's user avatar
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