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Questions tagged [clientpeoplepicker]

The ClientPeoplePicker is the new ASP.NET control for the purposes of selecting users or groups in the SharePoint framework, made available starting from SharePoint 2013 . This tag should not be used for questions regarding the usage of the old - pre SharePoint 2013 - people picker.

19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Scope client people picker to multiple user groups

I'm using SharePoint 2013. I use the client people picker. Currently, it picks all users in the site. Can I scope it to several SharePoint user groups (4 target SP groups within the site), so that ...
sm101's user avatar
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How to add UPS users profile to a Site Collection without performing EnsureUser?

I have a SP2013 farm with a User Profile Service populated with an External Identity Provider (MIM 2016 to be more specific). The Identity Manager takes users for several Active Directories and ...
Mafalda89's user avatar
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Client Peoplepicker not saving data to a list

we are using Client peoplepicker in our SP custom form. Below is the code for that. function getUserInfo(peoplePickerElementId) { try{ var toSpanKey = ...
Adarsh Awasthi's user avatar
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Custom validation for people editor control

How to add custom validation for in if the user adds more than one username an error message must appear that he can only add one user. Thanks Regard.
user81353's user avatar
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Cannot clear people picker through Javascript

I've generated a people picker and I'm trying to clear it when i reset the form but it keeps giving me this error: clear: pickerId => { var picker = ...
Batman's user avatar
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How to clear picker before populating new item

I've created a people picker control in my form. I want it to only allow 1 user to be entered at a time. So if there's 1 user already selected, clear that picker, then resole the added user. On my ...
Batman's user avatar
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Is there a "modern UI" equivalent to ClientPeoplePicker?

Is there a SharePoint "modern UI" equivalent to the SP ClientPeoplePicker control? I've seen the Fabric UI control, but that's just the interface component, and doesn't handle user search/resolution. ...
Chris Romp's user avatar
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How to resolve "Multiple entries matched, please click to resolve."?

I am working with SharePoint Foundation 2013. I have created a custom HTML page and kept a Client Side People Picker. Now when I set the current user in People Picker I get following There is no ...
Aakash Maurya's user avatar
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SPO - Hosted-Add-in Client picker and question for init.js library

I want to know: 1) Where i use init.js from ../_layouts/15/ (provider folder), and i sends 3 batches to server, fiddler show me 6 requests.. where i comment init.js library i really send 3 requests ...
Goshky's user avatar
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Client People Picker - Unable to save value

I'm using the calendar app in SharePoint. I add a custom person/group field. Autocomplete doesn't work by default. So, i created a new custom form. In this custom form, I changed SharePoint:...
EGuidez's user avatar
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Populate 1 People Picker field with logged user via JavaScript?

I have a very basic custom list which contains a few People Picker fields. The very first people picker column is called "Name", and I want it to be filled automatically with the current logged user ...
Mary Larson's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Built-in App Calendar: People Picker - Autocomplete & Saves

Can the built-in Calendar App on Sharepoint 2013 On-premise "Attendees" column people picker be changed to autocomplete/people suggestion on the forms? This app is preferred over creating a custom ...
Paul Lor's user avatar
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Restrict client-side people picker in SharePoint to single line of text

I want to use a people picker (client-side, created using JavaScript function SPClientPeoplePicker_InitStandaloneControlWrapper) that only allows one person and is only restricted to a single line of ...
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What is the minimum permission needed for the client side people picker to work for a user

I have implemented client side people in SharePoint 2019 site in a custom form using plain HTML and jQuery. Requirement is to give user enough permission to use people picker but restrict from add/...
Pranav Joshi's user avatar
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SharePoint Online permissions required to run a jquery script that removes resolved user on edit form

I have a jquery script placed on a list edit form that removes resolved user from a people picker field. But the problem I am having is, it works for certain users and it doesn't for others. I tried ...
user76906's user avatar
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Auto-Populate Email Column using PeoplePicker once username is chosen in SharePoint

New to SharePoint Online: Goal: - Have the user enter a name in the input box (senderName), using the PeoplePicker, username populates... Once the username is selected, email of user populates in ...
J. Lopez's user avatar
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reusable GetUserID function

I've some peoplepicker in sharepoint page and i need to get the user value of each one. I've used this page code to create the pickers. The script in the page retrieve the user id of a Picker control ...
Marco's user avatar
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Any way for me get the nice 'as you type' autocomplete suggestions in my People and Groups fields?

Using SharePoint 2016 On Premises, vanilla set up and I’m a noob. In various places where SharePoint shows People & Groups entry, it offers a nice PeoplePicker interface where as you type a name, ...
Chris N's user avatar
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SPD - get name/s from people and groups for email notification

I have a number of People and Group fields which are groups created within SP - drawn from our AD. I want to use the name/s selected with associated email in a workflow which captures the user/s in ...
garvon-77's user avatar
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