Have a cross-site publishing site set up. Mostly working well. We have a few items that are exhibiting strange return results. They are in a document library and have similar titles.
Process Number One — Agile
Process Number One — Waterfall
If I search on "Process Number One Agile" I only get the first result, if I search on "Process Number One Waterfall" I get the second one.
If I search on "Process Number One" I only get the first result when I would expect both to be returned. At the bottom of the results it says "1 result."
The odd thing is that the refiner/facets along the side show 2 results, so it knows there should be two.
If I query based on my managed properties it shows the same behavior.
path:"thepath/List/" AND ListItemID:169 <-- one correct result
path:"thepath/List/" AND ListItemID:168 <-- one correct result
path:"thepath/List/" AND (ListItemID:169 OR ListItemID:168) <-- only one result
At first I thought it was because they had an em dash in the title, but changing the titles didn't fix that. I've reindexed my library. And they are working individually it is just when they are together.
Anybody have an idea what is going on?