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Add users to Group with REST calls

We are using REST (with jQuery ajax) to create groups and add members to the groups. We are using the code below (cleaned up a little for legibility). function createGroup(title,user){ var ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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Change user permissions of item with REST api

There is a list in which every item has unique permissions. I used this very helpful topic, where it is described how to break inheritance and create unique permissions and after that to add ...
Danilo's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 BreakInheritance Breaks List

I am developing a dynamic approval workflow for a list library. I use a combination of 2013 and 2010 workflows in a 2013 on-premise environment. The workflow has some requirements that I am trying to ...
Rbenjamin's user avatar
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Allow User to Read List Data Over REST Only

I have a list (used as a lookup) that I don't want users to be able to see or get access to any of the view pages to see the items in the list. I have a form on another site that populates a drop ...
Submits's user avatar
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Set up "Review items" permissions on a list/library

I have a library with content that is pushed out to a large audience -- read permissions. We have several people who work on developing the content -- contribute permissions. We've turned on content ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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Set list item level permission in jsom (javascript object model)

I need to assign permissions to a particular list item using client object model in JavaScript.Say for 5th item by id I want to assign contribute permission to a particular group. I have previously ...
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Cannot create listitem REST API in SP 2013 with contributes rights

I have an issue with our Travel Tool based on SharePoint 2013. This tool consists of different Content Types - all in their specific lists (travel requests, train rides, flights, etc.). There are two ...
HenryL's user avatar
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Error when querying list/roleassignment in 2013 REST API - Need to know if a user can query a list/library

In sharepoint 2013, I need to check if a the current user, has access to a specific list, for that I'm using the following REST endpoint (using AJAX) host/_api/web/list(guid"xxxxxxxxxxx")/...
Forres's user avatar
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Check users group membership via REST API using AD-Groups in SP-Groups

I am aware that similar questions have been asked around here but none of them answers the part of AD-Groups that are used inside of SP-Groups. I have several SP-Groups in my teamsite. I follow best ...
Worn's user avatar
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Turn off ability to use REST API

When you don't want users to use any web services it seems like you can turn off the permission to Use Remote Interfaces. However that permission does not mention REST. This made me wonder if there ...
Martijn Bijl's user avatar
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App prison break

Me an my colleges were discussing the possibility of breaking out of the sandbox that a SharePoint-hosted apps provide. As most of you know host webs in SharePoint 2013 are protected by deploying apps ...
eirikb's user avatar
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Workflow getting Access denied when calling the rest webservice from subsite

i have following problem. I am using SP 2013 Online and i am trying to access some informations from the sub site, like http://[SPOnlineUrl]/SubSite/_api/web/title. But i will always get the annoying ...
Hobbes1312's user avatar
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GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo for the 2013 Rest API

Does anyone know if there is a client-side (preferably REST) equivalent to SPSecurableObject.GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo(username)??
andrew.petersen15's user avatar