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SharePoint List View Filter display 1 week

You should modify your filter to be [Today]-7 , see the details below: This should work for you.
Mohamed Derhalli's user avatar
2 votes

How to set field readonly in one content type only?

You can do this in PowerShell as follows: $fieldLink = $list.ContentTypes["YourCT"].FieldLinks | where {$_.Name -eq "YourField"} $fieldLink.ReadOnly = $true $list.ContentTypes["YourCT"].Update()
Bunzab's user avatar
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Infopath to nintex

Are you moving to Nintex forms? If you are, then you have a few options: You can use workflow variables to store the fields you need. Use these variables as you need (for calculations, business logic)...
Carmien's user avatar
  • 33
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SharePoint 2010 CSOM/JSOM List.GetItems does not return all fields if the list has too many fields

In CAML query, you can specify the ViewFields. These fields will be included in results. var viewFields = <ViewFields> <FieldRef Name="Title" /> ...
Atish Kumar Dipongkor's user avatar
1 vote

Force "Name" field in SP13 Library to be equal to '"Title"

I put a little jQuery snippet on the Edit form for the document library that populates the Title field with the file name, if it's opening the Edit form during the initial upload process: $(document)....
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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PowerApps - Hide fields from user who created the entry

For all the fields you'd like to hide from the user who created the item, set the Visible property to ThisItem.'Created By'.Email <> User().Email A slight improvement to this might be to use ...
user79408's user avatar
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Power Apps - Hide a Drop-down field based on a Text field containing value or not

Set Visible property of data card for "PMO Approval" field to: Not(IsBlank(DataCardValue2.Text)) Replace DataCardValue2 in above formula by name of text input control for "Project ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint calculated fields - get the first date from 4 columns

Yes, you could create 3 Calculated fields to realize your design. Please follow steps: 1.Create the first Calculated field named "C1" Formula: =IF(INT([Car Damage repair])>INT([Car ...
EchoDu_MSFT's user avatar
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SP Online rest api: how to get the "author byline field"?

You can get to the field using: OData__AuthorBylineId If you dive into items(id)/properties - you will be able to get the AuthorByline items. This is a person-field allowing multiple persons. Also in ...
user92888's user avatar
1 vote

How to create SharePoint online list and Fields Using PowerShell Script?

First, Read XML file $Listfile = Get-Content Lists.xml Second, Based on your XML keys structure, perform nested loop for the list and its fields foreach( $list in $Listfile.Lists) { # create ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Deleting SharePoint field causing "Column *** does not exist" exception when loading ListItemAllFields

You've deleted the field but the list object remains the same, meaning its representation in memory has not changed. So it's in a stale state. Re-instantiate the list object and you should be back in ...
Derek Gusoff's user avatar
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How to set read only form fields in different content types

Considering you wont be using nintex or infopath and have limited knowledge in programming (mainly JavaScript)..... I would say that you use SharePoint Designer as your last resort. What you can do ...
Ali Jafer's user avatar
  • 17.8k
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Change boolean field value with JS

Try using .prop to deal with boolean that is for supported attributes like selected/disabled/checked e.t.c $('#element').prop('attribute', true); from jQuery docs, (an example) elem.checked returns ...
san's user avatar
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Why SharePoint decrease width of TextBox set in InfoPath?

In InfoPath, the table cell and the text control are two different objects. Each object has its own width setting. It can be quite tricky in InfoPath to select and format the text object instead of ...
teylyn's user avatar
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How to get the email ID from the look up column in SharePoint workflow

The list which has lookup (A List), you can also select email column while creating lookup column If that email column is single line of text. So that in list A you will have both columns Lookup ...
Suresh Bolineni's user avatar

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