I am facing a critical problem inside my SharePoint document library. here is the scenario:-
- I have a team site collection inside SharePoint 2013.
- i add a document library inside the Team site.
- I define the following version setting . where users will only be able to see approved documents (in other word they will see the latest approved version)
- now when a user upload a new document its status will be pending.
- other users will not see this document since it does not have any approved versions.
- when approver user approve the document, then the document will be visible to all the users.
till now everything is fine.
let say a user edit the document , add some text, save it , then the document status will be pending.
and all users will still see the approved version, which sound valid.
then approver user approve the document , so the pending modification will be viable to all users.. so far everything is working well.
but the problem starts if approver user reject and approved document. where in this case all users will not see the document (not even the latest approved version), although they should be able to see the latest approved version. so why rejecting an approved document will hide it completely from all users, while rejecting a pending document will keep the latest approved version visible to all users ?
Can anyone adivce, is this a bug in sharepoint ? or there is a reson behind this?
second question. inside my enterprise wiki , approver users can only approve/reject peding wiki pages. for example if the wiki page status is Approved, then the approve/reject will be disabled . while in the document library case the "Approve/Reject" links will always be enabled, so you can directly reject and Approved document unlike the wiki pages ???