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Questions tagged [cal]

CAL stands for Client Access License, which is ..."a license that gives a user the right to access the services of the server." (-Microsoft)

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2 answers

Is Managed Navigation part of the Standard CAL for sharepoint on-premise 2013

I am working on a sharepoint server on-premise 2013, which have standard CAL license. and i added a new enterprise wiki site collection, where this enterprise wiki site collection will have Managed ...
John John's user avatar
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Partitioning Enterprise CAL Users from Standard CAL Users

From within a SharePoint farm how can users be partitioned so as to prevent Standard CAL users from Accessing Enterprise Features? Can this be done via simply enabling/disabling Enterprise Features ...
ChiliYago's user avatar
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How many CALs are needed?

ASP.NET web application makes requests to SharePoint search REST API using its application pool identity which can be either (for this scenario): Service account domain\serviceAccount Machine account ...
Alex Filipovici's user avatar
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How does CALs work for SharePoint 2016?

In a SharePoint 2016 farm design with 2 Web Front end servers 2 Application servers 1 SQL server with Always On 2 Query servers 2 Crawl servers 1 Office Online Server I need to understand how CAL ...
CodeAbaddon's user avatar
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Windows Server and Windows CAL License for SP 2013?

We are planning to set up a SP 2013 farm with 4 servers. 1 App 1 WFE 1 Search 1 Database Could someone explain what are the different licenses we would need for each server? e.g. Windows server ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Licenses - Definition of "External User"

I understand an "external user" does not require license cals but I seem to be reading conflicting things on what constitutes external users. What is the definition of an external user? A person ...
Submits's user avatar
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Trying to understand SharePoint Enterprise CAL

I am a SharePoint developer for few years, but this is my project where I need to install SP2013. Before installing, I am trying to understand the SP licenses. Currently I have SharePoint Server 2013 ...
Kalai's user avatar
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How to install Sharepoint CALs?

If my company has a SPLA license with access to Sharepoint 2013 media\install key available how do you go about purchasing\installing user CALs? I'm coming from my experience with Terminal Servers \ ...
Floyd's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Enterprise CALs and Enterprirse Agreement semantics

Backstory: I have a customer that has x number of SharePoint eCALS as part of their EA, and 0 Standard CALs as part of the same EA. The question: Given that eCALs are additive, should their EA ...
Chuck's user avatar
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2 answers

Definitive List Of SharePoint Enterprise Features For Licensing Purposes

Is there a definitive list of SharePoint 2010 Features that cause liability for Enterprise CAL's? (i.e. I want to know all the Enterprise feature names and all the standard feature names so that I ...
motionpotion's user avatar
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When will SharePoint 2013 will officially be available for Organizations to roll-out as Intranet and Public facing?

We all know SharePoint 2013 is now RTM. Do we know if Volume Licensing customers with Software Assurance (SA) will be able to download SharePoint 2013 on-premise through the Volume Licensing Service ...
Geek's user avatar
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Number of SharePoint CAL for API use

We are going to purchase a third party-server software (with a web front end) that is going to connect to SharePoint using its public API and I was wondering how many additional SharePoint device CAL ...
laurent kubaski's user avatar
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Is there a licence issue using the "All authorised users" type of permission group?

Is there a licence issue using the "All authorised users" type of permission group? Does it require extra CALs or is it just a synonym that doesn't matter?
Hugh Wood's user avatar
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