Inside my Projects list, I have a lookup column named ProgrammeRevissionId that is referenced to my Dept list. When I define the following REST call:
http://.../_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Projects')/items?$filter=SiteAutomaticallyCreated eq 'Yes'&$select=ID,Title,ProgrammeRevissionId&$orderby= Title asc
and I get the following results sample, which is correct:
When I try to filter based on the ProgrammeRevissionId, as follows:
http://../_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Projects')/items?$filter=SiteAutomaticallyCreated eq 'Yes',ProgrammeRevissionId eq '13'&$select=ID,Title,ProgrammeRevissionId&$orderby= Title asc
I get an error :
Http 400 bad request
Why I can select a lookup column but I can not filter it inside my REST API end point?
a choice column or a boolean?