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'Connect-PnPOnline' is not recognized when running task scheduler

Have you installed the module with -scope AllUsers? Otherwise the user running the script has no module installed
Danny's user avatar
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How do I find out what kind of access a user has to a SharePoint Online site using PNP PowerShell?

Please try below script, this will give list of users who have direct access to the site: # Import the PnP PowerShell module Import-Module PnP.PowerShell # Connect to SharePoint Online Connect-...
Dikesh Gandhi's user avatar
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Set-PnPSiteVersionPolicy for thousands of sites in SharePoint Online - Cannot call this API with an app-only principal

Per my test, I could reproduce your issue, and after doing some research, I found that sharepoint doesn't support the cmdlet with app only permission currently. You could refer to the following link ...
RaytheonXie-MSFT's user avatar
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Associated owner group is always null

It is because the group does not exist on that site (deleted or not created during site creation) - for example modern sites (STS#3 template) have no such groups. There are more other site types ...
Tibor's user avatar
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