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7 votes

How do I disable "Get a Link" & "Share"

You'll miss out of the Share part of SharePoint, but sharing can be disabled. On the site collection you want to restrict: Click on the gear and select "Site Settings" Click on "Site Permissions" ...
Zach's user avatar
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5 votes

File:// hyperlink to a shared drive

I realize this is very late. The above did not work for me so this was my work around: Create a shortcut to the network file Upload the shortcut to a document library in the site it is being linked ...
Jessica Brennan's user avatar
5 votes

Filter Hyperlink field url using SharePoint REST API

This is the limitation of REST API Filter that it cannot filter the Hyperlink fields. So whats the workaround? You can use CAML with REST to achieve what you want. The CAML query will be like: <...
Aakash Maurya's user avatar
4 votes

SharePoint 2013 - Remove the hyperlink from a lookup column in a list view

I know that this is two years later, but I found this question whilst looking for the solution, and I believe that there's a simpler solution just by using an example in Microsoft's documentation. It ...
Eliot at projectfive's user avatar
4 votes

In a Sharepoint List: Display an Image (field type "Hyperlink or Picture")

You almost got it. Set src attribute directly. src is just URL to an image, so why to use description at all. If you look at the rendered HTML code using Developer dashboard (F12) you will find that ...
Lukas Nespor's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to edit which navigation links are seen based on permissions in 2013?

A navigation link on a SharePoint server can be targeted so that it appears only to people who are members of a particular group or audience. You need to have at least Design permission in order ...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculated column showing hyperlink in list not working in SharePoint 2016

Without a workflow The ID is available in Table-Row HTML, so get that when you click the link: ="<a onclick=""{" &"var TR=this;while(TR.tagName!='TR'){TR=TR....
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
3 votes

SP13: Link to Page on SharePoint Banner

I wrote the following code in a script editor that working properly. <script> function doredirect() { //var x = document.getElementById("suiteBarLeft"); var x = document.getElementsByClassName(...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
3 votes

Have Icon or Title open document

You can use the JS Link. Add the following script to the JS file (function () { var docsCtx = {}; docsCtx.Templates = {}; docsCtx.Templates.Fields = { 'Title': {'View': ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
3 votes

Adding a link to a document library in SharePoint 2010

You CAN add links to a document library. Here is how you do it: Go to the document library's settings Click on "Advanced Settings" Set the "Allow management of content types?" to Yes and click on "OK"...
Glen Totten's user avatar
3 votes

Placing a hyperlink (to click on) for an attachment in list view

Please follow these steps to display attachments in new column. Create a Multiple lines of text with rich text option column. Example I have created ‘ItemAttachments’. Reason of creating it as ...
Saira's user avatar
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3 votes

Hyperlink to SharePoint Library Folder

You should be able to add a folder path similar to how Windows does it, via the URL. Instead of the url query at the end to select your root folder and path (the section after the ? in the url given) ...
KGlasier's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get the Alternative text for "Hyperlink or Picture" field Type in SharePoint online

Sorry for the short answer, but this is how you get the URL's description: ctx.CurrentItem["URL.desc"]
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
2 votes

Remove link border from around image

Within SharePoint Designer right click on the image's web part and select picture properties, select appearance and change border thickness to 0 and the blue border disappears.
Carrie's user avatar
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2 votes

Open link in a calculated field in New window

Just add target="_blank" to <a> tag to can open link at new window it should look like ="<a target='_blank' href='
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Why do some hyperlinks to pages in wiki library work and some don't

The problem could be the extra character (%E2%80%8BE). This happens when you copy/paste urls from MS Word or other Office Apps. This is an invisible/non-printing formatting character (UTF-8: E2 80 8E ...
Cecilia's user avatar
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2 votes

SP13: Link to Page on SharePoint Banner

You don't need JavaScript or Master Page customisation to change the behaviour fo this SharePoint Branding text. It's a property of the web application and can be set web application wide. $webApp = ...
Stefan Bauer's user avatar
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2 votes

SP13: Link to Page on SharePoint Banner

No need to Javascript.... You could simply edit your masterpage (it's what I did wiht mine). Search for : <div class="ms-core-brandingText">SharePoint</div> And change to: <a href="/"...
AymKdn's user avatar
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2 votes

Accessing "link to a document" in windows explorer view

Link to document as the name suggests is only a link to the actual document stored somewhere else. The "Link to document" content type has a template that is an ASPX page that contains a server side ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

Calculated column showing hyperlink in list not working in SharePoint 2016

The ID doesn't exist when the calculated column is calculated because the ID isn't generated until a new item is first saved. The easiest solution is to use a workflow that runs when new items are ...
Michael Bailey's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Custom List Hyperlinks

I am not 100% sure if I got your requirement right. You can remove the title of the custom list from the page from 'Appearance' Just add a blank space and ensure that Toolbar Type is set to 'No ...
SharePointer's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I create a hyperlink directly to a Sharepoint 2013 list new form dialog?

So, if I understand correctly, you have a link on some page and you want to open a New Form of some list in the Modal Dialog when user clicks the link, right? You can do that with JavaScript. The code ...
AJIXuMuK's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a possibility to insert multiple hyperlinks to into the same field

Unfortunately, No, The multiple entries only introduced by Choice field and Lookup field that didn't support linkable items. The workaround Creating Multiple lines of text field with Enhanced rich ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Online CSR, make clickable link in Datasheet View

Ok, there is no 'ootb' way to make it good working in datasheet; finally I overrided these links in CSR OnPostRender: dropped SharePoint onclick events, and replace with custom. Here is part of CSR ...
Gennady G's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I create a calculated column to determine whether another column contains a link?

The simplest thing you can do is to create the boolean calculated column (Yes/No) with the formula that would check if the column contains the characters that you know your links will contain. Since ...
Damjan Tomic's user avatar
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2 votes

SP2013 NOTES column won't accept PASTE

There's no way to make that field pastable in the datasheet view that I know of, but there is a workaround: create a new multi-line text field that does NOT have the " Append Changes to Existing Text" ...
Mike2500's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom HTML SharePoint 2013 Page with SharePoint Global Navigation

I can think of options, both of them would require you to write code. Option 1 - Use jquery, and find the main div element which is rending top link bar. Further write logic to find all the links and ...
Siddharth Vaghasia's user avatar
2 votes

Empty "URL" does not load SPFx web-part

Try using below line in your code: <DocumentCardImage height={150} imageFit={ImageFit.cover} imageSrc={items.ImageLink ? items.ImageLink["Url"] : ''} />
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Column Formatting to Show a Hyperlink or just Text Based on 3rd Field

Use below JSON Code: { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "children": [ { "elmType": "...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar

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