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7 votes

Why can I not filter it inside my REST API end point

If you want to filter on lookup field, you need to expand those lookup for filtering. Try the following query: /_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Projects')/items?$filter=SiteAut‌​omaticallyCreated eq '...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
7 votes

Why can I not filter it inside my REST API end point

Your filter expression looks malformed, you join them by and, not a comma. Try the below. You'd have a request like: /_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Projects')/items?$filter=SiteAutomaticallyCreated eq '...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
6 votes

REST API Getting Fields from an Lookup List

When creating lookup field, you can select which field from source list you want to show. The number of such fields is limited by field type. For example you can create a lookup with lookup field ...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
6 votes

Sharepoint REST api - Recursively fetch all folders in a document library -

I think you should use CAML query with REST API. Here you can find your solution on this answer by Vadim Gremyachev Sample code provided by Vadim Gremyachev: function getListItems(webUrl,listTitle, ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
4 votes

Get data from SharePoint Folder using Power BI

Regarding error message : the remote server returned an error : (404) Not Found Make sure that the provided URL is the site URL and not list URL. For more details check OData Connection Errors ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
4 votes

How to group distinct values from a list using odata rest api

I know it's a relatively old post but, for anyone who's still looking for an answer on this, querying for both grouping and aggregations(Totals) is supported in REST. Following are the two links for ...
Piyush's user avatar
  • 215
3 votes

CAML Query vs Odata Query string operators

A few benefits of REST ODATA queries: Much easier to write. Generally more readable and obvious to another developer. Might be a tiny bit faster, but probably not enough to notice. (The ODATA query ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
3 votes

How to get details of editor of SharePoint site file?

Try using below endpoint: /_api/SP.AppContextSite(<host web url>)/web/lists('2c955ea0-28h4-4f84-a8b5-001df9be12b')/getitembyid(93)?$select=Title,Editor/ID,Editor/Title&$expand=Editor OR: ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
3 votes

Expanding columns in lookup fields

Consider your lookup column name as "Field1LUP" of "List1" and "Title" field of "List2" is source to lookup field. /_api/web/lists(guid'<guid>')/items?$select=Field1LUP/Title&$expand=...
Saranya Vinoth's user avatar
2 votes

System.UnauthorizedAccessException Access Denied REST

This is a known issue with this endpoint. It works only if you are site admin or owner. Instead of /_api/web/webs endpoint, you need to use /_api/web/getsubwebsfilteredforcurrentuser endpoint. It ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

How to filter data where a field contains a something with OData

Looks to be an issue with SharePoint. UserVoice - Fix REST FileRef queries However, you can use the getitems POST method along with CAML query to retrieve the items as below: var queryText = '<...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

Sharepoint dll for querying an ODATA API

First thing, you won`t see the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll for SharePoint add-in and console application running on remote system. You must use Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll which you can get it from ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
2 votes

Downloading data from over 90 SharePoint Team sub-sites

I was able to solve the problem in a way that fits a business user skill set, probably not the best possible way, but one I could accomplish. Started out with the list of sites i had to access, on a ...
Gabriel Menezes's user avatar
2 votes

How to get details of editor of SharePoint site file?

You can use the below rest on success of your request in the question using the EditorId. /_api/SP.AppContextSite(@target)/web/getuserbyid(EditorId)?@target='<host web url>'
harshal gite's user avatar
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2 votes

Column 'ServerRedirectedEmbedUrl' does not exist. Rest odata SPOnline

I messed around with this for a bit and I don't think the property is filterable. That means you'll have to request a bigger result set and filter it on the success function. It would look something ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

Filter SharePoint list by multichoice column for exact match

The short answer is to construct the query so that it excludes all the other possible values. So lets say you only have 4 options, you could do /_api/web/lists(<GUID>)/items?$filter=Field eq '...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
  • 12.8k
1 vote

CAML Query vs Odata Query string operators

Based on my experience, I think Odata query selectors are better in performance. As it gets only those particular data. However, in case of Caml query, it gets the data based on the rest url and then ...
Sohail Shaikh's user avatar
1 vote

When calling SharePoint REST OData api, what is the biggest value allowed by $top?

I think its limit is 5000. If you want to have more than that you can utilize batching or make multiple calls or paging.
Mike's user avatar
  • 12.2k
1 vote

Change Sharepoint task parent id via REST

Probably, you just missed a comma in the JSON between fields: { "Name":"NewName", "ParentId":"5b5369a8-e0b9-e911-910f-001dd8b71c8d" } Also, as far as I remember the ParentID is a lookup ...
Dmitry Kozlov's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a limit of conditions count for oData query using $filter?

Generally you shouldn't query with so many conditions unless it is really necessary. Following is a workaround which you can try. If there are limitations in REST api multiple query conditions then ...
Yayati's user avatar
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1 vote

Sharepoint 2013 REST API GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl will not return the Author details

Umh, afaik you cant get more than that without requesting the listitem. _api/web/lists/getbytitle('Documents')/items?$expand=Author&$select=Author/FirstName,Author/Id,Author/LastName Props: ...
Anders Aune's user avatar
  • 6,278
1 vote

Downloading data from over 90 SharePoint Team sub-sites

Your best chances might be to go for the SharePoint Search, as it already does the aggregation continuously by crawling the contents of the (sub) sites. You might want to have a look at the SharePoint ...
Anon's user avatar
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1 vote

Still getting Odata Service Connector Throttle Error - Already tried Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig

Looks like you cannot use Scope Database, and ThrottleType Items. You need to use Scope OData, and ThrottleType Size. Scope : OData ThrottleType : Size Enforced : False Default : ...
user5579208's user avatar
1 vote

How to get items from a SharePoint List by list URL path using Javascript REST API?

your query is extracting the lists, if you want to extract the list items you need to wo write a new query to request an specific list and then extract its items : http://site url/_api/web/lists/...
Mike's user avatar
  • 245
1 vote

How to add aliases in SharePoint rest query?

To get the Domain\username in your Spreadsheet column, you need to create single line text column column called UserName and assign the =Me value in Calculated Value text box. This column will give ...
san's user avatar
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1 vote

Filter list with REST

Use this rest query /_api/web/lists/getbytitle(list title)/items?$expand=lookUpCol/Id&$filter=lookUpCol/Id eq 4 It should work.
Avinash Sah's user avatar
1 vote

Filter list with REST

To filter lookup columns you have to use expand and filter properties. First mention the property in select statement and expand then apply filter Use Ajax Get Request, var select = "$select=...
Praveen Pudi's user avatar
1 vote

REST API + Expand Recurring Calendar Events?

Another approach is to fetch the calendar items using REST Api and expand the recurring events using SPEventsParser library(GitHub repository). first Get the calendar items using REST like this: /...
Sagar's user avatar
  • 628
1 vote

Failed to create list item for external list using REST API POST

I have a code which may be useful for you. Try this- function CreateListItemWithDetails(listName, webUrl, newItemTitle) { var itemType = GetItemTypeForListName(listName); var item = { "...
Arzoo Soni's user avatar
1 vote

REST Api Filtered odata returning error: list view threshold

If you have list items more than 5000, or you are anticipating you might have items more than 5000 in the future then the best practice is to make rest call in more than 1 batches of 5000 starting ...
Mayank Srivastava's user avatar

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