New answers tagged powershell
'Connect-PnPOnline' is not recognized when running task scheduler
Have you installed the module with -scope AllUsers?
Otherwise the user running the script has no module installed
How do I find out what kind of access a user has to a SharePoint Online site using PNP PowerShell?
Please try below script, this will give list of users who have direct access to the site:
# Import the PnP PowerShell module
Import-Module PnP.PowerShell
# Connect to SharePoint Online
Set-PnPSiteVersionPolicy for thousands of sites in SharePoint Online - Cannot call this API with an app-only principal
Per my test, I could reproduce your issue, and after doing some research, I found that sharepoint doesn't support the cmdlet with app only permission currently. You could refer to the following link
Associated owner group is always null
It is because the group does not exist on that site (deleted or not created during site creation) - for example modern sites (STS#3 template) have no such groups. There are more other site types ...
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