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Failed on Start (Workflow was canceled by System Account.)

In case it might be helpful for someone: I had a similar problem with a client today in a SP 2013 environment, but in my case turned out that it was a .Net security update that caused it. The ...
Kenneth's user avatar
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3 votes

Sharepoint 2013 - issue with using java script to format columns

Add the following code into script editor web part in list view page. <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { // Create object that have the context information about the field ...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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3 votes

Power Apps change Image based on field value

You have to nest the If statements. What that does is, if the criteria for the first condition evaluates to false, instead of having a value for a false result, you have another If statement to ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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2 votes

Conditional fields - basic IF validation

You can't do that with validations. All you can do is have a formula that returns true or false, as to whether that field is valid or not. You can't affect other fields. If I had to do this, I would ...
mannaggia's user avatar
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Can conditional mandatory field be made in SharePoint forms?

There is no OOTB function which is handle your situation. But you can have presaveaction function in sharepoint 2013, so you can check your condition using JavaScript in page and return false to this ...
Samir Khimani's user avatar
2 votes

How to filter SharePoint list column with username of the current user

The List View filter value for the people or group field it takes [Me]. It works for Created By in your screenshot. If the PoC field is a text field there is no way you can pass the current user name. ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
2 votes

Conditional formatting in item view (display form) using CSR / JS / CSS - is it doable?

In SharePoint Online, you should be aware of the JavaScript/CSS customization is not allowed for the Modern Experience list and libraries. Meanwhile, it's allowed for Classic Experience. In case, you ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Value of the Yes/No Column

Try Using: =IF([Col1], 1, 0) Or =IF([Col1]=TRUE, 1, 0) Return the calculated field as Number. Note: Sometimes comma(,) does not work in formula (I am not sure but it is based on something ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

JSLink not modifying text

I would double check that "Location" is truly the internal name of the field. Sometimes the display name can change, and to register the CSR override you need to use the internal name. The easiest ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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2 votes

Conditional formatting on list SharePoint 2013

This article should help you out. Find the column on which you would like to customize and use this article to format it using JSON. You will see the JSON editor within the column's settings. ...
Mark Apolinar's user avatar
2 votes

Conditional formatting on list SharePoint 2013

This sounds like it might be a situation where you can use Client Side Rendering. If you are unfamiliar with CSR, I highly recommend reading this article to get an understanding of what you can do ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to dynamically refresh a calculated field on the Edit form when a connected field is changed?

Yes it is possible with infopath but you need to use text field and make the calculations using info-path functions. The build in calculated field will recalculate only when you submit the form. With ...
Marek Sarad's user avatar
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2 votes

Calculated Columns with Conditions

You can use VALUE function to convert text to number. VALUE function Converts a text string that represents a number to a number. Syntax: VALUE(text) text is the text enclosed in quotation marks or a ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How can i nest column validation in SharePoint

Here is the nested validation formula: IF( OR( [Position]="Ground Support Equipment - Ramp Equipment Operator (GSE-REO)", [Position]="Ramp Equipment Operator (REO)", [Position]="...
JoannaW_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

Use conditions in calculated column in sharepoint 2013

The following should work: =IF(LEN(Column1)>0,IF(LEN(Column2)>0,IF(LEN(Column3)>0,"Approved",""),""),"")
Arsalan Adam Khatri's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Online - Conditional Formulas For Columns

As James said, a Validation Formula is intended to prevent the save of an item. Two options for what you are describing: Create a Calculated Column that "corrects" the cost. (Maybe name this column ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
2 votes

How to check in a workflow 2010 condition if an element is exist or not?

follow the below steps: Create a local workflow variable of type string, say dateAsString. Use command Set workflow variable. In variable select the newly create i.e. dateAsString. In value select fx ...
ThinkB4Code's user avatar
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Using Nested OR/AND In Designer 2010 Workflow Conditions

You could add a stop workflow at the end of each set of actions so it won't further evaluate. For example: If A and B then Action 1 then Stop workflow If B or C then Action 1 then Stop workflow ...
Kalea's user avatar
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2 votes

Conditional formatting for a row that contains any information

Try changing your code to this: <script type="text/javascript"> SP.SOD.executeFunc("clienttemplates.js", "SPClientTemplates", function() { SPClientTemplates.TemplateManager....
Damjan Tomic's user avatar
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2 votes

SharePoint JSON tileProps breaks formatting

This view formatting only works in the Tiles view. The format expects the Title field The format expects a text column with an internal name of Feedback The format expects a person column with an ...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

Sharepoint JSON conditional syntax help

You can use Number(DateTimeColumn) == 0 to check if the date column is blank or not. This is the major hint, rest you can build the JSON code around it according to your other conditions. So, try ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How can I display a "View Comments" link on a list item only when comments exist?

Your format posted above is invalid. You must have an elmType and if you want to show a value you'll need to either provide it in txtContent or by adding children to your root element. For instance, ...
theChrisKent's user avatar
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2 votes

Conditional Calculated Date Column

According to my understanding of your question, you want to calculate the retention date based on different time intervals. Please follow the steps: 1.Create the below columns in the list [Completion ...
EchoDu_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

Power Automate Trigger Condition - "OR" 3 Choice Values

Maybe because you didn't put the comparing value for the 3rd equals() Try this: @or( equals(triggerOutputs()?['body/Architecture_x0020_Review_x0020_1'], 'Request Approval'), equals(triggerOutputs()?['...
Matiur Rahman's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint Column JSON formatting alignment

If you want the div with full width then try adding "width": "100%" to the style attribute, like: { "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "=if([$FlowStatus] == 'Expired', 'Expired', @currentField", "...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible require an attachment when a specific drop down option is selected?

You can add this code to your NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx to check the attachment table rows - this requires an attachment all the time - you can add in the code to only check it whenever a certain ...
Robin in Or's user avatar
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1 vote

SPO Conditional Formatting - Color Column views

The JSLink script below for your reference: (function () { (window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="//"><\/script>')); var ...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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1 vote

SPO Conditional Formatting - Color Column views

I had this problem before and after a lot of searching I learned that you can't modify multiline text fields style. You can use a single line text field instead but it will limit your comments to 255 ...
RickyGzz's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint Designer 2013 - And/Or priority in if statements

Try this: If ContentType equals Apple and Color equals Red or ContentType equals Apple and Color equals Green Log to history "Good fruit!" If you have more IF statements, you can use ...
Zdeněk Vinduška's user avatar
1 vote

Condition: if value contains multiple strings

About a quarter of the way down this article I found the answer. It uses logical or (||) and logical and (&&)
toadfromgrove's user avatar

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