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Cannot change the "Created By" column in a SharePoint list item using Graph API

I'm trying to programmatically change the "Created By" -field of a list item in a SharePoint list. As a development tool, I'm using the Microsoft Graph API python library - msgraph-sdk for ...
Jussi Hietanen's user avatar
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Aligning column headers(titles) with row items

I have a list in which the items are long string of characters. Due to this the Column titles are not perfectly aligned with item rows. The Column headers are not changing there original position and ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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CSOM retrieve List Item doesn't show some Lookup Key Value pairs

I try to load a ListItemCollection from my SiteCollection using CSOM C#. Therefore I use the following List rr = web.Lists.GetByTitle("MyTitle"); context.Load(rr); FieldCollection fcol = rr.Fields; ...
Loki's user avatar
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New Item Fields Automatic Population

I sure this is possible to do in SharePoint, however, I am not 100% sure on how it's to be done. My objective is to 2 fields to automatically populate when adding a 'New Item' to an List Library. ...
SharePoint Lady's user avatar
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MOSS 2007 workflow not copying particular column to another list

MOSS 2007 workflow not copying particular column to another list I Created a workflow to move the list items to another list. A column with lookup field type is not moving to another list. The column ...
user10735's user avatar
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how can i know Items in Tasks list viewed by user(something like "Last Viewed" and "Last Viewed By")?

for every list-item in Lists we have two columns or fields by the name of "Modified" and "Modified By". you got the idea, i wanna have two columns or fields for Tasks List by the name of "Viewed" and "...
Jalali Shakib's user avatar