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Questions tagged [security-token-service]

A Security Token Service is a software based identity provider responsible for issuing security tokens, especially software tokens, as part of a claims-based identity system.

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Does SharePoint Web Services support Require SSL?

I've been tasked with making all the sites on our SharePoint Servers require SSL connections. I've successfully bound our SharePoint Web Applications to https and enabled Require SSL for those web ...
PepperOwl's user avatar
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Looking for a Data Protection solution for Microsoft SharePoint - File protection and AGSCS compliant

I have been asked if there is any third party tool or some way store document and files in a very secure environment. Basically another layer of security. Can SharePoint Online ne used for this orwe ...
naijacoder's user avatar
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SharePoint Search 2016 - Unable to check revocation for the certificate

Recently we have been experiencing an error when doing searches on our SharePoint Server 2016 intranet. I have reviewed the logs and found the following error message: Critical An operation failed ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to get past the X-MSDAVEXT_Error=917656 issue when obtaining sharepoint online cookies?

I'm getting an issue basically described perfectly here: To ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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SharePoint 2019 Security Token Service Application default connection type HTTPS

Is it possible to change Security Token Service Application default connection type to HTTPS. If so, then how we can do that. As I cannot find https option in GUI (Central Admin) On the Service ...
Milind's user avatar
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Can't Create Session

I am trying to update a custom authentication page from SharePoint 2010 to 2013. It basically takes credentials from a CAC card and creates them a user account in FBA if they didn't already have one ...
Brian Rood's user avatar
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High Trust Application Trouble Establishing Token/Connection

Hi I've created a high trust sharepoint application which seems to work well for myself as a full trust user. However when I do the same for a test user (less permissions) it doesn't work for a while....
Richard   Housham's user avatar
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An exception occurred when trying to issue security token

I am trying to run SharePoint 2013 workflow on SharePoint 2016 farm but it is not working. I am logged in as SharePoint Setup account (the one which installed SharePoint) and it is a local admin. I ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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SharePoint Claims Authentication Unable to Create Security Token

I am troubleshooting SharePoint 2016 on Windows Server 2016, Security Token Service via this guide Similar Warning is generated in Event Viewer every minute: Security Token Service timed out [...
gymcode's user avatar
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SP 2013 Administrator Farm getting 403 error on landing page

I inherited a SP 2013 On Premises Farm. I was finishing the migration to Office 365 when the farm started getting me a 403 error. Earlier this week, there was a change in the PDC FSMO, as well as ...
Luiz Angelo's user avatar
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Secure Store Service application is not accessible

I have a SharePoint 2016 farm running on 4 Windows 2016 servers (1 web, 1 app, 1 Office Server, 1 SQL). Approximately once a week, we are experiencing an outage that requires an IIS Reset to resolve. ...
Ivan Wilson's user avatar
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Authenticate user in embedded iframe using session of current SharePoint user

I have an iframe with my web application embedded to a SharePoint page. I need to somehow authenticate him/her in this web app using Microsoft Azure AD without forcing him/her to enter login and ...
Dmitry Druganov's user avatar
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Access Denied Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=False, UserIdentityName=, ClaimsCount=0

We have a service account Domain/accountname that moves items from a file share to SharePoint 2013 library. As of Thursday, this account is getting Access Denied on the server. Looking at the ULS ...
SpGurlz's user avatar
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How to get Access Token to Create Modern site using CSOM

I tried to create "modern" site using CSOM method "ManipulateModernTeamSite(string accessToken)", but I am getting invalid Access Token. I have created Azure Hosted app to create Modern site. App is ...
user68899's user avatar
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Yahoo Certificate error + Yahoo web service

Recently we have started receiving below error in Event Viewer. We googled for it but as per links we get it is to to do with SharePoint Security Token Service. An operation failed because the ...
shoab's user avatar
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Session leakage

I use SharePoint to host our website on the internet. Site users use Form-based authentication to log in. These past few days, the site has a very weird issue with people logging in and being ...
Hammad's user avatar
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SP2013 Multiple Membership Providers for multiple applications on same farm

