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SharePoint Online Search - Managed Property

Use one of "unused Managed Properties" named Int00 - Int49. Basic steps: Create a new Site ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
2 votes

How to Export search configuration from Site collection

We cannot export search configuration from central administration. If you want to move the search service application from one environment to another environment, you could back up the search ...
Amy_MSFT's user avatar
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2 votes

Managed Propoerties - Crawled Properties were NOT generated for renamed Title Columns of SPlists and document libraries

This is because you're not actually creating a new field, you're simply updating the DisplayName property of the Title field. Since crawled/managed properties already exist for the Title field, no new ...
Ornery Walrus's user avatar
1 vote

Refinable String managed property uneditable

In SharePoint Online, you can't create new managed properties. They are either created automatically, in case of Managed Metadata fields, or you have to re-use existing managed properties. You can ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
1 vote

Why Managed Properties for our site columns are not mapped to any crawl property

That is just the way it is now with SharePoint online. If you click into one of the automatically created managed properties you'll see a banner at the top that says: Automatically created managed ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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SharePoint Online Search - Add Site Title Refiner to Classic Search

First: There is not really much we can do to troubleshoot this issue since there are no logs to look into in SharePoint Online. Since the refiner works for SharePoint on-premise search results, I ...
Chelsea_MSFT's user avatar
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New Managed Property button is not visible so, i cannot add new managed property and edit old ones?

I found my answer by searching the internet. Mentioned in the link below. It is necessary to pay attention to Url. And I typed the url wrong. Site Level Schema - only view option is with this URL: /...
f_gulay's user avatar
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Search crawl generates IndexOutOfRangeException errors on all files

I also had this issue due to a recent security update that the server team installed. It was actually a CU for SP2016 that impacted Search schemas. MS Support was assisting me in narrowing down the ...
IT Happens's user avatar
1 vote

Make Multi-Line Plain Text field Searchable from AllItems Page

We use SharePoint 2013 and we had it a few times that this did not work either. In our case resetting the index and performing a fresh full crawl solved our issue. In case you try this and resetting ...
AM2FTW's user avatar
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Managed Property mapped to Crawled property appears twice in Search Schema?

ows_KBCategory = Text of the metadata field ows_taxId_KBCategory = Unique ID of the metadata term The ID property is used to get terms which are tagged or are a children of a term. So in your case ...
Christian Herzler's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a specific reason why Calculated column will have Crawled property while it will not have Managed Property

AFAIK, in 2013 calculated columns were not automatically promoted. (This feature was removed in 2016 & SPO.) All you need to do, since you have central admin access, is create your own Managed ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar

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