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3 votes

sorry you don't have permission to query for users

As we have discussed in the comments, the Audi group is configured to only let current members see who are the members. If the group is configured in that way then other users will receive permission ...
Pedro Lorentz's user avatar
2 votes

Get certain field from returned JSON object

Please Try using below: ctx.CurrentItem.Entliehenan[0].title; There is similar thread on MSDN forum: How to get people picker value using JS Link feature. Also there is a nice article on Handling ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Formatting multiple values in people and group fields on SharePoint Online with JSON

We can use the JSON formatting below to achieve it. Note: Modify the "tenant" of "" in JSON code below to make it works. { "$schema": "
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
  • 6,249
2 votes

How can JSON column formatting be used to highlight duplicate entries in a column a list?

No. In column formatting, you cannot access/use the column values from another list item/row. You can only access the column values from the same list item/row like [$AnotherColumnFromSameRow]. Where ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How i can convert User to FieldUserValue inside my CSOM code

Try something like below: List<FieldUserValue> currentgroupUsers = new List<FieldUserValue>(); foreach (User user2 in group.Users) { var userLookupValue = new FieldLookupValue { ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Return list values from column type 'User' and replace that user if they exist using PS in SP2016?

Follow the example bellow, this reuse your script above: function queryAndUpdateUser($siteUrl, $oldUser, $newUser){ $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $siteUrl $userToChange = $web.EnsureUser($oldUser) $...
Antonio Leonardo's user avatar
2 votes

sorry you don't have permission to query for users

To correct this same issues we had to find the group within SharePoint and open it to see the members. On this screen you need to go to "Settings - Group Settings", then changed the option &...
NickD's user avatar
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2 votes

"Person or Group" picker showing users outside the SharePoint gorup

This is a default behavior in SharePoint online modern experience list forms. I don't think there is any setting to avoid this behavior at the moment. However, this works as expected in "classic ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

List: People Picker entries only from other list

This is not possible using out of the box capabilities of SharePoint. Workarounds: Limit employees using SharePoint group: You can limit the employees shown in people picker field using SharePoint ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to put JSON-code in metadata-columns?

Please add below Json code in the "Created By" and "Modified By" columns. { "$schema": "
Emily Du - MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

Error Posting to Person or Group Field

Person or Group fields are special fields in SharePoint. You cannot just pass the text (user display name or email address) to set the person or group field like single line of text field. To set ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Take value from a person or group column in a list and insert it into another list

Yes, you can copy person/group column value from one list to another list. When configuring the "create item" action, you need to click on Enter custom value in the person or group column. ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Having a problem with Apply To Each in a simple email flow

You can declare a string variable to capture all emails and then finally use that in string variable in email action like below: Ensure that within "Append to string variable" you add ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Update People picker column using JSON formatting SharePoint

Microsoft recently introduced setValue custom row action using which you can set the column value from JSON Formatting. Example: updating multiple selection person or group field: "...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Get Group Details from Person or Group field using REST API?

Try using this: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('listname')/items(100)?$select=Initiator/EMail,RAReviewers/EMail&$expand=Initiator,RAReviewers Above is working fine for me in case of person or group. ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Update or set value in people picker field using API

This is the expected behavior while using SharePoint REST API. To set the people picker fields or lookup fields we need to pass the corresponding ID. If you have an email address of user you can get ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Filter a list by User or Group column in CAML Query

Here is a function to filter by user id using the CSOM. The SSOM code is similar to it: private static void GetAllTasksForUser(ClientContext context,string taskListName, string userLoginName) ...
SOURAV MUKHERJEE's user avatar
1 vote

Filter a list by User or Group column in CAML Query

You can use your query like below: <Where> <Or> <Membership Type=’CurrentUserGroups’> <FieldRef Name=’AssignedTo’ /> </Membership> <Eq>...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Definitive list of object properties available through column formatting

Using column formatting on Person or Group type field you can only access below properties as of now (with example values): { "id": "122", "title": "Kalya ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Filter gallery by current user in Powerapps

Try Using: Filter('Declaraties';Naam.DisplayName=User().FullName) Note: Display names in your organization must be unique for every employee.
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

How to exclude former employee name from a SP form (Person or Group aka people picker column)

You have a classic case of an orphaned SharePoint user. SharePoint stores all users as list items in a SharePoint list. If you just want to remove a single orphaned account - open this url http://...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
1 vote

JQuery - Set Person Field Value

Use SP.SOD.executeFunc('clientpeoplepicker.js', 'SPClientPeoplePicker', function () { var neededPeoplePicker = SPClientPeoplePicker.SPClientPeoplePickerDict[GiveTheIndexHere]; var usrObj = { '...
Jefin Mathew's user avatar
1 vote

JQuery - Set Person Field Value

Try using below code: //Display name of your field var fAssignedTo = "Assigned To"; $(document).ready(function(){ BindPeoplePickerWithLoggedinUser(fAssignedTo); }); function ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

New email how remove users of the From field

Please share more information to further troubleshoot the issue: You said "i have a page where the users send email", How did you send email to the page? Do you mean when send email, there already ...
Lisa Chen MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

How to update "Person or Group" column in SharePoint List using REST API

Here is a Rest call sample to update person field in List named "MyList" and Person field named "Person1": $.ajax ({ // _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl - will give absolute URL ...
Jerry's user avatar
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1 vote

SPO Person or Group users pickers field

I don't know all your requirements. But, I think if users are going to add the requests and you don't want them to select another user's name then you can leverage the OOTB Created By column. ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

User's Display Name in SharePoint designer Workflow

First of all try fetching the display name of Person or Group field like given in below image: If this is not working for you then you need to extract the First Name and Last Name from the string you ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

How to get users email address from person or group field - using JSOM

var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var user = context.get_web().get_siteUsers().getById(userid); context.load(user); context.executeQueryAsync( Function.createDelegate(null, ...
Slaven Semper's user avatar
1 vote

Check if People picker has any value on document.ready of EditForm.aspx in jsom sharepoint 2013

The following code for your reference. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
  • 6,249
1 vote

Check if People picker has any value on document.ready of EditForm.aspx in jsom sharepoint 2013

Use something like below code to get the value in person or group field: $(document).ready(function() { SP.SOD.executeFunc("/_layouts/15/clientpeoplepicker.js","SP.ClientContext",function(){ ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar

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