We have a SharePoint 2013 out of the box blog.
Because the user wants to have drafts, I activated the "Require content approval for submitted items" in the posts-list versioning settings.
But this leads now to the unwanted behaviour that the "Publish" button won't directly approve new blog posts. The post is saved but not approved - it is pending. The user or someone other needs an extra step (that they will probably forget sometimes) to approve the new blog post so others can see it.
It seems this was different in SharePoint 2010 (see point 6 in first section): http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-server-help/post-to-a-blog-HA010378204.aspx
Why is there a publish button when it doesn't publish it? It seems to do the same thing as "save as draft" button when drafts are activated. How can I directly publish/approve a new blog post with drafts activated?