I have two web applications in my farm. for each application i have configured a separate SQL Membership Provider. each provider is defined in: Central Admin STS and the related Web Application ...
mohamed's user avatar
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2013 Workflows Not Working for a Particular Site - Token Service Issue

Update with additional information. This is not limited to the Send an Email action. No 2013 Workflows work anywhere on this site. I Tried a simple one to set the value of a field. Same error. ...
GeekOnACycle's user avatar
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Claims authentication SharePoint 2013 with Thinktecture identity provider

We have a strange issue around Claims authentication in SharePoint 2013. Following is the scenario: Lets say we have a user called "John" in identity provider. We give "John" a new role called "...
Maddy's user avatar
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Security token username and password cannot be validated

we are having trouble in generating security token for anonymous login. We have two kinds of login: Usual username and password (Registered) Using the 2 user's info(Unregistered/Anonymous) We are ...
newbie's user avatar
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Event id 8306 "Exception occurred when trying to issue security token"

In my SharePoint Foundation server, in event viewer we often find error Id : 8306 An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: The HTTP request is unauthorized with client ...
Amit Koyani's user avatar
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SharePoint Web Apps and single ADFS Relying Party Trust

I have a big doubt in how to make the following configuration work correctly. I have 2 SharePoint farms, one application per each farm: Dev Enviroment - My web app (dev version) https://url....
Mafalda89's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Forms Based Authentication is slow– Why does SetPrincipalAndWriteSessionToken take 20 seconds or more?

We have a SharePoint 2013 implementation in which our web application is using Forms Based Authentication (FBA). There are 2 servers in the farm. A web front end server that resides in a DMZ and a ...
Douglas Gilmore's user avatar
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Security Token For HttpSend Activity in SP2013 (On-Premise) for calling external Web API

I have an On-Premise SharePoint 2013 site configured for Multi Tenancy with FBA. I have a SP 2013 workflow. In that, I need to call a Web API from another IIS site, built using ASP.Net MVC. To be able ...
Ven's user avatar
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Securing an on Premise non-SharePoint .NET WEBAPI method with o365 Authentication token

We have a custom (non-sharepoint) .NET MVC WebAPI service running on premise. At a high level, possible somehow to secure methods on that web service using o365/SharePoint Online Authentication ...
Hell.Bent's user avatar
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User Role Permissions in Security Token Claims in SharePoint 2013

The Security Token for an FBA user (in SharePoint 2013 site) consists of the Role details also. What if the role has custom permissions defined in it. How do we get the Permissions of that role into a ...
Ven's user avatar
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Security Token Generation in Trusted Identity Provider for SharePoint 2013

I am using Thinktecture Identity Provider for SharePoint 2013. I know that, for FBA, we can generate security token for user authentication using SPSecurityContext.SecurityTokenForFormsAuthentication. ...
Ven's user avatar
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How to do single sign on between an application and existing sharepoint web application which is claims enabled

I want to implement single sign on between an application and an existing SharePoint web application which is claims authentication enabled. application is farm authentication ...
adilahmed's user avatar
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How a Security token service rely on application authenticated users to authenticate share point

i have a requirement to authenticate share point from an application, if an user is authenticated to and after that also he able to authenticate to share point application . in asp....
adilahmed's user avatar
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No windows identity for DOMAIN\USER

In my SharePoint 2013 environment (1 WFE, 1 APP, NTLM, Nintex Workflow, Claims to Windows NT Token Service (c2WTS) is standard with local system) are lots of (Every seconds a few) claims ...
LaPhi's user avatar
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New SharePoint 2013 SP1 install Security Token Service Not Available in Windows Server 2012 R2

Just installed SharePoint 2013 SP1 on a brand new server and I am getting a 'Site has not been shared with you error' on Manage Secure Store Service. I then looked at the Health report and it looks ...
Marc P.'s user avatar
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Confused about SharePoint Session Duration

I have a SharePoint farm that uses an AD FS server as a Trusted Identity Provider. The AD FS TokenLifetime is set at 30 minutes The LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow is set to 1 minute. According to ...
Snowburnt's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010: Certificate validation errors for SharePoint Security Token Service

