Why page viewer web part is showing error("This content cannot be displayed in a frame") while using external site link in sharepoint 2016 site?
You can try adding the below tag into the aspx page which was mapped with the Client Web Part.
<WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat="server"/>
This content cannot be displayed in a frame
How do I open a Word document in a web part
Follow below steps to achieve this:
Go to your SharePoint page.
Add web part from : Media and Content > Page Viewer Web Part > Insert
Edit web part properties.
Keep web part settings as "Web Page"(...
Error: This content can't be shown in a Frame?
The owner of the "framed" content has added JavaScript to detect it is being loaded in a frame. You may need to add a link that when clicked opens their content in a new window or tab. They probably ...
Changing Links in Page Viewer
What do you mean about "One of the links is outdated"? Where is the link? Is it a link display in the page viewer web part? Or it is the link of the page viewer web part?
If it is the link of the web ...
Page viewer web part with IP cam views
Does it have to be the camera image that must be clicked?
You can specify a URL to go to when the web part title is clicked. Edit the web part properties and look under the Advanced section, for ...
How do I hide Ribbon in Page Viewer WP, but not the default one?
Edit your DispForm.aspx and add content editor web part (or script editor).
Put the following script inside:
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