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9 votes

Why can't I edit the Refinablestring managed properties?

From Site Collection Administration go to "Search Schema" in the "Site Collection Administration column. Here the settings can be edited. It turned out that we clicked the (very similar) "Schema" in ...
Jan Jouke Tjalsma's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any drawback if i created a duplicate new Managed Property inside my Search Service which have a user friendly Title

Your approach is valid. Creating duplicate managed properties : 1) does not affect performance, it does not slow down search 2) it will not result in duplicate search results. There is no harm or ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
5 votes

Crawled Properties missing in Powershell but show in Central Admin

For SharePoint 2016 you can take implicit search crawled properties through Search Service Application proxy. $crawledPropertyName = "Crawled property name" $searchApplicationName = "Search ...
user2944829's user avatar
5 votes

SharePoint Online - SharePoint Search returns with incorrect titles of the document

We noticed this in our tenant. To fix this, we: Went into the search settings of SPO Central Administration Went to Manage Schema Search for the managed property Title Move MetaDataExtractor to ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
4 votes

Unable to create an exact copy of the "AuthorOWSUSER" in search managed property

there are 2 options - 1) in your custom display template, find the ManagedPropertyMapping section, in that you can add/edit the mapping as below. Its called mapping the property: 'Author':'...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
4 votes

Can i force sharepoint online Office 365 to create the managed property for our site columns

Usually it takes 72hrs. to one week. Since its been 72hrs in your case. There are three options, You can wait for a week. You can try your luck with reindex list. If you have Admin access on your ...
gachCoder's user avatar
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3 votes

SharePoint 2013 search schema - can't select date time for new managed property

This is a known issue of SharePoint Online. To workaround this issue, you can use the RefinableDatexx properties. These are OOTB properties, just map your crawled properties to one of the ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
3 votes

Refinable managed property for StartDate doesn't return a value

1) Ensure that the column "StartDate" has data. 2) Ensure that you have mapped the correct crawled the crawled property to the managed property (RefinableString00 or RefinableDate00 etc) 3) If you ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
3 votes

Crawled Properties - Difference between Basic:15 and Created

The main difference is, that the basic properties are available before the first crawl. The others are the ones returned by the SharePoint search. So your colleague maybe should start his crawler ;) ...
Mx.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How to check correct Crawled property for a list column

OK, this post is old but I would like to give my answer. Based on your input above here it is how you should look at it. You have two types of columns, 1) Site columns and 2) list columns. In your ...
Imir Hoxha's user avatar
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2 votes

How to check correct Crawled property for a list column

Ive run into this many times, so what i do to overcome this is to initially name the field with an identifiable trait. Example: List/Solution Name: Deal Finder Column Name: Store Initial Field ...
Ndeezy178's user avatar
2 votes

Clean up search index. Remove orphaned crawled and managed properties

I alterd the script of @Benjooster because it doesn't work for me on SharePoint 2013. You need to pass a SearchServiceApplication object as a parameter instead off the name. Also when a crawled ...
Danny's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't retrieve a property on search results. (Property doesn't exist or is used in a manner inconsistent with schema settings)

You are unable to sort by that field because, by default, AverageRating is not sortable. If you look at Site Settings -> Search Schema (in Site Collection Administration section) -> Search for ...
Jordan's user avatar
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2 votes

Managed Propoerties - Crawled Properties were NOT generated for renamed Title Columns of SPlists and document libraries

This is because you're not actually creating a new field, you're simply updating the DisplayName property of the Title field. Since crawled/managed properties already exist for the Title field, no new ...
Ornery Walrus's user avatar
2 votes

Crawled Properties missing in Powershell but show in Central Admin

Properties you see in Central Admin are called "implicit". They are not created in corresponding table in Search database yet (actually, I couldn't even find, where they are stored). In your case, ...
Alex Burdin's user avatar
2 votes

Crawl Properties & Managed Properties for my lookup site column's Title. why this is not being managed automatically

ows_ProjectDapartment is very likely the crawled property you are looking for. You will need to manually create the managed property for Lookup column as it is not created automatically. See this ...
Bunzab's user avatar
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2 votes

Content Search Web part not working properly for integer type of managed property

You need to map the site column of type number to either RefinableIntxx or RefinableDouble OOTB managed property. Once your crawled property is mapped to either of these managed property, you will be ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

Refinable string not searchable

you can modify the managed property , if that doesn't help. Suggest you to create new managed property and map it to any crawl property that you need (instead of using pre-defined Refinablestring01) ...
John Zachariah's user avatar
2 votes

Not getting Task List Columns under crawled Property

Some crawled properties will be created using internal names of columns. And the internal name of "Related Content" column is "WorkflowLink". So, check there will be ows_WorkflowLink and ...
SP Developer's user avatar
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2 votes

Metadata managed and crawled properties, finding the right one?

Re-index site-> On the site, click Settings > Site Settings. Under Search, click Search and offline availability. In the Reindex site section, click Reindex site. A warning appears, click Reindex ...
Akshay's user avatar
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2 votes

Managed property after full crawl is still empty

Make sure you have mapped the correct crawl property of the list column, like ows_InternalColumnName. Make sure the managed property is Retrievable. Reindex the list and start a full crawl, then ...
JoannaW_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

how i can create a Managed Property & Crawl Property for a List column of type Choice which allow multiple selection

Once the content is crawled, SharePoint should create Crawled Properties for you. If the column name is "category" the crawled property will be "ows_category". IIRC, this is also ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
2 votes

Why I got 2 crawl properties for a single line of text field?

You can find an official answer here: Configure refiners and faceted navigation in SharePoint Server When you search for a crawled property, you may find two crawled properties that represent the ...
jleture's user avatar
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1 vote

Metadata managed and crawled properties, finding the right one?

The internal name of the MMS site column will always be part of the crawled property name. So you can simply search for that. For MMS there are always two crawled properties: one containing the ...
Bernd Rickenberg's user avatar
1 vote

Search not showing results from 'Person or Group' field

I think,you need to create a separate a search vertical - people - and provide the sps3://ur_HTTP_URL in the content source. Also another option is that, you can create a managed property for this ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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1 vote

unable to see the managed property in Build Your Query SharePoint 2013

Be sure that for the Managed Property, under the Advanced button, you select the PeopleIdx. Otherwise the field will not be associated with People.
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
1 vote

Do I need to set IndexedPropertyKeys for each site?

Everything in the SharePoint world revolves around the site collection (SPSite) and it's boundaries. As such, when you defined custom properties from the property bag as IndexedPropertyKeys, you were ...
Cornelius J. van Dyk's user avatar
1 vote

SPOnline trouble mapping crawled and managed properties

I was cheated by my switch from SharePoint on premises to SharePoint Online. I was not going to the right place. url is like :
S61ze's user avatar
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1 vote

Crawled Properties - Difference between Basic:15 and Created

Basically that is how Microsoft has created default crawled properties, they have divided into categories and given property name(integer like 10, 12,15 etc). And there is type of each property like ...
Siddharth Vaghasia's user avatar

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