On our SharePoint 2010 farm we renewed our SSL certificate, and after renewal we started to get following error in Event Log Event ID 8311 An operation failed because the following certificate has ...
KayEye's user avatar
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Unable to create new Web Application - Corrupted Site in IIS and SecureToken Service errors

I'm not able to create new Web Application, after do that the page in CA when I was creating Web App shows error that "Internet Explorer cannot displayed the websitebe" In IIS Site has a few less ...
Wilon's user avatar
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ADFS and SharePoint 2013: Re-authenticating every 4 minutes

We have our token to expire after 10 hours, but every 4-5 minutes SharePoint goes out and re-authenticates against the token. Browser activity doesn't matter. How do we keep SharePoint from re-...
mp42871's user avatar
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500 Internal Server Error. SecureTokenService

Environment: SharePoint 2013 (2 APP SERVERS & 2 WEB SERVERS) Error: 500 Internal Server Error EventViewer: An exception occcured when trying to issue security token. The HTTP request was ...
Manivannan Nagarajan's user avatar
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AppOnlyPolicy track originating user

On the SharePoint side, is it possible somehow to track the user that originates the request from the remote server when using the AppOnlyPolicy?
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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Is it recommended to run the Security token service application pool using built-in accounts

I have changed the SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool to run under the localsystem built-in account, so my question is whether specifying a built-in account s for the ...
John John's user avatar
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Can not login to SharePoint 2013 using IE 10

Currently when I try to access our intranet using IE 10 , I will be promoted with the windows security dialog box, and after entering my username and password for three times , I will receive a white ...
John John's user avatar
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Pre-authenticate a FBA user

We have SharePoint 2013 hooked up to the userstore of a third party web application. The users from that web application are now also known in SharePoint and able to log in using the same credentials. ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Claims Based Application Not redirecting to STS

I have setup my Claims Based application along with my STS. I have setup the STS as the token issuer in the Powershell. I can view the STS and everything in the browser, but when I try to go to the ...
shenn's user avatar
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How can I add Windows Live ID users to my site, by their email addresses

I've managed to register new Trusted Identity Provider on my farm, and I'm using Azure ACS as the provider. I have no issues adding yahoo and gmail users by their email addresses, but if I add a WLID ...
Eedoh's user avatar
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How to issue new security token in sharepoint 2013 without iis reset

I want to issue new security token in sharepoint 2013. One option is reset IIS but i want to do without IIS reset. How to do this?
Heena's user avatar
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SharePoint 2010 slow compiling with claims authentication

I don't know why, but the Security Token Service Application is extremely slow on my latest SP 2010 installation. The first time it needs ages to access a site. After about one minute i receive the ...
hupseb's user avatar
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The Security Token Service is unavailable

I have to problems left on my dev machine. 1. The Security Token Service is unavailable 2. Get the user profile sync serve started. I am getting the following error every 5 minutes in my event log ...
Marco's user avatar
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User has too much permission

My issue is different than most. My user 'spdo' is in the group SP Visitors. They should have access to the following... Root > Subsite > Subsite (and it should end there) however they can see doc ...
user19715's user avatar
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Security Token Service could not activated

The requested service, 'http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc/actas' could not be activated. I did everything what is written here at this article: http://...
e.ozmen's user avatar
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Getting SAML Token from SharePoint

I have a SharePoint running on SAML security and I'm creating a SharePoint web part to interact with an external system (kind of connector), the communacation is made using SOAP Web Services, to ...
Nizar Grindi's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 oAuth URL to get token

here is the idea: i want to make php web site which will be hosted on my server and it will work with my sharepoint 2013 site hosted on office365. my sharepoint 2013 ...
Ivan K.'s user avatar
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SPContext on Forms login page

How can I get the SPContext on the forms login page (/_forms/default.aspx)? Looking up SPContext.Current or SPContext.GetContext(HttpContext.Current) is always null. I need to retrieve the parent ...
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