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Questions tagged [draft]

Draft is a state of a page or document being edited, and is not accessible for user with read permission only.

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Major version publish is draft and not pending status?

I have existing libraries with content approval on which has worked in the past and I have this abnormal behaviour where if we complete major checking, the documents in the library are checked in but ...
Happy Larry's user avatar
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1 answer

Attaching a Workflow to an approved Document puts it into Draft

I have an issue where a Worklof (Basically just a request/confirmation Workflow to read the approved document) puts the document into draft status. I was tasked to fix this behaviour, the file should ...
Saik's user avatar
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1 answer

View Modern Page Draft From Another User

A user and I are collaborating on modern page changes to a specific news article on our Intranet in SharePoint Online. We are both admins of this site collection. Is there a way I can see his drafted ...
Michael Colbs's user avatar
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SPO / Modern Pages - Saved drafts not accessible / visible to owners/editors

Has anyone encountered the issue with saved drafts of modern pages not being accessible/visible to those in the owners and editors groups, or even other site collection administrators? The ...
Jamie's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

JSLink - How to check the list item whether is draft?

I wanted to highlight list items which is checked-out and draft. I found a solution for checked-out items but I couldn't find how can I check the list item is draft (minor version). I am sure that ...
Onur CAN's user avatar
3 votes
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Save to draft button in SharePoint

I have a request to add a save draft button in a new form! how to add this button using javascript and when the user clicks it update list item field Draft to yes?
Karen Kumar's user avatar
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3 answers

How to grab a copy of a checked out document

Sometimes it happens that users leave documents checked out as drafts. They are in the library but just not visible, and I can override the checkout if I want to. However, I wanted a way to grab a ...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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Create draft version while doc is pending

I need to allow users to keep working on their documents while they are waiting for approval on them. ie I want to be able to approve the latest pending version while there are newer drafts on top of ...
Anders Kjöllerström's user avatar
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Draft document owner can't see their document after migration

I have a SharePoint 2010 site which contains a number of documents that are draft and have document approval turned on so that only approvers and the document author can see drafts. After copying the ...
steve's user avatar
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Can I share drafts when Draft Item Security is enabled

I have a document library in SharePoint that has Major and Minor (draft) revisions. Before any document is published, it has to be reviewed and approved by someone. Normally I would use the collect ...
hoffie4's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2007 - cannot discard current draft

Ive been investigating this problem but am yet to find a suitable answer. We have a draft sharepoint page that someone accidentally deleted a web part from. The published version is still fine and ...
Terry's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to find "SharePoint Drafts" folder

I am using SharePoint as a repository for version control of the documents.But when I check out a file, I am unable to see where does it go. I am using Windows 7 - 32 bit. I have checked its "...
Asma's user avatar
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Directly Approve Blog post with "Save as Draft" activated

We have a SharePoint 2013 out of the box blog. Because the user wants to have drafts, I activated the "Require content approval for submitted items" in the posts-list versioning settings. But this ...
Shihan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enable the draft item security on document library inside app web of SharePoint app

as we know, there are draft item security inside SharePoint (see the link) which would allow the item to stay at the draft status and it would prevent the content available to all users. I created a ...
windfly2006's user avatar
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_ModerationStatus on list items is always draft from SPQuery

I am querying for list items in a timer job. The list has moderation enabled. It has various list items that have different approval status (e.g. scheduled, approved etc.). However the query always ...
hrobjartz's user avatar
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Draft item security Any user who can read items but not anonymous

I have a list which has the following settings: Content Approval: Enabled Versioning: Enabled (Major and Minor) Draft Item Security: Any user who can read items This list resides in an anonymous ...
nit's user avatar
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Working draft of items?

I have workflows set up in SP 2010 that are triggered once a new item is saved to a list (once the new item is created); Is there a way for users to create a working version of the item so that the ...
Kris Van den Bergh's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Draft version visibility

I have a customer which wants their draft documents to be visible only to their authors. Moreover, the published version should be visible to everyone. However, they do not want to go through the ...
user8920's user avatar
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Best way to create a Drafts List and save and Load entries from another list?

So, I have a Custom List named "Events". Now I'm searching for a best practice to create "drafts" for the list items of the list, because there might be some events (monthly/ annually) which have ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Can you disable email notifications for a blog post saved as a draft?

In SP 2010 Foundation, I have a blog setup to allow contributors to post as a draft. However, all of the users that have alerts setup for posts receive an email when these drafts are created. That ...
Clay's user avatar
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Permissions to see checked in but not published content

I'm working on a SharePoint 2010 publishing website where content authoring happens on an authoring site, e.g. http://authoring, and scheduled content deployment jobs deploy published content to a ...
George Durzi's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How do I let some readers view draft versions of items without allowing them to edit

We have a requirement where we would like to give some of our users the ability to view pending versions of the items in a particular list (not document library) to give feedback. We don't want ...
Michiel Rutting's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do you disable the "Save as draft" button shown when creating a blog post?

How do you disable the "Save as draft" button shown when creating a blog post?
user3374's user avatar
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