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5 votes

Updating SPFX breaks gulp

In 1.6.0 projects the config/tslint.json file was removed and a new one is created at the root of the solution. Delete E:\DevEnv\WebParts\react-full-iframe\config\tslint.json. You should also add the ...
baywet's user avatar
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5 votes

Rest API Post Request Returns '403 Forbidden'

You can directly use the FormDigestValue in the RequestDigest header in Modern pages. The __REQUESTDIGEST is a hidden HTML element which is not present in modern pages. So, it had tripped up your ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
5 votes

REST API How to retrieve the ID of a newly created file

This will return the ID: /siteURL/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Documents')/Items?$filter=FileLeafRef eq 'AdventureWorksBikesWithDetails.xlsx'&$select=Id This will return: { "d": { "...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
4 votes

REST calls to different items of single lib return responses with different structures

It seems that you are not sending the same Accept header in all GET requests. You can set Accept header to: application/json (your second response) application/json;odata=nometadata application/json;...
Lukas Nespor's user avatar
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4 votes

When I open my list on sharepoint, it always opens in quick edit mode. How can I fix this?

It seems that your default view is created using datasheet mode, try to create a view using standard template and then set it as default view. It will no longer open in quick edit mode.
Deepmala's user avatar
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4 votes

Get other field value in JSON column formatting

I've also come across this issue, and although I don't claim any particular expertise, it appears that you need to have the referenced field available to the selected view. Paul CJ
Paul CJ's user avatar
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4 votes

JSON control if @currentfield is empty

You can achieve this using a style tag with a conditional, see below: { "$schema": "", "elmType": "a", "txtContent": ...
Brian J. Evergreen's user avatar
4 votes

Using JSON Formatting Inside Web Parts

Give this a try: { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "attributes": { "class": "=if([$Days_x0020_In_x0020_progress]...
theChrisKent's user avatar
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4 votes

How to utilize if/else condition for JSON column formatting in SharePoint?

You can do it similar to that in Excel :) You can checkout the below sample to get an idea: "background-color": "= if([$OtherColumn] == 'Red', 'red', if([$OtherColumn] == 'Green', 'green', if([$...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
4 votes

How to display Persona Card on hover in list using Sharepoint Online view formatting?

Use the defaultHoverField property in JSON as described here: Use column formatting to customize SharePoint
user90476's user avatar
3 votes

JSON conditional format column based on choice from another column

If the source column allows multiple value selections, SharePoint stores those selections as an array of values inside the field. Therefore, matching on a single string value will never succeed ...
willman's user avatar
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3 votes

How to increase font size of displayname titles when it comes to JSON formating?

Unfortunately, there are no formatting options available for the form body. The only options are the sections, their names, and the fields for each as you've already got.
theChrisKent's user avatar
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2 votes

How to GetListItems as JSON using Powershell with SharePoint Online?

Not PowerShell, a manual way, easier for a one of.. Open a ListView page, displaying all the Items and Fields you need Open F12 Dev tools execute JSON.stringify( ctx.ListData ); in the console ...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
2 votes

Displaying an image from a SharePoint list using Javascript building strings

ID's should be unique,, use class if you want to use the same properties on multiple elements. In HTML Change <div id="deviceimage"> to <div class="deviceimage"> In JS Change ...
Marko Tica's user avatar
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Swapping an object into an image using Javascript onload

For this, you can make following change in your code. HTML Add a container for your image holder, e.g. <div id='imageContainer'></div>, where you want to display the image. JS After ...
ThinkB4Code's user avatar
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2 votes

How to GetListItems as JSON using Powershell with SharePoint Online?

Your approach is totally ok. You should change a couple of things to make it work: For each list item create an object that has all the properties that need to be in json file, put it in the list ...
Damjan Tomic's user avatar
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2 votes

Submitting input from HTML Form to a SharePoint list without using Infopath

Found the answer on this page. Thanks for your input. It appears that the error occurs because the form digest has been expired on the page. so i used these functions var webUrl = "https://weburl" ...
ShanayL's user avatar
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2 votes

How to convert CAML query results to JSON with JSOM without looping

Umh, afaik that's not possible. I don't know your reasons for why you can't use REST, but you could try looking into the onExecutingWebRequest etc on the SP.ClientContext object and abort the initial ...
Anders Aune's user avatar
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2 votes

Get other field value in JSON column formatting SharePoint Online

Microsoft block the execution of custom markup in calculated fields in SharePoint Online from June 13, 2017 onwards. You can use the JSON to format the “CAI Vendors” column. Enter the following JSON ...
JoannaW_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get ErrorCode value using jQuery from bellow SPServices xml response

If you want to iterate through the results looking for any errors, then use something like this: var xml = $($.parseXML( yourXMLstring )); var errors = xml.find("ErrorCode"); for (var i=0; i<...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
2 votes

How to style custom formatted column to inherit height of row

It is because it inherits the min-height from its parent element and the content “IDC/GR” is smaller than the minimum height, so the minimum height is applied. If the content is larger than the ...
JoannaW_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

SharePoint Online Version Column Formatting via JSON

We can use the JSON formatting below to achieve it. { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "style": { "background-...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

Column Formatting Option not available

You cannot use column formatting using JSON in SharePoint 2013. Column formatting using JSON is available for SharePoint Online, SharePoint Server 2019, and SharePoint Online Small Business only. ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Get certain field from returned JSON object

Please Try using below: ctx.CurrentItem.Entliehenan[0].title; There is similar thread on MSDN forum: How to get people picker value using JS Link feature. Also there is a nice article on Handling ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How can JSON column formatting be used to highlight duplicate entries in a column a list?

No. In column formatting, you cannot access/use the column values from another list item/row. You can only access the column values from the same list item/row like [$AnotherColumnFromSameRow]. Where ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint JSON tileProps breaks formatting

This view formatting only works in the Tiles view. The format expects the Title field The format expects a text column with an internal name of Feedback The format expects a person column with an ...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

JSON List View Formatting using "Include File". Possible?

There is no such a built-in functionality to reference a JSON file in list view formatting feature. You may consider using following workaround. Set-PnPView Could apply the json format into the view. ...
Baker_Kong's user avatar
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2 votes

REST API in 'Send a HTTP Request' returning an error

Use $expand to specify the fields where you want to get sub properties. $select is used to indicate which sub properties. It can be pretty confusing. So your $select needs to specify the sub ...
theChrisKent's user avatar
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2 votes

Date format in JSON view formatting

Simplest solution is to use toLocaleDateString like this: { "rowFormatter": { "elmType": "span", "txtContent": "=toLocaleDateString([$Date])"...
theChrisKent's user avatar
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2 votes

list formatting in SharePoint not working

I rechecked the sample form the link you posted on my tenant and seems to be working fine 🤔 One thing I noticed real quick from your attached screen is that after you applied the view formater you ...
Adam's user avatar
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