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How does CALs work for SharePoint 2016?

In a SharePoint 2016 farm design with 2 Web Front end servers 2 Application servers 1 SQL server with Always On 2 Query servers 2 Crawl servers 1 Office Online Server I need to understand how CAL ...
CodeAbaddon's user avatar
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Windows Server and Windows CAL License for SP 2013?

We are planning to set up a SP 2013 farm with 4 servers. 1 App 1 WFE 1 Search 1 Database Could someone explain what are the different licenses we would need for each server? e.g. Windows server ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Enterprise CALs and Enterprirse Agreement semantics

Backstory: I have a customer that has x number of SharePoint eCALS as part of their EA, and 0 Standard CALs as part of the same EA. The question: Given that eCALs are additive, should their EA ...
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